Cholesterol is not your enemy

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(阅读时间⼤约为4分钟。如果时间紧张,直接跳到⽂章最后的摘要Approximate reading time 4 minutes. If short on time, skip to “Bottom Line” at the end. )

卫·萨克特(David Sackett),被人称为“循证医学之父”,说过这样一句话: 

David Sackett, often called the “father of evidence-based medicine”,  once famously said: 


“Half of what you’ll learn in medical school will be shown to be either  dead wrong or out of date within five years of your graduation; the  trouble is that nobody can tell you which half–so the most important  thing to learn is how to learn on your own.” ‍


It is increasingly clear that the teachings and theories around  cholesterol is just one of those half. 


Does the word “cholesterol” instill some fear in you? Is the first  association you make with cholesterol “heart disease”? Does it conjure up images of clogged arteries? 

我就是这么理解的。所以我每年都会检查胆固醇,⽽且⾮常坚决地告诉 爸爸妈妈不要吃蛋⻩。

That was precisely my understanding. I diligently checked my  cholesterol level and fervently advised my parents against eating egg  yolk. 

后来我发现我是错的。我们⼤多数⼈都是错的。你仍然需要知道你的胆固 醇⽔平,但它完全不像我们以前理解的那样是导致⼼脏病的因素。

Turns out I was wrong, almost all of us were wrong. Yes, you still  need to know your cholesterol, but it is not nearly as big a factor in  causing heart disease as we once thought. 


First, what is cholesterol? 


You may imagine cholesterol as this sticky stuff that flows in the blood  stream and cause trouble. It is actually in every cell of our body. It is  a lipid essential for our biological functions. It is the raw material for  building hormones, especially all the sex hormones, including  estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It is needed for making  Vitamin D, for building cell membranes, for making bile.


Our brain is also highly dependent on cholesterol. It is essential for  the development and protection of nerve cells, which enables the brain  to communicate with the rest of the body. The brain takes up about  2% body weight, but around 25% of body’s cholesterol is found in the  brain. In fact, one of the most serious side effects of cholesterol-lowering medication is memory loss. 


About 80% of cholesterol is produced by our body, and the rest is from  food. 


If cholesterol is so vital for human health, why does it get such a bad  rep? 

⾼胆固醇⽔平与心血管疾病密切相关的理论可以追溯到1940年代由美国⽣理学家安塞尔·凯斯(Ancel Keys)领头的“七国研究”。它的结论在当时被广泛接受。但是,近年来,开始涌现出对这个研究的批评和争议。

The origination of the theory that high cholesterol level is directly  correlated to high risk of cardiovascular diseases can be traced back  to the Seven Countries Study in 1940s headed by Ancel Keys, an  American physiologist. The conclusion was widely accepted at the  time. But there have been loud criticism and controversy in recent  years on that very study.


Heart attacks happen when arteries are cut off blood flow due to  plaque ruptures or clogs. Since cholesterol is the substance that  forms the plaque and clog, it is for sure the culprit for causing the  heart attacks and strokes, isn’t it? 


It sounds reasonable, except for one major flaw. Every time you pass  an accident site, you see a police car. After this happens many times,  you conclude that police car causes accidents. This is the same logic  as saying cholesterol causes heart diseases. 

胆固醇在动脉⾎管⾥形成斑块是有原因的。奥兹医生(Dr. Oz) 是美国著名的心脏病专家和脱口秀节目主持人。他把胆固醇称为⼈体的“石膏”。当血管出现凹陷时,胆固醇会赶过来进行修复。如果胆固醇质量⾼且凹陷不严重,那修复会顺利而且平整。但也可能会形成斑块。是什么原因造成这些凹陷呢?根据奥兹医生的说法,有三个最主要的原因: 

There is a reason cholesterol is present in the artery. Dr. Oz, a famed  cardiologist and talk show host in the US, calls cholesterol body’s  “plaster”. When you have a hole in the blood vessel, cholesterol  comes to repair it. If the cholesterol is of high quality and the hole is  not serious, you get a smooth repair. It can also get ugly and and  form plaques. But what causes the holes? According to Dr. Oz, there  are three major culprits:


High blood pressure; 






Many people think of the plaque size as the problem for potential heart  attacks and strokes. This is not entirely true. You could have 60%  blockage and never have a problem. You could have 30% blockage  and get in serious trouble if it ruptures. What causes the rupture is the  real trigger of heart diseases and something we have talked about in  our previous article as the main culprit for many chronic diseases :  




The Jupiter Trial, a large study involving more than 17000 people, was  originally designed to assess whether relatively healthy people with  normal cholesterol but high level of inflammation may benefit from the  cholesterol lowering drug statin. It has actually indicated that people  who had high cholesterol but no inflammation had very low  cardiovascular risk. The people who had high inflammation but kind of  okay cholesterol were at higher risk. And those with high cholesterol  and high inflammation had the most risk. 


The current standard testings on cholesterol are outdated and  sometimes could be misleading. When we get a lipid test, usually we  get these measures: total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides.  

HDL(高密度脂蛋白,通常称为“好胆固醇”)和LDL(低密度脂蛋白, 通常称为“坏胆固醇”)实际上不是胆固醇,而是胆固醇的载体。由于胆固醇不溶于水,所以需要⼀种运载工具。这些称为HDL和LDL的蛋白质将胆固醇从⼀个地方输送到另⼀个地方。

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein, usually called “good cholesterol”) and  LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein, usually called “bad cholesterol”) are  actually not cholesterol, rather they are the carriers of cholesterol.  Because cholesterol is not water soluble, it needs a vehicle to carry  them around to do its job, so these proteins called HDL and LDL  transport cholesterol from one place to another. 


The conventional wisdom is that a high HDL and low LDL is an  indication of healthy lipid profile, and vice versa. But this broad brush  misses some important details. The number of HDL and LDL is just  one piece of information. What is even more important is the size and  density of these protein particles. In other words, the number is  basically telling you the weight of your cholesterol, but it does not tell  whether it is made up of 5000 big particles, or 10,000 small particles.  It is this information that is more revealing of your potential risk.  


Those small and dense proteins are dangerous. But if you have big  and fluffy ones, it does not impose much risk. So your doctor may  look at your cholesterol number of 150 and think you are completely  fine when in fact you could have a very high risk. As a matter of fact,  studies have found that more than 50% of people who have heart  attacks have perfectly normal cholesterol levels! 


Next time you have your cholesterol tested, ask to also test the size of  your cholesterol particles. 


Another question is, is eating cholesterol rich food dangerously bad for  our health? This has also been disputed. There are many factors that  influence your blood cholesterol, and food is just one of them. In 2015  the dietary guidelines from the US government made a change that  shocked the public. It dropped its long held restriction on dietary  cholesterol intake of 300 grams per day, because: 



“Adequate evidence is not available for a quantitative limit for dietary cholesterol specific to the Dietary Guidelines.”


All this is not to give you a pass for eating whatever you want and not  caring about cholesterol level at all. It is just once piece of the puzzle.  A very high number can still be bad. But what we know now is that it  can be an INDICATION of some underlying conditions, but it is not the  CAUSE of those conditions. So severely limiting cholesterol in your  food to control the cholesterol in your blood is no longer a valid  strategy. 


Our understanding of how cholesterol influences our health is still  evolving. But one thing is very clear, it is not our enemy. It is  essential for our immune health and optimal functioning of our brain.  It is not something to be afraid of. 


Bottom Line:

胆固醇并不像我们理解的那样是心脏病的罪魁祸首。实际上,它并不是一个可靠的心脏病的预测指标。 高胆固醇是你健康问题的体现,而不是原因。没有足够的证据表明限制饮食里的胆固醇可以极大帮助你控制血液中的胆固醇。当前的标准脂质测试给出的信息并不完整。你不仅需要测试胆固醇的水平,还需要测试其颗粒的大小。

Cholesterol may not be the cause of heart diseases like we previously thought.  It is actually a poor predictor for heart diseases.  High cholesterol is more an indication of a health problem than the cause of the health problem.  There is no sufficient evidence to support limiting dietary cholesterol intake for the purpose of controling blood cholesterol level.  The current standard lipid testing is not complete.  You should not only look at the level of your cholesterol, but also the particle size.