Slash your cancer risk by 45% with this food
这种食物让你的癌症风险减少45%Slash your cancer risk by 45% with this food

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OK, 不再卖关⼦了。它就是我们到处可见的可以天天吃到的东西:蘑菇。

No more suspense. It is a food widely available and you can eat it every day: mushrooms.

我们可能都知道蘑菇的好处,但刚刚发表的⼀篇迄今为⽌最⼤的关于蘑菇和癌症的荟萃分析量化了这种好处:与那些没有吃蘑菇的⼈相⽐,每天吃18克蘑菇的⼈患癌症的风险降低 45%。你不需要吃很多:18克⼤约相当于两个中等⼤⼩的蘑菇。

We probably all know mushrooms are good for you, but the largest meta-analysis on mushrooms and cancer ever that just got published quantified the benefit: people who ate 18 grams of mushrooms per day had a 45 percent lower risk of cancer compared to those who didn’t eat mushrooms. You don’t even need a lot: 18 grams is about equivalent to two medium-sized mushrooms.


The benefit of mushrooms in preventing and treating cancer has garnered a lot of attention in the past several decades. This report looked at 17 studies from 1966 to 2020, and included over 19,500 cancer patients.

报告发现,蘑菇对于乳腺癌有着最为明显的预防效果。但这并不是第⼀个有这个发现的报告。早在2009 年,珀斯西澳大利亚大学的研究⼈员对 2000 名中国⼥性进行了⼀项研究。其中⼀半⼈曾患过乳腺癌。在排除其他变量后,他们发现,每天⾄少吃三分之⼀盎司的新鲜蘑菇(大约每天⼀个蘑菇)的⼥性患乳腺癌的可能性降低 64%。如果再与经常喝绿茶相结合,风险会进⼀步降低令⼈震惊的89%

The strongest association was found between mushrooms and breast cancer. But this is not the first major study that had this founding. In 2009, researchers from the University of Western Australia in Perth conducted a study of 2,000 Chinese women. Half of them had suffered from breast cancer. After factoring out other variables, they found that women who eat at least a third of an ounce of fresh mushrooms every day (about one mushroom per day) were 64% less likely to develop breast cancer. If you combine that with regular consumption of green tea, the risk is further reduced by an astounding 89%.


Mushroom’s protection against breast cancer is thought to be related to an enzyme called aromatase, which produces estrogen, and mushrooms inhibit this enzyme. Several varieties of mushrooms, including the commonly available white button and portobello mushrooms, have strong anti-aromatase activity.

(白蘑菇,white mushroom)

(波多贝罗蘑菇,portobello mushroom)


But mushroom’s protective property is not just for hormone-dependent cancers, it extends to other types of cancers as well. Although the research on why mushrooms have such health promoting and cancer preventing properties is still ongoing, it is understood that some mushrooms contain specialized lectins that prevent cancer cells from growing and dividing. Mushroom beta-glucans interact with immune cells, promoting an anti-tumor immune response. In addition, white, cremini, portobello, oyster, maitake, and reishi mushrooms each contain bioactive compounds with the potential for anti-cancer activity. These mushroom phytochemicals have anti-angiogenic, anti-proliferative, and other anti-cancer effects.


If something is good at preventing cancer, you can imagine it has to have other health benefits as well.  In fact, mushrooms also strengthen immune system and protect the brain from oxidative stress.


So how do we make sure we reap the benefits of this wonderful food?


First of all, you don’t need to eat a lot, but try to eat it often, as close to daily as possible. Saute and soup are the easiest and most delicious way of enjoying them.


Don’t put them in your salad! Avoid eating them raw. Raw mushrooms come with a natural toxin called agaritine, which is destroyed when cooking.


You don’t need to go to the exotic and expensive varieties to get its biggest  benefit. In fact many plain looking and widely available mushroom have very strong cancer preventive effect. One study found that white button mushroom, the kind you can find in any grocery store, is the best at preventing breast cancer.


If you don’t like the taste of mushroom or cannot eat it fresh every day, it may make sense to take a supplement. With supplements, you can have mushrooms that are not as readily  available, such as reishi, chaga, lion’s mane, etc. For people who have cancer, a mushroom supplement may very well be part of the treatment regimen. For example, AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) is a supplement with a group of chemicals that are taken from certain mushrooms and is commonly incorporated into cancer treatment in Japan.


Sometimes small things in life can have a big impact on our health. Now, go eat some mushrooms!


• Djibril M Ba, Paddy Ssentongo, Robert B Beelman, Joshua Muscat, Xiang Gao, John P Richie, Jr.: Higher Mushroom Consumption Is Associated with Lower Risk of Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

• Food Revolution Network: Amazing Study: Mushrooms Reduce Breast Cancer by 64%

• Seema Patel 1 and Arun Goyal2: Recent developments in mushrooms as anti-cancer therapeutics: a review

• Joel Furhman: Mighty Mushrooms: Boost Immune Function and Brain Health and Guard Against Cancer

• Baiba J Grube,3 Elizabeth T. Eng, Yeh-Chih Kao, Annette Kwon and Shiuan Chen: White Button Mushroom Phytochemicals Inhibit Aromatase Activity and Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation

• Nutrition Facts: Breat Cancer Prevention: Which Mushroom is Best”

• Nutrition Facts: Toxins in Raw Mushrooms?