My first REHIT experience

高强度间歇训练HIIT很多人都比较熟悉了,但我们在上一篇文章中谈到的低运动量高强度间歇训练(REHIT)并不是人人都知道。我自己会时不时地做下HIIT,但却从来没有做过 REHIT。所以在写了上篇文章之后我决定将之付诸实践。

HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training, is something that many people are familiar with.  What we talked about in the last writing: REHIT: Reduced Exertion High Intensity Training is probably not.  I myself have had HIIT training from time to time, but not REHIT.  So I decided to put it into practice after writing the last article.


I don’t have a Carol bike.  So first, I need to decide on the form of cardio.  If I go for running or rope jumping, or following cardio videos, it would be too much hassle to check the watch all the time to make sure I’m reaching the target heart rate.  For this time, I decided to use a stationary bike.

它不像 Carol 那样由 AI 驱动,但我想我可以做到很接近。阻力等级的调节不是通过旋钮,而是通过离我的手很近的两个按钮。

It’s not AI powered as Carol is, but I think I can get it close.  The adjustment of resistance level is not by a knob, but by two buttons, and they are close to my hands.


This is key, as it is really easy for me to adjust up and down the resistance.  Of course, by gripping the handle, I can see my heart rate on the screen at all times.


Then, I need to decide on the target heart rate.  Honestly, I thought I could reach my calculated heart rate at first.  But that ambition was thrown out of the window about 2 to 3 minutes into the warm-up.  The heart rate on the screen is climbing rather slowly in spite of my good effort.  Then I realized, my everyday workout most of the time has been walking, yoga, and Tai Qi.  How am I going to go from that to my calculated heart rate in just one day?  It’s not just difficult, it could even be harmful: too much stress on the body.  So I decided to go for a less ambitious goal. 

我计算出的高强度心率(基于年龄的最大心率的 80%)接近 140。但我平时静息心率非常低:低于 60。所以我决定第一次先是达到 120 左右。

My calculated high intensity heart rate (80% of maximum heart rate based on age) is close to 140.  But I have a very low resting heart rate: less than 60.  So I told myself I will try to reach around 120, depending on how I feel.


I started to crank up the resistance and pedal harder and harder.  When it was close to 120, my legs began to feel sore, my mouth was dry, and I felt my heart pounding loudly.  So 120 it is!  I told myself.  Then when the number hit 120, I tried hard to maintain the speed and started counting in my head.


1, 2, 3 … 20!  Time to rest!  Resistance level down, speed lower.  I felt a small sense of achievement.  I haven’t done this kind of strenuous cardio for a while, and it felt good.


After about 5 to 6 minutes slowly pedaling, I decided to go for the second round.

第二轮之后我花了更长的时间来恢复体力。整个训练总共花了大约 16 分钟。

I took a little longer to recover after the second round.  Altogether, it took me about 16 minutes.

严格来说,这可能不算是真正意义上的 REHIT但是,不同的人有不同的最大心率。年龄只是一个因素。你还需要考虑到你的整体健康水平、运动历史、当前的身体状况和平时的正常静息心率。你确实是需要挑战自己,但也不能太过而得不偿失。

Strictly speaking, this perhaps is not REHIT in its original sense.  However, different people have different maximum heart rates.  Age is just one factor.  You also need to take into consideration your overall fitness level, your exercise history, your physical condition, and your normal resting heart rate.  Make sure you push yourself, but not too extreme to cause harm.


Having said that, I do plan to continue and raise my target heart rate gradually.


Happy REHITing!  And please do share your experiences with us by joining our support group if you have tried.