Upgrade your breakfast

(Approximate reading time three minutes. If you are short on time, skip to “The Bottom Line” at the end. )阅读时间⼤约为3分钟。如果时间紧张,直接跳到⽂章最后的摘要

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What you eat first in a day is quite important, it has a cascading effect on your digestion, your metabolism, your cravings, your energy level, and even your emotions for the day. What to have for breakfast is one of the most important decision you can make not just for your day, but for your long term health.

⽬前,间歇性禁⻝是⼀个⼴受吹捧的健康⼯具,⼏乎所有的健康专家都在提倡晚吃早餐,或者⼲脆不吃。这个话题⽇后再聊, 但如果你决定每天吃个饱饱的早餐,吃什么⼜简单⼜有营养呢?

Right now intermittent fasting has become a widely touted tool for overall health, with many health experts advocating the benefit of eating late in the morning or skipping breakfast all together. That’s for another topic. For now, let’s say you are having breakfast, what’s the best way to eat that is both easy and nutricious?


If you are having a typical western breakfast, you’d probably have some of the following: bread, jam, milk, sausages, pancakes, eggs, cereal, and of course orange juice and coffee.


If you are having a typical Chinese breakfast, you’d probably have some of these: congee, soy milk, some type of white four product: steamed bun, fried dough, stuffed bun, etc. Maybe just grab a pancake on the way to work, anyone?

但你知道吗你可以吃的远远⽐这些更好更健康!咱先不详细讨论这些传统早餐,⽆论是⻄式的还是中式的,其实对你的健康没多⼤好处, 我们先说⼏个基本的⼤原则,帮助你给早餐做下彻底的整改。

But you can do better, much much better. I won’t go into details how these typical breakfast must-haves, whether western or Chinese, are in fact not that great for you, here are some general principles why you should seriously consider revamping your breakfast。


I’d minimize or erase all white flour products, which includes regular bread, regular pancakes, steamed bun, fried dough, stuffed bun, etc. due to gluten and white flour's effect on your glucose and insulin. (check out our previous blogs Stop Eating This, See Your Health ImproveIf You Have Chronic Digestive Problems, Consider This.)


I’d stay away from milk as well, especially adults. (Check out blog Question Everything YouKnow About Milk.)


I’d stay away from juice because of its high sugar content and the detrimental effect of sugar on one’s health.


Congee? Mostly white rice, not that much please.


Sausages? Well, not that much either.


What would be a healthy breakfast that is quick to make, rev up your brain, help you maintain energy and manage cravings?


I’ve had smoothies for breakfast for quite a while, and I cannot recommend it enough. It has boosted my energy and focus, helped me avoid late morning hunger crashes and manage my insulin and glucose levels.


Master these simple steps, and you will have a delicious and satisfying smoothie in no time.


The Base‍

底料很重要,因为这是smoothie叫做smoothie的原因。没有它,就不smooth(顺滑)了。我的常⽤底料是⾹蕉和⽜油果。⾹蕉这个东⻄真是可以让任何东⻄都变得更好喝。⽜油果有着让所有的原料变得更稠更顺滑的超级能⼒。我有时候⽤⼀种,有时候两个都⽤。⾹蕉可以随时买到,⽽且⽐较便宜, 我通常⽤新鲜的。⽜油果则可以⽤新鲜的或者是冷冻的。开市客有卖冷冻⽜油果切⽚,我觉得很⽅便。如果你的⾹蕉或⽜油果⽤完了,或者是刚买的还没有完全熟,这些冷冻的可以派上⽤场。当然你也可以⽤其它任何你喜欢,可以让果昔更顺滑的的东⻄,⽐如榴莲。不是每个⼈都喜欢榴莲的味道。如果你喜欢它⽽且不介意它的价格,你可以做出一杯不同寻常的美味果昔!

This is important, because this is what makes a smoothie a smoothie. Without it, it won’t be smooth. My go-to base is banana and avocado. Banana just makes everything better, doesn’t it? Avocado makes everything super smooth and silky. I use either or both. Banana is rather easy to get and affordable. I usually use fresh ones. For avocado, you can use fresh ones or frozen ones. Costco sells frozen avocado slices, which I find very convenient. It comes handy when you run out fresh ones or they are not ripe yet. Something else you can also use to make it smooth is durian. Not everyone likes its taste, but if you like it and do not mind the price tag, it could be quite decious!


Fruits,and Veggies‍


Sweet tropical fruits make the best smoothies, such as pineapple, mango, papaya, etc, but there is only one problem: too sweet. It may not be a problem for everyone, but I need to pay attention to insulin sensitivity, so I always go for berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, canberries, etc. Berries are nutrients and antioxidants powerhouses and have low glycemic index values. Berries are not the cheapies fruits out there, you can also lower your smoothie budget by using frozen berries. They contain similar amount of nutrients, and are much more affordable. You can get it on the web. Costco also has fabulous frozen berries that I love.


What fruits you put in really depends on what you have on hand. I sometimes throw in some apple, oranges, or lemons. One thing I love about smoothie is that it enables me to eat fruits that I’d other wise not enjoy eating. I love the nutrients and the aroma of passion fruits, but it’s just too sour for my taste. But if you throw in a smoothie, it can instantly make it so much more decilious.


Not everybody likes to have veggie in their smoothie, as it adds a different taste. But I put in organic leafy greens whenever I can, such as kale and lettuce. For people who do not like salads, this could be another way of adding fresh greens in your diet.


Proteins and Fats

如果你以为果昔只会给你⼀些碳⽔化合物,⽽没有⾜够的蛋⽩质和脂肪的话,那你就错了!其实果昔是给你提供健康蛋⽩质和脂肪的绝好⽅法。我会⽤各种各样的坚果和种⼦类, 不时地换一换花样:⽐如核桃,碧根果,杏仁,巴⻄坚果, 腰果,南⽠仁,⽠⼦仁,亚麻籽,芝麻,⽕麻籽,奇亚籽,等等等等。这些坚果和籽仁不但养分充⾜,⽽且⽐⾯⻝让你有更长时间的饱腹感。

If you think a smoothie can only give you carbohydrates but not proteins and fats, think again! In fact, a smoothie can give you the healthiest proteins and fats. For these, I usually go for nuts and seeds. The list is endless, just pick whatever pleases you and rotating is a great idea: walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds. These healthy fats will sustain you much longer than cereal, pancakes or buns.


Whatever Else You Need


These would make a fantastic smoothie already, if you want to go the extra mile and add even more nutrients and varieties in, you can consider green powders and protein powders. The two powders I currently use are:


I even eat my smoothie together with some of my supplements. I break apart the capsule and put the powder in the smoothie. The capsules are probably harmless, but if I don’t have to swallow it, why give my body extra work?


I also make a smoothie for my eight years old daughter every morning. The best thing about having her drink a smoothie is that I can sneak in things that she would not normally like. She does not like Brazil nuts, but selenium provide by Brazil nuts are so important, so I just put one in the smoothie. I even cut open her fish oil and put it inside as well. ( Not those fish oil with big fishy taste. It would ruin your whole smoothie!) It makes my life easier!


Get Creative

你其实可以放进去任何你喜欢的东⻄。我最近有⼀个新发现:红薯!要熟的。它让我的果昔更滑更⾹,⽽且多⼀点点甜甜的味道, 更不要说红薯的丰富营养。发挥你的想象力!

You can throw in anything you like actually. You know what I have recently discovered that goes very well with a smoothie? Cooked sweet potato! It makes it so much smoother and I love the taste, not mentioning the wonderful nutrients sweet potato provide. So get creative!


More Tips

•  如果你⽤的是冷冻蔬果,有可能会太凉。有些⼈⼤概不介意。但如果你跟我⼀样,即使是常温的我都觉得太凉,尤其是冬天。有⼏个⽅法。你可以前一天晚上把冻的蔬果从急冻⾥拿出来放到冰箱,第⼆天早上就会已经化开了。或者做好果昔之后,稍微加⼀点热⽔或其它热的饮料。我⾃⼰做植物奶(⻩⾖,核桃,豌⾖,鹰嘴⾖等), 所以我会经常加⼀点热的植物奶。

•  If you use frozen fruits, the smoothie could get very cold. It may be fine for some people, but if you are like me, even a room temperature smoothie is too cold in the winter. There are a couple of ways to get around it. Take the frozen stuff out of the freezer the night before and put it in the fridge, so it is already thawed when you get up.  After you make the smoothie, you can add a bit hot water or other warm beverage. I make my own nut milk (soy, walnut, peas, chickpeas, etc.), so sometime I’d add a bit of warm nut milk.

•  ⾹蕉和其它⽔果的糖分对我来说已经⾜够了。如果你想更甜的话,可以加⼀些⽣蜂蜜。

•  The sweetness from the banana and fruits is enough for me, but if you want it more sweet, add some raw honey.

•  如果你往果昔⾥加不同的坚果和种⼦类,很可能有点嫌麻烦:打开⼀个瓶⼦,拿出来,盖上盖⼦,再打开另外⼀个。。。我会把⼏种不同种类的种⼦放到⼀起,这样我就可以只打开⼀个瓶⼦,⼀勺⼦⼀⽹打尽!

•  If you include several types of nuts and seeds in the smoothie, it could be a bit of a hassle to open every jar, get some out, put it back, and then open another one. What I do is I pre-mix some of the seeds I like, so I can just open one jar and get several types with one scoop.

•  你如果要吃下去半个苹果,半个⾹蕉,⼀个百⾹果,⼀把草莓,还有其它的坚果和种⼦,你会觉得你在吃很多东⻄。但如果你把所有的这些东⻄都放在⼀个果昔⾥,你会在10秒钟内就全部吞了下去,然后还觉着什么都没有吃。这当然是在短时间内摄⼊多种营养的好⽅法,但有⼀个问题:你不会⻢上感觉饱,或者很满⾜。这是因为喝和咀嚼是两个不同的过程。咀嚼给我们带来更多的满⾜感和饱腹感,因为身体有更多的时间来吸收和加⼯我们吃的东⻄。所以,你可以将⼀些你本来要放⼊果昔的东⻄吃下去,⽽不是喝下去,或者搭配⼀些别的东⻄吃。除了果昔,我通常会吃⼀个煮蛋,或者⼀些苹果,蒸南⽠,坚果什么的。

• You may find it a lot to chow down half an apple, half a banana, one passion fruit, a handful of berries and some other nuts and seeds, etc, but if you put them all in the blender and make it into one drink, you could gulp it down in 10 seconds and feel you have not eaten anything yet. This could be a great way to get in a lot of nutrients, but there is one problem: you don’t feel satisfied and full right away.  Drinking and chewing are two different processes and experiences. Mastication gives us much more satisfaction and the sense of fullness because the body has more time to absorb and process what we put in. Instead of justing having a smoothie, you could save some of the ingredients to eat with the smoothie, or just add something more to eat. I usually go with a boiled egg, or some apple, or some steamed pumpkins, or some nuts.


The Bottom line


Try to minimize simple carbohydrates from your breakfast. It gives you a quick supply of energy, but you are likely to get hungry before lunch time, not mentioning the detrimental effect it has on your long term health. I have found breakfast smoothie to be the easiest and best way for me to put in the maximum nutrients and at the same time sustain me for much longer period of time. Try to include something that makes it smooth: banana, avocado, durian. Put in fruits and maybe even some green leaf veggies. Don’t forget healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and seeds. Get creative, put in your vitamin powder, protein powder, whatever you’d enjoy.


Bon appétit!