Take this, and see your health improve


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

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It’s called sunshine vitamin because it is produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. There are not many food sources for this vitamin. Its deficiency has been linked to more than 200 health conditions.


I am talking about vitamin D.


Strictly speaking, vitamin D is not a vitamin. It is actually a hormone. When sunlight hits your skin, there is a cascade of bio-chemical reactions happening in our body that involves liver and kidney. Kidney eventually produces the active form of hormone we know as Vitamin D. It activates more than 2000 human genes.


Most people know vitamin D is important for bone health because it regulates the calcium level in the blood, which helps the mineralization of the bone. Low levels of vitamin D could lead to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.


But here are some of the functions of vitamin D that may surprise you.



维⽣素D对⼀个⼈的整体免疫功能⾄关重要。 2011年,《调查医学杂志》发表了⼀篇有关维⽣素D和免疫系统的评论,描述了许多关于维⽣素D对免疫⼒重要性的科学发现。

Vitamin D is critical for one’s overall immune function. In 2011, Journal of Investigative Medicine published a review on vitamin D and the immune system. It described lots of scientific findings showing how important vitamin D is for our immunity.


Ever since Covid-19 became a worldwide pandemic, vitamin D has gained even more attention. I did not come across any research about Covid-19 prevention that does not have a big mentioning of vitamin D.


A study conducted in Indonesia that looked at 780 Covid cases concluded that below-normal level of vitamin D status is strongly associated with higher Covid-19 death rate after controlling for age, sex, and comorbidity.


This year, an article published in the journal Nutrients presented evidence that vitamin D supplementation could reduce the risk of infections and deaths from flus and covid-19.


Mental Health and Mood‍


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is called a “happy chemical”. It does not only make you feel happy and uplifted, it is also involved in focus, attention, sleep and executive functions. Anti-depression drugs such as Prozac all try to boost your serotonin level. Vitamin D is extremely important for synthesis of serotonin, hence “winter blues”: not enough sun means not enough vitamin D, no enough vitamin D means not enough serotonin, not enough serotonin means not great mood. Prolonged low levels of serotonin leads to depression.


Brain Health‍

维⽣素D的受体遍布整个身体,包括⼤脑,对于记忆和学习起着重要作⽤。 2015年美国医学杂志神经学的⼀项研究发现,维⽣素D⽔平低的⽼年⼈⽐正常维⽣素D⽔平的⼈认知衰退的速度要更快。还有很多研究认为缺乏维⽣素D与⼈体清除β淀粉样蛋白能力的降低有关系,⽽β淀粉样蛋⽩是阿尔茨海默⽒病的典型标志。

Receptors of vitamin D exists throughout the body, including the brain. It plays an important role in making memories and learning. A research in 2015 JAMA Neurology found that older adults with low levels of vitamin D experience cognitive decline faster than people with healthy levels of vitamin D. There are more research linking vitamin D deficiency to body’s decreased ability to rid of beta-amyloid, the plaques that are a hallmark in Alzheimer’s disease.


Women’s Health‍

每个妈妈都希望能够⾜⽉⽣⼀个健康宝宝。但你知道吗?⾜够的维⽣素D⽔平会使这种概率⼤⼤提⾼。 2016年的⼀项荟萃研究发现,孕妇缺乏维⽣素D会增加早产⻛险。在《美国医学会⼉科学杂志》上发表的另⼀项研究发现,服⽤2800国际单位(IU)维⽣素D(⽐正常推荐的摄⼊量⾼得多)的孕妇所⽣的婴⼉有着更⾼更健康的⻣密度。

It’s every mom’s hope to give birth to a healthy baby full term. How many people know adequate levels of vitamin D greatly increases the chance of that happening? A meta-study conducted in 2016 found that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of pre-term birth. Another study published in JAMA Pediatrics Journal found that pregnant women who take 2800 IU of vitamin D supplementation, which is way higher than the normally recommended amount, give birth to babies with healthier bone density.


However, the importance of vitamin D to human health goes far beyond what’s discussed above. Not enough vitamin D could cause inability to fight infections, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, depression, autoimmune disorders, and certain types of cancer. The list goes on.


The problem is, majority of us, if not all of us, can not get enough vitamin D without supplementation. Every report of my annual check-up would say “vitamin D deficient” until I started taking a supplement about two years ago.


The reasons we are all deficient are quite simple: first, we don’t get nearly enough sun exposure.

迈克尔·霍⾥克(Michael Holick)是公认的⼀名维⽣素D的权威, 他曾经说,你需要在亚特兰⼤(和武汉相当)以南的地⽅,上午10点⾄下午2点之间在阳光下全裸20分钟,才可以获得⾜够的维⽣素D。这显然不太可能。

Michael Holick, a respected vitamin D authority, once said that you basically have to be naked under the sun for twenty minutes between10 Am to 2 PM, south of Atlanta, to get enough vitamin D. That is apparently not quite practical.


Another reason is there are not really many natural food sources that have plenty vitamin D. The best sources are oily fish such as wild salmon, mackerel and tuna.  Beef liver, cheese, egg yolk, mushrooms offer small amounts.


Therefore, I tell everybody who come to me for advice that taking a vitamin D supplement is a must for good health.


How much should you take?‍

⾸先,需要了解你当前的⽔平。这只需要做⼀个简单的⾎检。⽬前官⽅认定的正常⽔平是30100 毫微克/毫升(ng / ml)。但我不并太认同这个主流的数字。

First, know your level. A simple blood best can tell you where you stand. The official level that is considered “normal” is 30 to 100 ng/ml. But here is what I differ from main stream.


When it comes to bio-markers, not just vitamin D, what I have learned over the years is that, a lot of times, being “normal” is not the same as being “optimal”.


Depending which health professional you turn to, the recommendations could be very different.

史蒂芬·冈德⾥(Steven Gundry)是美国著名的⼼脏病专家,在过去的15年中⼀直致⼒于研究⼈体微⽣物群和⾃身免疫性疾病。他完全扭转了⾃⼰的健康,并且帮助了成千上万的患者。他给⾃⼰和患者设定的最佳维⽣素D⽔平在110120 ng / ml。他将维生素D称作“廉价却神奇”的营养补品。

Steven Gundry is a renowned cardiologist and has spent the last 15 years researching human microbiome and autoimmune disorders. He has turned around his own health and helped thousands of his patients transform their health. The target he sets for himself and his patients in terms of optimal vitamin D level is 110 to 120 ng/ml.  He calls vitamin D supplement "cheap and miraculous".

贾德森·萨默维尔(Judson Somerville)是最佳剂量:利⽤维⽣素D的神奇⼒量恢复健康的作者。他建议的维⽣素D⽔平为100140 ng / ml

Judson Somerville is the author of “The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health With The Power of Vitamin D”. He recommended a level of 100 to 140 ng/ml.

如果你对这么⾼的⽔平有些担⼼,其实维⽣素D中毒是极为罕⻅的。冈德⾥医⽣的患者经常会有200 ng / ml以上的⽔平,但从没有过任何中毒迹象。

Just in case you are concerned, vitamin D toxicity is extremely rare. Dr. Gundry routinely saw his patients reach a level above 200 ng/ml and yet not showing any toxicity.

迈克尔·霍⾥克也发现,他的有些服⽤⾼剂量维⽣素D的病⼈会达到200 ng/ml的⽔平,也没有过中毒现象。

Michael Holick found that even when his patients take high doses and reach a level of 200 ng/ml, there is no sign of toxicity.

但如果保守⼀点的话,你维⽣素D⾄少要达到70100 ng / ml的⽔平。

But to err on the side of caution, aim to reach a level of at least 70 to 100 ng/ml.


How much you need to take to get there could be very different for different people. Generally speaking, the older you are, the darker your skin is, the heavier you are, the higher dose you might need. What’s more, our bodies have different abilities to convert and absorb.

官⽅建议的成⼈摄⼊量约为600 IU。但对于⼤多数⼈来说,这远远不够。约两年以来,我每天服⽤5000 IU,但也只是将我的维⽣素D⽔平提⾼到了54 ng / ml,这仍然⽐我想要的低。所以我最近将剂量提⾼到了10,000 IU

The official recommended intake for adults is around 600 IU (international units). That’s way too little for most people. I have taken a daily dose of 5000 IU for about two years, and it has just managed to move my vitamin D level to 54 ng/ml, which is still less than where I want to be. I have recently raised it to 10,000 IU.


Dr. Somerville actually recommended a dose of 30,000 to most people.

冈德⾥医⽣认为,⼤多数成年⼈可以服⽤5000 IU。但是如果你患有⾃身免疫性疾病或其他疾病,则可能需要将其提⾼到⾼达40,000 IU

Dr. Gundry believes most adults would do fine with 5000 IU, but if you have autoimmune disorders or other medical conditions, you may need to raise it up to 40,000 IU.

我的建议是,可以从20005000 IU开始,然后每隔⼀段时间(三到六个⽉)检测⼀下⾎液中的维⽣素D⽔平。如果你的情绪和睡眠需要改善,可以注意⼀下服⽤维⽣素D对其是否有影响。⼀个合适的剂量很可能对两者都会有所改善。

I’d suggest to start with 2000 to 5000 IU, and then monitor the vitamin D level in your blood by taking a test every three or six months. If you need improvements with your mood and sleep, pay attention if taking vitamin D makes any difference. A good dose could possibly improve both.


What else do we need to know?‍

• 维⽣素D是脂溶性的,所以在进餐时⻝⽤有可能会帮助吸收,或者服⽤已经配有脂肪的补充品。

• 维⽣素D有多种形式。尽可能服⽤D3

• 最好将维⽣素D与维⽣素K⼀起服⽤,可以增加其功效。

• 如果你体内没有⾜够的镁, 再多的维⽣素D对你的帮助也不会太⼤。将维⽣素D转化为活性形式荷尔蒙的酶都是需要镁的。因此,确保你体内的镁在⼀个健康的⽔平。

• 多晒太阳!尽可能多地暴露⽪肤,并且不使⽤防晒霜,每天⾄少20分钟。

• Vitamin D is fat soluble. Taking it with a meal where you consume some fat is ideal, or take one that comes with some form of fat.

• There are different forms of vitamin D. Take D3 when you can.

• Try to take vitamin D with vitamin K. They work together synergistically.

• Having adequate vitamin D but without adequate magnesium is not going to help you too much. The enzymes that convert vitamin D into the active form of hormones are all magnesium dependent. So make sure you have optimal magnesium level.

• Get out in the sun! Try to expose as much as skin as possible, go without sunscreen for 20 minutes every day.