How not to eat (too much)pesticides


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

Approximate reading time 3 minutes. 阅读时间大约3分钟)


One of the most fundamental root causes of all chronic diseases is over-exposure to toxins. Pesticides ingested through food, air, and skin are a major source of toxicity to our bodies.


China, US, Brazil and EU are the four biggest producers and users of agricultural pesticides in the world. Here is a chart of the top users of pesticides according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations):


From 1990 to 2018, the average use of pesticides is around 1.4 million tons in China. That roughly translates into 1kg per person a year. The number for US is a little bit higher, about 1.2 kg. I just cannot imagine feeding my kid a kg of chemicals every year. Yes, not all is left on the lettuce and got ingested, a lot of the pesticides are indeed dissipated into water and soil and the air. But that in itself is also a gigantic problem, and came back biting us in a different way.


Let’s ignore how it could damage the water supply, the air, the animals and the environment at large, let’s just focus on the direct impact it has on human health. What harms can it cause?


The fact that you are told by authorities the amount present in your food is within safe limit does not mean it is safe. The fact that you don’t have an immediate reaction to it does not mean it is safe. The slow accumulation of these chemicals in your body can have huge, even devastating health effects. You won’t know how it will show up until it shows up, and different people could have completely different symptoms.


Pesticides have the potential to harm the nervous system, the reproductive system, and the endocrine system. Numerous studies have indicated links of pesticides to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, and even birth defects.


Children are especially vulnerable to the harm of pesticides. The Natural Resource Defense Council has reported higher incidence of childhood leukemia, brain cancer, and congenital disabilities, which were correlated with early exposure to pesticides.

农达是⼀种基于草甘膦的除草剂,是世界上使用最为广泛的农药之⼀。 2018年,在⼀项具有里程碑意义的裁决中,其制造者孟山都对于⼀名学校地勤人员的癌症负有直接责任,因为没有警告其农达的潜在危害。孟山都被判处罚⾦2.89亿美元。2019年,孟山都因引起⼀对夫妇的非霍奇金淋巴瘤而被再次罚款20亿美元。

Roundup, a glyphosate based weedkiller, is one of the most widely used pesticides in the world. In 2018, in a landmark ruling, Monsanto was found liable for causing a school groundskeeper’s cancer because of the exposure to Roundup and for failing to warn him of the potential hazards. Monsanto was ordered to pay a fine of $ 289 million. In 2019, Monsanto was ordered to pay another $ 2 billion for causing a couple’s non-hodgkin’s lymphoma.


$ 289 million, $ 2 billion. These may be used by companies to calculate the cost for business. But how much is your health worth?


Now I have officially depressed you. What can we do?


Yes, it is impossible to completely eliminate the exposure, but we are also not completely helpless. Besides a longer term goal of educating yourself about the unsustainability of modern agricultural practices, the huge environmental burden it causes, and the health effects it has on humans, there are some immediate steps we can take to protect ourselves and our loves ones:

• 农药不仅仅只是存在于水果和蔬菜上,它还会储存在肉类⾥。蔬菜的大部分农药在它的表面,而动物则会将其存储在脂肪中。所以,除非你确定你的肉类来源是干净和安全的,限制动物脂肪的摄入。

• Pesticides don’t just show up on fruits and vegetables, it is in your meat as well. Vegetables store most of the pesticides on the surface, but animals store them in their fat. So unless you are sure the source of the animal is safe, limit the fat.

• 尽可能购买有机蔬菜,水果和草食的肉。有机并不意味着完全没有农药,它只是意味着比较少和不同种类的农药。当然,对于我们大多数⼈来说,有机产品过于昂贵⽽且有时候完全没有。这就是为什么下⼀点最为实际,最为重要。

• Buy organic vegetable and fruits and grass fed meat when you can. Organic does not mean zero pesticides. It just means less and different pesticides. Of course organic produce could be neither available nor affordable for most of us. That leads to the following most practical and important step we can take。

• 了解如何将农药最大程度地从蔬果上清除

• Know how to remove the pesticides from your produce.


Research has found that commercial produce cleaner is not really much more effective than using tap water or other homemade solutions. Here are some easy ways you can reduce the pesticide residue on your veggie and fruits:

1. 在10%浓度的盐水里浸泡:每杯水约加一大勺盐 (⼀汤匙)。

1.Soak in salt water. Use a 10% solution: about one tablespoon of salt for every cup of water.


2.Soak in full strength vinegar.


3.Soak in baking soda solution: about 1 teaspoon of baking soda for every two cups of water.‍


Remember to soak for at least 15 minutes for the best result.

• 削⽪和使劲擦洗对于某些水果也非常试用。

• Peeling and scrubbing are also great for certain type of fruits.

• 了解什么时候值得购买有机。

• Understand what fruits and vegetables are worth buying organic.

EWG 是美国的⼀个非营利性组织,致力于保护环境和人类健康的教育和研究。他们会每年发布一个相当出名的清单,叫做“12种脏蔬果,这些蔬果在生长过程中会使用很多的农药。所以这些比较值得花钱购买有机:

The non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human health and environment , EWG (Environmental Working Group) publishes a well-known annual list of foods that uses the most amount of pesticides called “Dirty Dozen”. When possible, try to buy these organic:

Strawberries草莓    Spinach 菠菜    Kale 羽衣甘蓝    Nectarines 油桃    Apples 苹果    Grapes 葡萄    Peaches 桃子    Cherries 樱桃    Pears 梨子    Tomatoes 西红柿    Celery 芹菜    Potatoes 土豆‍

EWG还发布⼀个叫做“ 15种干净蔬果的清单。这些蔬果相对来说比较安全可以购买传统种植的:

EWG also publishes a list of foods called “clean 15”, which are relatively safe to buy non-organic:

Avocados牛油果    Sweet corn 玉米    Pineapples 菠萝    Sweet peas frozen 冷冻青豆    Onions 洋葱    Papayas 木瓜    Eggplants 茄子    Asparagus 芦笋    Kiwis 奇异果    Cabbages 卷心菜    Cauliflower菜花    Cantaloupes 网纹瓜    Broccoli 西兰花   Mushrooms 蘑菇    Honeydew melons 蜜瓜‍


One thing I want to emphasize is: pesticides should never scare you out of not eating fruits and vegetables. Even if it’s conventionally grown, having enough veggie and fruits in your diet will most likely result in removing more toxins than taking in, thus having a net health benefit.