How to boost immunity in face of the new pandemic wave

(阅读时间⼤约3分钟。Approximate reading time 3 minutes)


Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)


Just when you think we’ve turned the corner and are finally on the way back to “normal” state  of affairs, bam! Another new wave, another new variant. The fear and worry that have been  subsiding returned. Control measures were reinitiated. Trips were canceled. We are once again back to square one.  

很难在所有的噪⾳,恐惧和感染攀升的消息中保持冷静。 我们知道,即使是疫苗也无法完全保证你可以不会被染或传染给别⼈。(参阅历史文章:有了疫苗就可以歌舞升平了?没那么简单)强大的免疫力是我们现在可以拥有的最有力的武器。担心和焦虑只能适得其反。那么在目前这种状况下增强免疫力的最佳方法是什么呢?有哪些东西我们可以在⽇常生活里比较容易做到呢?

It’s hard to keep calm in all the noise, fear, and all the news about climbing infection rates. We  know that even vaccination does not completely protect you from getting the virus or  spreading it. (See our article: What If The World Is Wrong?) Having a strong immunity is the  strongest weapon we can have right now. Being worried and stressed does just the opposite.  So what are the best ways to boost immunity in this situation? What are the concrete things we can actually do?  

我曾多次引用过扎克·布什医生 (Dr. Zach Bush) , 他列出了⼀些可以帮助你保持身体健康的一些生活方式的准则,我感觉非常有借鉴意义: 

Dr. Zach Bush, who I’ve quoted many times, gave a rundown of lifestyle cornerstones for good  health that I think anybody can incorporate into their daily life: 

  1. 良好的睡眠。保证每周至少有5天可以有8⼩时左右的睡眠。 
  2. 新闻少看或不看。我曾经是个新闻迷,每天会在各种媒体上花几个小时的时间。如今,我每天只花10分钟听听金融时报的头条。制造轰动是媒体必须的本职⼯作。因为只有这样,只有触动你内⼼深处的情绪,它们才能吸引你的注意力。而恐惧则往往是容易被触动的情绪之⼀。
  3. 尽可能多进⾏户外活动。
  4. 摄⼊充足的⽔分。
  5. 不喝酒,或者每天至多⼀杯。
  6. 和喜欢的⼈⼀起享⽤真正的⻝物。如果你吃的东西来自⼀个贴着营养标签的袋⼦,那很可能它只是类似⻝品的“物质”而不是真正的⻝物。⼀个胡萝卜永远不需要贴上营养标签。需要记住,怎么吃,和谁⼀起吃饭⽐吃什么更为重要。
  7. 避免过度加⼯⻝品和添加的糖分。
  8. 每天⾄少花10分钟时间做⼀些发挥你创意的事情。当我在进⾏健康咨询师的培训时,学校教的12大健康⽀柱之⼀就是创造力。这让我没有想到,因为我通常不会将健康与创造⼒联系在⼀起。这方面确实很多⼈会忽视。我们其实都需要⼀些⾃我表达的途径。做个东⻄、写作、 演奏乐器、绘画,甚⾄做顿美餐都可以是我们表达创造力的好方法。
  9. 保持童⼼,多让自己开怀⼤笑。

1. Get good sleep: about 8 hours of sleep for at least 5 days a week.

2. Ditch the news. I used to be a news junkie and spent hours on reading news every day.  Nowadays 10 minutes of listing to Financial Time’s is all I spent on news. Media is in the  business of being sensational. Only by stoking people’s deep emotions can they keep your  attention. And one of those emotions is often fear.

3. Get as much outdoor activities as you can.

4. Stay hydrated.

5. Avoid alcohol altogether or limit it to one glass a day.

6. Eat real food with good company. If it comes in a bag with a nutrition label, most likely it’s  a food item instead of real food. A carrot never needs a nutrition label Always remember  how you eat and who you eat with could be more important than what you eat.

7. Avoid processed foods and added sugar.

8. Pursue a creative outlet for at least 10 minutes a day. When I was being trained as a health  coach, one of the 12 pillars of good health taught at the school was creativity. And it took  me by surprise. It is not something I usually associate with health, and it is indeed  something many people overlook. We all need avenues for self-expression. Building  something, writing, playing an instrument, drawing, or even cooking a meal could be  wonderful ways of expressing our creativity.

9. Laugh often! Honor the kid in yourself. ‍


When it comes to supplements to prevent and combat virus infections, there are a gazillion  suggestions out there, but here are some common ones that everyone seems to agree on: 

1. 锌。我们⼈类仍然在研究这种矿物质和我们的免疫系统有着什么样的关系,但我们明确知道的是,锌是我们身体所需的最重要的微量矿物质之⼀,而且现在几乎每个⼈都有不同程度的⽋缺。我记得在美国每次我因为感冒去看医⽣时,他都会让我⽴即开始补充锌,帮助预防和减轻上呼吸道感染。弗拉基⽶尔·泽连科医⽣(Vladimir Zelenko)⼀直⼯作在治疗新冠肺炎的第⼀线,他说锌可以阻止病毒复制其遗传信息,从而减少体内病毒的数量。作为预防措施,他建议每天服用25毫克元素锌。(不同形式的锌可能含有不同量的元素锌)

Zinc.  Science is still trying to understand how this mineral interacts with our immune  system, but we do know it is one of the most critical trace minerals our body needs. And  almost everybody is deficient these days. I remember every time I went to see my doctor in  the US, he always asked me to start taking zinc right away, every single time, to prevent  and lessen upper respiratory infection. According to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a medical doctor that has been on the front line of treating covid patients, zinc stops a virus from copying its genetic information, thus reducing the amount of the virus in the body. As a preventive  measure, he recommends take 25mg elemental zinc once a day. (Different forms of zinc  may contain different amount of elemental zinc).

2. 维生素D。维生素D对我们免疫健康的重要性已经是共识,我们也写过相关的⽂章。(参阅历 史⽂章:廉价而神奇的保健品) 有不止⼀项研究表明,维⽣素D的缺乏与较⾼的炎症反应是相关的,会导致更⾼的发病率和死亡率。尝试每天服⽤5000国际单位的维生素D。

Vitamin D. The importance of vitamin D for our immune health has been widely recognized,  and we have written about it. (See previous article: The supplement everybody needs)  There have been studies that show deficiency in vitamin D is related to higher inflammatory  response in infected patients, thus leading to higher morbidity and mortality. Try to take  5000 IU of vitamin D daily. 

3. 维生素C。维生素C 是⼀种强大的抗氧化剂,也具有抗炎的作⽤。它可以保护你的细胞免受氧化,但可以氧化外来病原体,包括病毒。可以每天服⽤1000毫克维生素C。

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is also anti-inflammatory. It protects  your cells from oxidation, but can oxidize a foreign pathogen such as a virus. Take 1000  mg of vitamin C daily. 

4. 槲⽪素。这是⼀种抗病毒类的⻩酮化合物,⼏乎可以在所有⽔果和蔬菜中找到。根据意⼤利维罗纳⼤学病理学和诊断学系的说法,槲⽪素是“抗病毒、抗微生物、抗炎和抗过敏剂”的⻩酮类化合物之⼀。如果你平时吃⼤量的蔬菜和水果,可以摄入很多这种化合物,但为了更好地进⾏预防,你可以考虑以补充剂的形式每天服⽤500毫克。 

Quercetin. This is a antiviral flavonoid compound that you can find in almost all fruits and  vegetables. According to the Department of Pathology and Diagnostics at the University of  Verona in Italy, quercetin is one of the flavonoids that are “anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agents.” You can get plenty of this compound if you eat lots  of vegetables and fruits, but for preventive measure, you can consider taking 500 mg in a  supplement form. ‍


I am currently taking all four of the above. Mushrooms are also known for its ability to boost  immunity. Taking mushroom supplement during high risk period is also a good idea. 

当然还有备受争议的羟氯喹(HCQ)。⼀些医生对这种廉价且广泛使⽤的药物在预防和治疗新型冠状病毒患者⽅⾯的功效坚信不疑。弗拉基⽶尔 • 泽连科,上⾯提到的医⽣就是其中之⼀。他并不是⼀个⾮主流的有着极端理念的⼀个⼈。他曾被提名获得总统⾃由勋章,并且是因为应对大流行中发挥重要作⽤而获得诺⻉尔和平奖提名的43位医⽣之⼀。据他的介绍,将HCQ 与锌作为治疗⽅案的⼀部分已经帮助他成功治愈了数百名患者,⽽且没有并发症和副作⽤。当被问及⼀些临床研究中发现HCQ并没有所说的疗效时,他这样说:

Then there is the controversial Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Some doctors swear by the  efficacy of this cheap and widely available medicine in preventing and treating covid patients.  Vladimir Zelenko, the doctor mentioned above is one of them. He is certainly not somebody on  the fringe. He was nominated for Presidential Medal of Freedom, and was one of the 43  doctors that were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in addressing the pandemic.  According to him, he has successfully treated hundreds of patients without  complications and side effects combining HCQ with zinc as part of the treatment. When once  asked about the lack of efficacy of HCQ in some clinical studies, he said: 

你不会在没有⼦弹的情况下开枪,然后说你不能消灭⽬标。对 HCQ 进⾏的研究没有⽤到锌。HCQ 是打开细胞并使锌能够攻击病毒的原因。没有这个,或者没有合适的 HCQ 替代品,当然是无效的。 ” 

“You don’t fire a gun without a bullet in it and then say the gun doesn’t work when you don’t kill  the target. The studies that were done on HCQ did not include the use of zinc. HCQ is what  opens the cell and enables zinc to attack the virus. One is not effective without the other, or without a suitable substitute for HCQ. ”


However, all the official organizations including WHO and FDA have come out against it, stating  risks and even danger. Well, just because something is from an official organization does not automatically mean it is granted the status of truth. Hydroxychloroquine remains controversial  and I’ll leave it to you to decide whether to use it either peventively or as treatment. Whatever you decide to do, remember early intervention is key.  Dr. Zelenko said that the virus could be  stable in the body for about 5 days before it starts to multiply and migrate to lungs and cardio areas.  If you decide to try, use it as soon as you have the earliest signs. 


Dr. Zelenko recommended, for those high risk people (above the age of 45, or below 45, but have other comorbidities), taking 200 mg HCQ once a day for 5 days can be part of the  prophylaxis protocol until a safe and effective vaccination is available. As part of the treatment protocol, take 200 mg HCQ twice a day for 5 to 7 days.  


From the TCM perspective, rather than trying to eradicate the virus, what we should focus on is  to strengthen ourselves so we don’t give them the opportunity to survive. Yue Su Ling, a TCM  doctor with Zheng An Culture, thinks the current virus is the result of “dampness”. She offered  some easy home remedies to remove the dampness and for prevention. You can use the hair  dryer to blow the acupoint Da Zhui, for about 15 to 20 minutes, then the palm and then the  sole of your feet, for about 15 minutes. If you already have some light symptoms, blow Ying Xiang  as well, for about 20 minutes.

她还建议⼈们不要吃得太饱(60%  70% 是理想的),并远离油腻和难以消化的⻝物。她解释说,⽓需要空间才能在体内移动。如果你把自己塞得太满,它会阻碍气的运行。难以消化的东西会耗损⼈体的正气,堵住⽓的流动。 

She also recommends people not eat too full, ( 60% to 70% full is ideal ) and stay away from  foods that are greasy or hard to digest. She explains, qi needs space to move in the body. If  you stuff yourself too full, it will block the movements. Things that are hard to digest also blocks and damages Qi.  


Whether from nutrition, or TCM perspective, emotions are intimately tied to our physical  conditions. Maintaining a calm mind goes a long way to support your immune system. If you  have not started a daily practice to quiet down your mind, it is a good time to start one now. 


In the face of the new wave, we should be cautious, but not live our lives in constant fear.  Eat  well, but not too full, connect with family and friends, sleep enough, exercise more, supplement  appropriately, laugh often, find joy in daily experiences, these are the best ways to stay healthy.


• Anshul Jain, Rachna Chaurasia, Narendra Singh Sengar, Mayank Singh, Sachin Mahor &  Sumit Narain . Analysis of vitamin D level among asymptomatic and critically ill COVID-19  patients and its correlation with inflammatory markers 

• 阅素灵。家庭⻝疗,外治法,预防新冠病毒

• Statement on Coronavirus 

• Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol and Zelenko Covid-19  Treatment Protocol