(全⽂阅读时间约为2分钟。Approximate reading time 2 minutes)
Cancer is a heavy topic. It is a personal one. I guess it is a personal topic for everybody. I have yet to meet somebody whose life has not been either directly or indirectly impacted by cancer. Not a single person. I am helping a loved one recover from cancer. I lost my mom to cancer, or I should say, to the treatment of cancer. I often thought to myself, if I knew what I know now, would mom still be with me?
我越来越相信,癌症并不是我们很多⼈所理解的⼀种不治之症。⼏乎所有的⼈都将癌症视为可怕的,尽⼀切所能要赶尽杀绝的外敌。在美国, 尼克松总统在1971年向癌症宣战, 他说, 如果我们可以将⼀个原⼦分裂,如果我们可以登⽉,那我们应该⽤同样的专注战胜癌症这个可怕的疾病。50年以后,花费了巨⼤资源之后,战果如何呢?
As I came to understand and believe, cancer is not a disease we have made it out to be. Almost everybody has regarded it as the feared enemy and invader that we need to fight and eradicate. In US, Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971. He stated, if we can split an atom, if we can send men to the moon, we should use the same concentrated efforts to conquer this dreaded disease. 50 years later, after vast resources are spent, how did it turn out?
Cancer is still the number two killer. According to CDC, one in every men and one in every three women will develop or die from cancer in their lifetime.
Almost all the doctors tell you they don’t know why somebody gets cancer, and all they could prescribe are the standard chemo, radiation, and surgery, with a single focus: to kill the cancer cells. If none of that works, they are out of tools and you are out of luck.
Do we need a paradigm shift?
It’s about time.
In fact, we have much more knowledge about cancer today than ever before, including its causes, treatments and prevention. What we really needis to approach it holistically, not merely tweaking the components of the next chemo therapy.
Like so many other illnesses, the standard care tries to manage symptoms rather than addressing the underlying root causes. Nowhere else is this approach more disastrous than the treatment of cancer. Cancer is the ultimate SOS cry of the body, and if all we are doing is to drown out the cry,we are not really going anywhere.
We’re going to share in depth in the “Cancer Series” what we have learned and researched over the years. Some of our views may be controversial. But as long as what we share makes a difference for even one person, it’s all worth it.
让我们从⼀本书开始,这本书对我触动很⼤。凯利 • 特纳第⼀次读到⼀个她叫做“癌症完全缓解”故事的时候,正在旧⾦⼭⼀家⼤的癌症研究医院⾥做癌症咨询辅导。”完全缓解“一般是指那些没有经过传统治疗,却从晚期癌症中完全康复的案例。
Let’s start with a book that has deeply touched me. Kelly Turner was counseling cancer patients at a large cancer research hospital in San Francisco when she first read about what she calls a “radical remission” story, one of those instances where somebody overcame advanced cancer without conventional treatments.
这激发了她极⼤的兴趣,于是她开始做更多的研究。但很快她就开始感到沮丧。她能找到的信息很少,⽽且⼤部分医⽣对于这些⼈是如何康复的根本就不感兴趣。有些医⽣甚⾄会告诉这些康复的病⼈不要去和那些候诊病⼈说他们的故事,以免给予他们“不切实际的希望“。后来,当⼀个31岁患三期乳腺癌,有两个双胞胎⼩孩的妈妈绝望地恳求她“ 你就告诉我该怎么做,做什么我愿意。我不想让我的孩⼦从小就没有妈妈”的时候,特纳下定决⼼,她会尽她⼀⽣所能,去研究那些从癌症中完全康复的⼈的故事。
She was intrigued and started digging into this topic, but soon found herself frustrated. There was very little information out there. What’s more,she came to realize a lot of the doctors of those survivors had no interest in understanding how their patients got better. A few of them even outright told their patients not to share their experiences with the people in the waiting room in order not to give “false hope”. The last straw came when a 31-years old mom broke down in front of her. She had advanced stage 3 breast cancer. With younger toddler twins, she was desperate to get help. She pleaded with Turner: “Just tell me what to do. I’ll do anything. I don’t want my children growing up without a mother”. That’s when she decided to dedicate her life investigating those stories of supposedly miraculous cancer recovery.
Then the book “Radical Remission” was born. She defines “radical remission” this way:
• 完全没有经过任何传统治疗,癌症彻底消失;或者
Somebody’s cancer disappears without any conventional treatment; or
• 经过传统治疗,但没有效果,然后通过其它另类疗法⽽康复;或者Somebody tries conventional treatment, which did not work, then tries alternative treatments, which then leads to a remission; or)
• 同时利⽤传统治疗和另类疗法,在存活⼏率少于25%的情况下康复Somebody uses conventional and alternative methods at the same time and beat the odds of a dire prognosis (i.e. a less than 25% chance of fiveyear survival)
Turner travelled the globe, interviewing more than a hundred survivors, researching more than a thousand written cases and talking to fifty alterative healers. She identifified more than seventy five factors that supposedly played a role in the remission. But there are nine factors that kept showing up for almost every survivor. In the book, she talked about the following 9 factors. We’ll talk about them in more depth in the future. For now, these 9 factors are:
(Radically changing your diet)
⼤部分的康复者都做了下⾯四个改变:The majority of those survivors did the following dietary changes:
• ⼤量减少或者完全不吃:糖类,⾁类,乳类和加⼯⻝品。Greatly reducing or eliminating sugar, meat, dairy, and refifined foods;
• ⼤量增加蔬菜和⽔果。Greatly increasing vegetable and fruit intake;
• 吃有机⻝品;Eating organic foods,
•喝经过过滤的⽔Drinking filtered water
(Taking control of your health)
These people did not just listen to the doctors and only did what they were told to do. They did their own research, and sometimes even went against the doctor’s orders. They took their health into their own hands and are willing to make changes.
(Following your intuition)
They believed that the body has an innate ability to heal and knows what it needs in order to heal. That’s why it’s important to listen to your intuition. Many survivors believe it is critical to check with their intuitions before making any treatment plan.
(Using herbs and supplements)
Instead of trying to kill the cancer cells as what the standard treatments would do, a lot of herbs and supplements work to boost the person’s own system to fight off cancer.
( Releasing suppressed emotions)
被压制的情绪,⽐如压⼒,恐惧和愤怒,对于健康极为有害。所以, 将这些情绪释放出来是整个康复过程很重要的⼀部分。
Suppressed emotions, especially stress, fear, and anger can be detrimental to your health. therefore, realeasing suppressed emotions is an important part of the healing journey.
(Increasing positive emotions)
Positive emotions are the best and cheapest medicine. In addition to releasing suppressed emotions, they also try to bring in more joy and happiness into their lives.
(Embracing social support)
Connection and love is part of being huamn. Nowhere is it more important than when you are sick. None of the survivors went through the healing by themsleves. They all needed love and support from families, friends and other people around them.
(Deepening your spiritual connection)
Whether you are religious or not, feeling a deeper or higher connection with this world could be very healing. These survivors looked inside themselves and found connection with the life force that was bigger than themselves.
(Having strong reasons for living)
Not wanting to die is different than wanting to keep having real living experience. In the author’s own words “ These people did not so much have a fear of death as a zest for living”.
后来特纳拍摄了同样名字的纪录⽚。在纪录⽚⾥,她加上了另外⼀个第10个因素:运动。她意识到,所有这些康复者都经常运动。也许不像是跑个5英⾥那样剧烈, 但他们都在情况允许的条件下尽可能地多锻炼身体。
Later in the documentaries Turner produced with the same title as the book, she added another factor: exercise. She realized all these people exercises regulary. It may not be as vigorous as running 5 miles, but they all did what their bodies allowed them to do at any moment.
如果回头看看这⼗个因素,你会注意到只有三个和身体本身有关,其它七个都是精神层⾯的改变。这⼜⼀次验证了, 我们的情绪和思维是多么⼤的强⼤,它可以给你疾病,也可以给你健康。
If you look at all these 10 factors, you may notice only three are physical, and all other 7 are related to the shift in your mind. Once again, it tells us, our mind is hugely powerful. It can make us sick, and it can make us well.
We will explain these factors in more details in our future posts and give you some action steps you can take.