This will help you sleep better


If you chronically struggle with sleep, I bet you have already read a lot about “sleep hygiene”: the practices that you are supposed to follow before bedtime to ensure you have a good night rest. But that’s not what I’m going to talk about here, though it is very very important. What you should do to induce good slumber does not just start a few hours before you hit the sack, it should start the moment you open your eyes in the morning.


I would like you to understand how light affects your sleep cycle and how you can use light to help you sleep better.


The importance of light to human survival and health does not need my explanation. As far as sleep is concerned, light is critical to setting our circadian rhythm and determining when and how well we sleep.

我们眼睛中⼤多数的光线接收器都是在负责识别形状、亮度和颜⾊,让我们可以到周边的东西。然而,有大约 1%  2% 的接收器则有着完全不同的⼯作,与视觉无关。它们负责告诉身体⼀天中的时间,并调节我们身体相对的⽣物反应。这些受体被称为⿊视蛋⽩。你有可能从来没听说过这个词,因为科学家发现这个东⻄还不到20年!

The majority of the light receptors in our eyes are responsible for identifying shapes, brightness and colors, so we can actually see. However, about 1 to 2% of the receptors have a completely different job that has nothing do with seeing, but have everything to do with telling the body what time of the day it is and regulating how our bodies should respond. These receptors are called “melanopsin”. You may have never heard of it, because they were discovered by the scientist less than 20 years ago!


The cells that contain melanopsin respond to light and darkness, even when the eyes are closed. When light hits these cells, cells send electronic signals to the midbrain, which then acts to resize the pupil. When the signals arrive in hour hypothalamus, which is the area that control our circadian rhythm, it then decides how the body should respond, whether to release melatonin to prepare you for sleep, or rev up the energy level to make sure you are ready for activities.


This tells us the importance of light in regulating our sleep cycle. This is how our ancestors have always lived: get up when the sun is up, wind down when the sun goes down. But in the modern world, we have confused the hell out of our circadian rhythm, by staying indoors with artificial light in day time, and use artificial lights at night to prolong waking time. No wonder so many people have sleep problems and find it hard to have the restorative sleep they desperately need.

利用光线帮助睡眠的最佳⽅法之⼀是让自己在早晨接触⾃然光。最好是早上⼀起来就做,但如果这很困难,试着在早上抽出⼀些时间到外⾯去。开动一下你的创造力:在阳台上用早餐?提前⼀站下地铁,步行到办公室?上午利用⼯作的间歇,到外⾯去?早⼀点起床?在室外⾄少10  20 分钟的时间,当然时间越长越好。

One of the best ways to use light to help with your sleep is to expose yourself to natural light in the morning. It would be the best to do it first thing in the morning, but if that is difficult, try to fit in some time in the morning to be outside. Get creative, have your breakfast on the balcony?get off the subway one station earlier and walk to the office?take a morning work break and get outside?get up a little earlier?Make sure you spend at least 10 to 20 minutes, of course, longer is better.

如果多云或下⾬怎么办?你仍然需要到室外去!光亮度的测量单位为勒克斯。你知道吗,即便是阴天,室外的光亮可以达到1万勒克斯左右。但即使在灯光明亮的百货公司,也只是 400  500勒克斯左右的光亮。没想到,是不是?所以说,即使在阴天的户外呆上10分钟,对你调整⽣物钟仍然有很⼤帮助。

What if it is cloudy or rains? You still need to do it. The measurement of light brightness is called “lux”. Do you know, even on a cloudy day, it’s going to be around 10,000 lux outside. But in a department store with bright lit lights, what you get is only around 400 to 500 lux. Surprising, isn’t it? Therefore, even 10 minutes outside on an overcast day will still help you synchronize your circadian rhythm.


Then there is the blue light in the evening that messes us up. Melanopsin we have talked about above is particularly sensitive to blue light. Even without continuous exposure to phones, tablets and computer, just the indoor light bulbs are very disruptive to our sleep cycle. Your brain and body are confused: shall I or shall I not start releasing melatonin? Seems it’s time, but it still feels like day time! I have read research that links blue light exposure to difficulty of losing weight, because the light makes the brain think it’s still far away from rest time, so the brain tells the body it’s still day time and the body is saying: I need more energy, I need more food!


Just like you need natural light exposure in the morning, you need to protect your eyes from the onslaught of blue light in the evening. Stop looking at screens, preferably, at least two hours before you go to bed. Better yet, use blue-light-blocking glasses. I start putting on my regular blue-light-blocking glasses at dusk, then put on my more heavy-duty, goggle-like glasses 1 to 2 hours before bed time. These glasses not only block blue light, they also block other spectrums of light that interferes with sleep, including green light, making everything look reddish, thus mimicking the light at dusk. These tools have helped me tremendously during my insomnia recovery days. I can even feel the difference it makes if I put the goggle on one hour before bed vs two hours before bed. I still use them every day.


But different people may have completely different circadian rhythms, right? You may say. We cannot all be completely in sync with natural lights? Aren’t some people night owls and some morning larks? Yes, people are different and may have different wake-and-sleep cycles, and they should be taken into consideration. However, it may not be nearly as fixed as you might think.

2013 年,在科罗拉多⼤学博尔德分校进行的⼀项研究中,⼋名睡眠周期截然不同的⼈在荒野中露营了⼀个星期。在这⼀个星期⾥,他们接触到的所有光线只是自然光和篝⽕。研究的发现非常令⼈震惊。尽管参与者的睡眠时间⼤不相同,但所有⼋个⼈都随着自然的⽇出和日落而改变了他们的⽣物钟。他们平均⽐平时早睡了⼤约两个小时。

In 2013, in a study conducted by University of Colorado-Boulder, eight people, with quite different sleep cycles, camped in the wilderness for one week. During this week, the only light they were exposed to were natural lights and campfire. What they have found was quite shocking. Despite very different “regular” sleep schedules, all eight people shifted their circadian rhythm in sync with the natural sunrise and sunset. On average, they fell asleep about two hours earlier than in their normal lives.

Sasha Stephens 轻松睡眠方法的作者。(这本书很棒,对于我克服睡眠问题有极⼤帮助)她曾经坚信她不是⼀个喜欢早起的人。她甚至因为这个原因决定放弃正常的朝九晚五的⼯作。但是在克服了睡眠问题之后,现在的她喜欢⼀⼤早起床,简直就是从床上一跃而起

Sasha Stephens, the author of the wonderful book “The Effortless Sleep Method”, which helped me a great deal in overcoming my sleep problems, used to firmly believe she is not a morning person. She even decided to give up a normal 9 to 5 job to work for herself for this very reason. But now, with no more sleep problems, she loves getting up early in the morning and literally jumps out of bed!


So the problem may not be that you are just born a night person, it may have something to do with the habits and beliefs you have planted in yourself for a very long time.


To recap, do these to make use of light to help you fall sleep faster and stay sleep longer:

• ⽩天尽可能多地接触⾃然光,尤其是在早上。

• 在晚上⼊睡前⾄少两⼩时将电⼦设备关掉。是的,它们也应该有⼀个睡眠时间!

• 睡前⾄少⼀⼩时,戴上防蓝光眼镜或调暗灯光,或使⽤红灯,保护你的眼睛免受蓝光和其他强光的伤害,帮助你的身体分泌褪⿊素。

• Get as much exposure to natural light as possible in the day, especially in the morning.

• Put your electronic gadgets to bed at least two hours before you turn off your lights. Yes,they have a bed time too!

• Protect your eyes from blue lights and other bright lights at least one hour before going to bed, by wearing special glasses or dimming your lights, or using red lights. This will help your body produce melatonin.‍


If your sleep problems are not severe and not chronic, these new habits may very well solve a big part of the problems. However, if you have chronic sleep issues, and you have become anxious over the whole idea of sleeping, these will push you in the right direction, but will unlikely address the root causes and make you overcome insomnia forever. What severe insomniacs need is to tackle the problem from all angles: mental, habits, sleep hygiene, beliefs, nutrition, etc. Aside from my own journey of beating insomnia forever, I have successfully counseled people overcoming their severe sleep problems.  I offer one free coaching session.  If you are interested, please get in contact with our customer service WeChat below.