Meet Chengfou:
It’s always a challenge to answer the question: who am I?
A woman juggling responsibility and aspiration, a learning fanatic, an incorrigible believer in self-empowerment, a relentless personal development advocate.
I’ve had a very conventional life trajectory: a good student, studying abroad, a stable job. That resulted in me earning two Master’s degree, working for two huge companies, and living on three continents. But none of that brought me joy or fulfillment.
我有着很传统的人生轨迹:拼命读书,国外镀金,一份稳定的工作。 于是有了两个硕士学位,有了给两个超大公司工作和生活在三大洲的经历。 但是这些都没有带给我真正的快乐或满足。
After going through multiple personal health challenges and having close family members fall gravely ill, I took a deep dive into the natural and alternative healing world, and found myself shocked, inspired and enlightened. Out of the desperate desire to share, to educate and to empower, I decided to break away from conventions, and dedicate myself to helping people heal, achieve balance and find joy. Heng Living was born.
经历了多年个人健康危机和亲人重病之后,纵身跳入自然和另类疗法的世界,眼界大开,倍感震惊,同时深受启发。 急切地想通过分享帮助更多的人,于是决定脱离传统轨迹,致力于帮人找到最为自然的康复之路,拥有生活的平衡,重拾生活的喜悦。衡生活诞生了。
As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, certified by the biggest nutrition school in the United States: Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I take a holistic approach to helping people achieve long lasting health. Aside from diet, we also work together to look at other aspects of life that impacts health: including sleep, emotional resilience, spiritual growth, relationships, exercise, etc.
作为一名由美国最大的营养学院(美国综合营养研究所)认证的综合健康指导师,我从全方位的视角来帮助人们实现持久的健康。 除了饮食之外,我们还会一起探讨影响健康的其他层面:包括睡眠,情绪,精神成长,人际关系,运动等。
I hope the following FAQ will give you a better idea of how I can help you. You can also contact our customer service to schedule a free one-on-one coaching session with me.
Integrative Health Coaching FAQ:
What does an integrative health coach do?
Integrative health coaches help people make positive, lasting, and long-term changes to better their health and life through advice, motivation, support and encouraging self-discovery.
Will I be told a certain diet to follow?
No. We believe there is no single magic diet for all the people. Everybody is biologically different. We help you figure out the best way of eating for you.
不是。我们相信没有一种饮食适合所有人。 每个人都是一个独特的个体。 我们会帮你发现什么样的饮食对你最合适。
Do health coaches only focus on nutrition?
Nutrition is an important part of being healthy, but we approach health holistically and will support you with various lifestyle habits.
Does health coaching help me manage my illness?
We don’t diagnose or prescribe. We support you in making positive changes that are conducive to healing from sickness and maintaining good health.
我们不诊断疾病,也不开具药方。 我们帮你做出帮助身体恢复健康的生活方式和习惯的改变。