Don't worship your doctor, worship your body

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— 阿尔伯特 • 施瓦策(医生) 

It’s supposed to be a secret, but I’ll tell you anyway, we doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctors within. 

— Albert Schweitzer, MD


Over the course of the past few years, I have learned so much that I cannot wait to share with our readers. However, if you gave me a megaphone and put me on the top of Mount Everest, here is the message I would shout out to the world at the top of my lungs:


Don’t worship your doctor, worship your body.


It’s time for us to stop giving our powers away to doctors blindly. It’s not because modern medicine does not work at all, it’s not because doctors are not good people who sincerely wish us well. It is because the whole paradigm of so called health care in most parts of the world is so fundamentally flawed, we often unknowingly work with doctors to put us on the way for further long term decline of health instead instead of on the way to true healing.


During the past three decades or so, humans have made huge strides in understanding how genes work, how our body works, and how nutrition works. However, if you go to a conventionally trained doctor, a large body of this new research is still not incorporated into how you are treated.


For example, we now know as a fact that, what we put on our plate, our emotional state, and the toxins in our bodies have the most tremendous effect on our health. Any treatment without addressing these factors will only serve as a band-aid at best. But, when was the last time your doctor asks you any question in this three areas?


— 扎克 • 布什(医生)

Western Medicine, since its inception, has largely ignored the reality of biophysics. 

— Zach Bush, MD


There are many reasons why there is such a disconnect between how your doctor treats you and where the latest science stands.


First, it takes about 20 to 40 years for any science finding to work its way into the medical school and the doctor’s office.

在美国,医学院提供极少或者根本就没有任何营养方面的培训。 未来的医生学习的是如何在疾病出现之后去解决问题,而不是探究问题的根源。
In US, nutrition education is zero to very little part of the medical school curriculum.   Future doctors are trained to treat diseases after they show up instead of digging into root causes.
In China, western medicine is the de facto main stream option. TCM is being more and more marginalised.  (Though TCM has also a lot of the similar limitations).


But more importantly, we need to turn to this one word that drives all human and institutional behavior: incentives. There are simply not enough incentives for the medical and health care industry to address the root causes of your health problems using the most natural remedies possible.


In US, health care service is a 1.7 trillion dollar industry, pharmaceutical is a 1.3 trillion-dollar business. They are private and profit driven. To put it cynically, your disease is their profit. To cure you in the most economic and quickest way possible is not really in their best financial interests. It is not surprising the industries are gravitated toward the most expensive solutions for all types of diseases. After all, they cannot patent broccoli, sunshine, or exercise, can they?

在中国,这些公司几乎都不是私营的。主导这些企业的动力和美国公司有什么不同吗? 我相信我并不需要去回答这个问题。
In China, most of these companies are not private.  But are the incentives driving these companies any different from those for the American counterparts?  I don't think I need to answer that question.


I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, and I do believe there is a such a thing called too-cynical. But the fact is, if the status-quo is working so beautifully for everybody, for everybody except the end consumers who are not demanding anything different, why change?


There are also no incentives for doctors to change their courses either. In US, being a doctor is one of the best professions financially, almost guaranteeing you stable income for life, so why rock the boat?


In China, one doctor has to see dozens, or even hundreds of patients every day. Who has the incentive or mental space to understand the need for, let alone ask for, change?


As a result, what we have today is whack-a-mole approach adopted by majority of the health providers. People have accepted it as the way it should be. Have allergies? Here are the pills to artifificially suppress your immune response; High cholesterol? Don’t you know the wonderful drug called statin? Cancer? Here is the chemo specially for your type.


But how about all the side effects? How about all the unintended consequences? How about the great harm all these drugs could wreak on my body and other diseases I could have some time down the road? Well, you are not sneezing any more, do you?


No wonder some people say doctors are the middlemen between pharmaceutical companies and the patients.


But, there is a better way. The more I learn, the more I believe the first thing we can and should depend on is our own ability to be well. When in need of help, we should always first try the most natural remedies possible.


I am in awe of how miraculous a machine our body is. Most of us vaguely understand the functions our organs perform, but we fail to appreciate how powerful and intelligent a machine we have.


Allow me to point out some of the most obvious:


Your heart pumps blood to the whole body through arteries, never missing a beatand without you doing anything;


Your lungs take all the air you breathe in, remove carbon dioxide and other waste gases and nourish your body with fresh oxygen;


Your liver converts nutrients into substances the body can use, stores them when not needed,and releases them when needed;


Your liver is capable of making whole again after some part being cut off;


You have about 100 trillion organisms including bacteria, fungi, and viruses living in your gut, tirelessly breaking down fibers, making energy and nutrients, communicating to cells in other parts of body, trying to make sure you can thrive;


You have a tiny bacteria called mitochondria in every cell that functions like a battery to provide you with energy;


Your body can gobble up dead and damaged cell parts and recycle them into new cells through a process called autophagy.


The damaged cells in your body can also go through a process called “apoptosis”, which is programmed cell suicide, to help your body maintain normal function.


And I’m not even scratching the surface yet.


Your body is an amazing machine. It will heal itself if given half the chance, even from the most dire and hopeless situations. I know of so many cases where people have recovered from late stage cancer and other supposedly incurable diseases, all through disciplined lifestyle choicesnatural remedies, and the body’s incredible ability to heal.


I’m one of the countless who have woken up and embarked on a whole new health journey. I see real changes, I smell the excitement, I feel the slow shift under my feet. Let’s learn together and grow together. Let’s claim our truly lasting health and happiness and help those around us do the same.