5 tips for a brighter brain


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(阅读时间⼤约为3分钟。Approximate reading time 3 minutes)


We always consider our brain power as part of the fixed properties we were born with. As our our nose or hands, there is really not much we can do. But modern science has completely debunked this. In fact, your brain has much more potential than you can ever develop in your life time. Your brain can create new cells and new connections, and it can do this no matter how old you are. In other words, you can think better and faster, if you want to, and work at it. Today I want to share 5 tips to boost your brain power, based on research and also my experience of improving my own brain health.



Take sleep seriously ‍


I used to think sleep is such a waste of time, and I would be the first one to try the pill if one is ever invented to make sleep obsolete. But the more I understand about sleep, the more worried I became about all the sleep debt I have accumulated and the more I realize how necessary it is to pay that sleep debt off.


Sleep is the time when our brain gets cleaned up. This detoxification process is extremely important for maintaining brain health. Just as a car with a lot of gunk cannot run properly, a brain without constant cleaning won’t run very well either. 

你知道吗?你的大脑在睡觉的时候会缩小约60%?是的!毒素和垃圾被从⼤脑里排出来的时候,大脑会缩小这么多!你有可能知道我们的身体有⼀个淋巴系统,但不是很多⼈知道我们还有⼀个“类淋巴系统”。这个是相当新的发现,以⾄于我在写这篇⽂章的时候,系统的字典都不认识英⽂的“类淋巴”这个字。在你睡觉的时候, 类淋巴系统会将液体输送到⼤脑组织里,将垃圾和毒素冲洗出来,再将其输送到身体的循环系统,最终到达肝部进⾏处理。为了让这个过程更为高效,脑细胞会⼤⼤缩小,在清理过程完成之后,它们会恢复到原来的样子。

Do you know your brain actually shrinks by as much as 60% when you sleep? Yes, that’s true. That’s what happens when the toxins are literally being flushed out. You may know we have a lymphatic system, but not many people know we also have a glymphatic system. This is so new that the system dictionary does not even recognize the word “glymphatic” as I type it. During sleep, the glymphatic system sends fluid through brain’s tissue, flushing out the waste and neurotoxins and transporting them to the circulatory system, which eventually will go to the liver to be processed. In order to do this efficiently, the brain shrinks so it is easier for the fluid to circulate through the tissue. After it is cleaned, the brain cells will return to the normal size.


The importance of sleep for our health, especially brain health, cannot be overstated. Take it seriously! Get as much quality sleep as you can.



 Get your diet right ‍



When it comes to diet, the most important thing you can do for your brain health is to limit your sugar intake. Alzheimer’s disease is coined “Type 3” diabetes for good reasons. Something that’s right up there after sugar is starch. That includes the starch in grain and root vegetable, etc. Starch is turned into sugar in your body. Therefore, if you take white flour out of your diet and limit other starchy foods, you are doing your brain a big favor.


Include a lot of colored vegetables and fruits in your diet. Polyphenols in these plants help reduce inflammation, which is a big contributor to neurodegenerative diseases.


Include a lot of healthy fats in your diet. nuts, seeds, fatty fish, avocados, coconuts, olive oil, grass-fed meat, wild seafood, etc.


It is also worthwhile to add high quality omega-3 supplements from fish oil or algae.



Exercise, exercise, exercise‍


The benefits of exercise are multi-faceted. It is good for your muscle, your bone, your mood, your digestion, to stay young and vibrant. And, it is great to boost your brain power!


Exercise increases your heart rate and pumps more oxygen to your brain. It also helps release certain hormones in the body that stimulates the brain to grow more cells and make more cell connections.

BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor), 脑源性神经营养因⼦,被称作⼤脑的肥料。它是⼤脑中的⼀种蛋白质,对维持细胞健康和⽣长新细胞⾄关重要。BDNF水平太低会导致抑郁,焦虑,记忆⼒衰退和脑退化。较⾼的BDNF则可提⾼认知能力,改善记忆力。而运动会增加你的BDNF⽔平!

BDNF, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, is considered brain’s fertilizer. It is a protein found in the brain that is critical to maintain cell health and grow new cells. Low level of BDNF is associated with depression, anxiety, poor memory and brain degeneration. Higher BDNF is associated with cognitive improvement. Guess what? Exercise increases your BDNF levels!



Learn something new‍


The old saying “if you don’t use it, you lose it” applies to our brains as well. When you stop learning, your brain starts dying. Challenge yourself to learn something new, something out of your comfort zone, something you have never tried before. This is great for the brain to make connections that it could not make before. A music instrument, a new language, a new skill are all great ideas.


I learned a little piano when I just started working, but later dropped it. When my daughter started piano class, I decided to pick it up. So I’ve tagged along ever since for my free piano class. The added benefit was also being able to help my daughter practice. But I have to say, more than two years later, I’ve turned from her practice teacher into a rival because I cannot keep up with her any more! In any case, the fact that I’m doing it to keep my brain in good shape is enough to keep me going.



Stay away from toxins‍


The number, amount and sources of toxins in our lives are truly mind-boggling these days. It is in our air, in our food, in our medicine (yes, the pills your doctor gives you), in our household cleaning items, in our skin care products. It could also be in the silver filling in your mouth, in the new paints you put on the wall, in the mold in your bathroom. It is everywhere.


Our body has its own build-in detoxification system. But it is never designed to handle the amount of toxins we are bombarded now. When our body’s detoxification system is overwhelm and cannot handle it, we could get fatigue, brain fog, memory problem, or even very serious diseases. Toxins not only makes you sick, it makes you dumb, because it also disrupts hormones and damages the brain. 


Yes, it is pretty much unavoidable, but we can do our best to protect ourselves and our family: use air purifier in your home, wear a mask outside if needed, eat as much organic as possible, go for natural remedy instead of prescription drugs when you can, use natural and toxin free cleaning and skin care products.


The two most common sources of lifestyle toxins are alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol not only damages your liver, it kills your brain cells. Tobacco not only damages your lungs, it poisons your brain as well. So if you do these two things regularly, make a plan to work on quitting. Your brain will thank you.


Our brain is such a big part of our identity. It holds our memories.  It dictates how we think. Imagine how much you can achieve with a faster and sharper brain. At the beginning at 2021, we wish all our readers a year of good health, more growth, and, a brighter brain!