From chaos to stillness: you can train your mind

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                                                                     ——— ⼤卫·

Ask yourself: Do I agree that I cannot step into the past to change it? Do I agree that I cannot step into the future to force it?

                                                                         ——— David Ji

我⾃⼰的健康之旅和我对⾮传统健康领域的研究教给我最重要的道理是,我们的思想和意识对身体的健康有着⽆⽐巨⼤的影响。它有着⼏乎压倒⼀切的⼒量。如果内⼼⽆法平静,⼀直处于担⼼,焦虑,压⼒重重或其它负⾯情绪当中,那⽆论多么健康的饮⻝,多少运动,多好的保健品都⽆济于事, 你不会拥有真正持久的健康。

The single most important lesson I have ever learned, through my own health journey and my deep dive into the alternative health arena is that, our mind exerts immense power over our physical health. It is an overriding factor. If you don’t have peace of mind, if you are constantly worried, anxious, stressed out or drowned in other negative emotions, it does not matter how healthy you eat, how much exercise you do, how many supplements you take, you can never achieve truly lasting good health.


I have known this too well.


Stress has defined a big part of my life, ever since I was little. I guess I was one of those people that are born highly sensitive. Being a top student in school  gave me tremendous pressure.  i was constantly worried losing my good academic standing would let my parents down. My parents’ over-strict parenting style did not help. I remember suffering from insomnia early on, I remember breaking down crying the day before the college entrance exam, I remember the days I could not stand music or the blue sky because it is in such contrast to what I was experiencing inside.


When other people make a wish or pray, they probably want money, fame, health or other things that make them happy. Not me. When I prayed, I did not ask for happiness, wealth, or even good health. All I wanted was peace.  For me, people who have peace with themselves are the wealthiest people worth most of the envy.


This state of mind accompanied me for a long time, shaping me in ways I know and many ways I don’t.  Eventually I got better, but not after I battled with two bouts of depression, after numerous counseling sessions, countless books and hours and hours of mindful practice.


Slowly, I learned how to talk to myself, how to cope, and how to quiet my mind. Now I still face challenges like everybody else, but I no longer struggle. In fact I believe I am more at peace with myself than most people around me. I found what I have longed for.


So much of our suffering, our anxiety, and our fear come from our inability to live in the present moment. We spend energy and time being upset, angry or regretful about our past, we spend energy and time being worried and anxious about the future, we forget to live our lives right here, right now.

埃克哈特·托尔(Eckhart Tolle) 的书《当下的⼒量》是我多年前精神之旅的开始。并不是它教会了我如何活在当下,这需要⼀⽣的修⾏,⽽是它唤醒了我,让我意识到,其实有另⼀种⽅式,⼀种更好的⽅式,也许是唯⼀的一种度过⽣命的⽅式。

I consider reading the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle the beginning of my spiritual journey years ago. It was not so much that it taught me how to live in the moment, which is a life long practice, but rather it woke me up to the realization that there is another way, a better way, perhaps the only way to live a life.


We all have an ocean of stillness, creativity and wisdom within ourselves, but we don’t access it because we don’t know how. Meditation has been used by people across cultures and timelines as a way to connect to our inner selves, to quiet the incessant chatter in our head, to calm the mind and heart, and to heal. It has helped me tremendously on my journey.


Whenever I talk about meditation with people, here are two comments I hear most often:

-  我坐不下来,没有办法集中思想,

I cannot sit still. I cannot concentrate my mind.

这其实不是你不能做冥想的原因,这正是你需要做冥想的原因。 在冥想的时候思维跳跃极其正常, 这正是修炼的⼀部分。

This is not the reason NOT to do it, this is EXACTLY the reason why you should do it. Having a monkey mind that jumps around during meditation is expected and is part of the practice.

-  我没有时间。

I don’t have time. 

时间管理本身就是⼀个⼤话题。没有时间其实是“对我来说还不够重要的代名词。雷·达⾥奥, 世界上最⼤对冲基⾦桥⽔公司的创始⼈,管理着超过1万亿元的资产。他每天做两次⼆⼗分钟的冥想。如果你觉得你没有时间做⼀次的话,那你就应该每天做两次。

Time management is a big topic in itself. No time is really a code name for “not my priority”. Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s biggest hedge fund that manages more than 100 billion USD assets, practices 2 sessions of 20 minutes meditation every day. If you don’t think you have time to do it once a day, then you should do it twice a day.


I won’t go to details as to how to practice meditation today. There are tons of resources out there for any interested person. I just want to encourage everybody who wants a calmer mind, who wants less stress and anxiety, and those struggling with illnesses to give it a try.


Start small. You don’t need to sit down and do an hour, or even a 10 minute session right away. Start with something that you can comfortably manage. Cannot fifind even 5 minutes? How about 2 minutes? How about 1? How about just 5 deep breathing?


The key is not the time spent on meditation, the key is consistency. 2 minutes a day 4 to 5 days a week is much more effective than once a week for 30 minutes.


Be patient with yourself. Perfection is never the goal. The goal is progress. I started mediation about 10 years ago, but it took me almost 8 years to start doing it on a daily basis. If you find yourself only do it sporadically here and there, it is ok. Just do it whenever and wherever you can. The more consistent you are, the more benefit you reap.


Of course meditation is not the only pathway to quiet the mind. Being in nature, deep breathing, taiji, gardening, or any activities that relaxes you will be extremely beneficial to cultivate stillness within.


Your mind is not fixed, it is malleable. All that inner chatter, all that negative talk, all that worry and stress, can be managed. You can absolutely train your mind to be more still, to be more compassionate, and to pay more attention to each present moment you are in.  As a result, you will be a much calmer, happier and more productive person.


I want to share something I do almost every day. I usually end my meditation with this affirmation:


Today, let every word, every thought and every action of mine come from a place of silence, stillness, compassion and love.‍