I tried keto for two weeks ,this is what happened


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Approximate reading time 2 minutes. 阅读时间大约2分钟)


I officially ended my two-week keto experiment. Boy, aren’t I glad. It is certainly an interesting and somewhat challenging experience for both me and my husband.


Let’s first take a look at what’s on our dining table for these two weeks.

我们完全没有吃任何谷物和淀粉类蔬菜,包括⾯包,普通的面食和意粉,⼤米,马铃薯,红薯,芋头,南瓜等, 甚至是豆类。并不是所有的这些东西生酮都绝不允许吃,(但简单碳水还是不要吃),但我实在是没有时间和耐心去纪录我的碳水摄入量来保证在一定范围之内(⼀般是每天50克以内),所以决定两个星期这些东西全都不吃。

We completely avoided grains and starch vegetables, including bread, regular pasta and noodles, rice, potato, sweet potato, taro, pumpkin, etc. even beans and lentils. It’s not that you absolutely cannot eat any of these foods on keto (though simple carbohydrates should be avoided), because I don’t have the time or patience carefully tracking my carbs intake to make sure it is kept under a certain level (about 50 grams), so I decided to cut them out completely for two weeks.


Most of the food we ate were vegetables and protein and healthy fats: free-range eggs, grass-fed meat, cheese, avocado, nuts, seeds, and all kinds of non-starch vegetables. The only fruits we had were low-glycemic: blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, kiwi, passion fruits.

在生酮的开始很多人都会有⼀些强烈的想吃某种东西的欲望。我的这种感觉并不强烈,但还是觉得缺点什么。不太清楚自己是想吃什么东西,但不是糖, 因为我并不想吃任何甜食或糕点。

It’s very normal for people to have cravings at the beginning of keto diet. I did not have severe craving, but did feel I was lacking something. I did not quite know what. It was not really sugar that I craved, as I did not want any desserts or sweets.


I also felt thirsty. When you limit carbohydrates, your insulin level drops, and when that happens, your body responds by excreting more sodium in the urine. So being thirsty is actually a normal part of going keto at the beginning.


For my husband, he did not show any craving at all, but did make the comment “oh, this kiwi is exploding in my mouth, it’s so sweet”. Well, he never thought kiwi was sweet before. I guess the sweet taste buds are accentuated when you limit your sugar intake.


“Keto-flu” is these flu-like symptoms many people experience when first trying keto. When you switch from burning sugar to burning fat as the main source of energy, your body is in shock and needs time to adapt. Think of the time you quit something cold turkey, whether it is smoking or coffee. There is some withdrawal period, as your body needs to get used to it. Another reason for keto-flu is a lot of toxins are stored in the fat tissues, so as the fat is broken down, some toxins may be released and this could also cause unpleasant symptoms.


I myself did not experience any keto-flu, probably because I was already in a mild ketosis due to my intermittent fasting practice, and I really don’t have that much fat. My husband did experience some mild symptoms for about two to three days: fatigue, sore throat, running nose. But it quickly went away.


As I mentioned in our last article, I want to start this keto thing mainly for brain health reasons. So did I see a dramatic boost of my brain power? Not really. I feel my normal energy and sharpness, but it did not suddenly give me photographic memory. Its effect on the brain is probably more subtle and long-term.


Overall, my digestion was great, sleep was good, and maintained pretty good brain power.

我的目标不是减肥,所以要说减肥,得说说我老公。 首先,他达到酮症状态的时间要比我长。我想这和我每天的14小时断食应该是有关系的。第三天我就达到了我比较理想的酮症状态(高于1)。但我老公在很低的酮症(0.20.3)徘徊了⼀周的时间才开始提升。

My goal was not weight loss, so I have to turn to my husband on that front. First, it took him much longer to get into ketosis than I did. I think my daily 14 hour fasting helped me. I got in a deeper ketosis on the third day. But my husband stayed in a very low ketosis level (0.2 to 0.3) for about a week before going deeper.


Over the time of these two weeks, his waistline shrank and he lost some weight, but both were minor. Only about 0.5 kg of weight left him. However, three days after it was over, when I am writing this article, he happily reported he lost another kg.


I’m happy I did this. Now I know what a deeper ketosis feels like. However I don’t plan on continuing. I believe we can all learn something from every diet philosophy, but I do not want to strictly adhere to any single diet, and I don’t believe there is a single diet out there that is the best for every single person. Plus, to get to my 70% fat goal, I was eating much more meat and cheese than I am comfortable with, and I miss my pumpkin and my lentils too much!


On the day I ended keto, I had a huge piece of steamed pumpkin. Tastes like heaven.