How many of these standards of good health can you meet?


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

Approximate reading time 2 minutes. 阅读时间大约2分钟)


While spending the holiday in my hometown, I received the news of the sudden passing of an old classmate of mine due to stroke. Shock aside, I started to wonder: what is the definition of good health? How do you know if you are really healthy?


Modern medicine would tell you there are certain baseline testings, such as blood tests. It could certainly be helpful, but I don’t think normal test ranges mean good health. So many conditions won’t show up on a test until much later in the development. How many people, especially women, are told by their doctors it’s all in their head because all the test results are normal? How often does it happen that people have no idea they are sick until it’s too late? Not everything that’s going on within your body will show up on a blood test or a CT scan.


I have been reading a lot about TCM lately, and the legendary master Haixia Ni in particular. So I was especially intrigued when I heard him talking about the standards for good health. There are different versions, but here are the five criteria that are mentioned in all of them:

1. 可以睡通宵。偶尔失眠很正常。但⼤部分时间,你应该可以⼀觉睡到⼤天亮,尤其是11点到5点。中医相信脏腑的调节修复和时辰是相对应的。胆开子时(11点到1点);肝开丑时(1点到3点);肺开寅时(3点到5点)。如果你总是没有来由地在固定时间醒过来,过了⼀两个小时才再能⼊睡,那你就要注意这个警钟了。这个时候有必要做⼀些针对性的调理。

1. Sleep through the night. Occasional insomnia is normal. But most of the time, you should be able to sleep through the night, at least from 11 pm to 5 am. TCM believes a certain part of the day corresponds to the adjustment of certain organs. 11pm to 1am is when gallbladder is the most active; 1am to 3am is liver; 3am to 5am is lungs. If you consistently wake up at a certain time without obvious reasons, it should serve as a warning sign, and it’d be a good idea to take some preventive measures.

2. 胃口不错。到了吃饭的时候会感觉到饿,而且吃得比较⾹。不要暴饮暴食。

2. Have a good appetite. You should feel hungry when it’s meal time, and can actually enjoy the food. Overeating is never a good idea.

3. 排便正常。排便时间很关键。如果你每天早餐前就会解决掉,恭喜,这是个好事。如果你去的时间不是这个时候,就应该考虑进⾏调理。

3. Have normal bowl movements. What is also important is when you do it. If you need to take care of your number 2 before breakfast every day, congratulations, that’s a sign of good health. If you go any other time than this, your body needs some fine tuning.

4. 每天小便57次。顺畅而且量足。淡黄色。

4. Urinate 5 to 7 times a day. It should be easy and of big volume. The color should be light yellow.

5. 不管是冬天还是夏天,⼀年四季你的头都应该偏凉,⼿脚应该温热。

5. Whether it’s winter or summer, your head should always be cool, but hands and feet are always warm.


Dr. Ni also believes this is the gold standard for knowing whether the medicine and treatment you are receiving is working. He thinks 3 weeks is an appropriate time frame. If you don’t see any improvement in any of these 5 criteria above, you should change your doctor.

迪帕克·乔普拉(Deepak Chopra)是美国的⼀名医生,但他最为出名的身份是精神修行⼤师。他认为⽇历年龄和生物年龄是两回事。他今年74岁,但自称在生理和心理的能力上都相当于38岁左右。

Deepak Chopra is a MD in the US, but he is mostly known for being  a spiritual leader. He thinks chronological age and biological age are two different things. Being 74 years old, he believes his biological age is only around 38 or so, in terms of physical and mental capacity.


As far as the testings are concerned, he thinks the best biological markers are blood pressure, cholesterol, HDL ratios, sugar tolerance, immune function, inflammatory markers and maybe telomerase levels and telomere length. For his own health, he believes as long as he has the following four things, his biochemistry will take care of itself:





joyful, energetic body

loving, compassionate talk

clear, reflective mind, and

lightness of being‍


Let the standards of these two masters serve as a reminder for all of us. Your state of mind and your intuition can probably tell you a lot more than a piece of testing sheet.