6 major types of Alzheimer’s

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Dad has always been an intellectually curious person. Ever since I was small he has instilled in me the concept of “knowledge is power”.  He would constantly remind me that the only thing nobody can ever take away from you is what you know. I believe a big part of my passion for learning comes from him. Dad was always reading something, a book or a newspaper. The idea of him losing his mind someday was completely beyond me.


When my parents came to visit me in the states in their early 70s, dad had difficulty reconciling the time difference. I laughed at him and brushed it off as him just “being bad at math”. Little did I know that was the beginning of the long and heartbreaking decline of his mental capacity.


Then dad started losing his keys and glasses, then he stared at the wok and forgot how to make my favorite dish, then he could not find his way home, then he could not understand basic conversations, then one day, he did not know who I was, the baby daughter of his that he had always been so proud of.


The word devastating cannot start to describe what we as his family have experienced as a result of dad's mental decline, especially for mom as his caretaker before she passed away. You don’t really understand the frustration, despair, sadness involved unless you are in the midst of it.


What makes it even more hopeless is the mainstream belief that Alzheimer’s is something you can neither prevent nor cure. Looking at dad, I wonder if I’m looking at my future. I take after dad in so many ways: look, physique, personality, health.  I am really just my dad in a dress.

爸爸的病是促使我⼀头扎进⾮传统健康研究的原因之⼀。关于⽼年痴呆我读过最好的⼀本书是戴尔·布雷德森(Dale Bredesen)的⽼年痴呆症的终结。布雷德森(Bredesen)是美国知名的神经科医⽣,是阿尔茨海默⽒症等神经退⾏性疾病机理的国际公认专家。他拥有三⼗多项专利,是阿尔茨海默⽒症研究领域的真正先⾏者。他的书证实了我⼀直都在悄悄相信的东⻄:


Dad’s condition was one of the catalysts that plunged me in to the world of alternative health research. One of the best books I read was Dale Bredesen’s “The end of Alzheimer’s”. Bredesen is a renowned neurologist, an internationally recognized expert in the mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. With over thirty patents to his name, he is a true pioneer in the field of Alzheimer’s research. His work has revealed something that I have long suspected: 

Alzheimer’s disease is not just preventable, but reversible.


It turns out that the way conventional medicine approaches Alzheimer’s has exactly the same flaws as it approaches other health conditions: deal with symptoms, not causes. The abnormal accumulation of two proteins tau and amyloid-beta is the hallmark pathologies of Alzheimer’s disease. Pharmaceutical companies have poured billions and billions of dollars into producing drugs that try to dissipate these protein tangles. The result has been abysmal.


What has been slowly recognized by experts such as Dale Bredesen is that the accumulation of these proteins is actually the body’s natural defense mechanism to protect the brain. Something else that is going on in the body triggered the production of these substances to shield the brain from further damages. Without addressing these underlying issues that pulled the trigger, nothing will ever really work. That is exactly why mainstream medicine has failed to produce any effective drugs to treat Alzheimer’s, and that’s why we were told this disease is not curable or preventable.


A little less than two years ago I decided to do some comprehensive blood work to see where I stand in terms of cognitive health, following the protocol offered by Dr. Bredesen. Some of the result is expected, but a lot are surprising. It really woke me up and helped me finally make some difficult lifestyle and dietary changes. I’d like to share some of the test results and advice here, with the hope that it will benefit you.


Alzheimer’s may all have the same symptoms, but the underlying causes could be very different. Bredesen categorized the Alzheimer’s disease into six major types: inflammatory, atrophic, glycotoxic, toxic, vascular and traumatic.


Type 1: Inflammatory‍


This type is associated with inflammatory markers such as hs-CRP. The inflammation may be the result of chronic infections, leaky gut, poor diet, etc.


Type 2: Atrophic‍


This type is associated with the decrease of the natural chemicals that support brain health, such as estradiol, testosterone, insulin, vitamin D, and neurotrophins.


Type 1.5 Glycotoxic‍


This type has the features of both type 1 and type 2, thus coined type 1.5. Chronically high level of glucose damage cells and tissues, leading to inflammation (type 1). Meanwhile, high level of insulin, resulted from high level of glucose, leads to insulin resistance and reduces the tropic effect of insulin (type 2).


Type 3: Toxic‍


This type is related to exposure to toxins, including mercury, high copper levels, mold, anesthetics, etc. This type of Alzheimer’s often begins with symptoms other than memory loss, such as depression, problem with following instructions, calculating, or finding words.


Type 4: Vascular‍


The medical field used to think there is no connection between vascular disease and Alzheimer’s. However, it has becoming increasingly clear that chronic vascular disease greatly contribute to Alzheimer’s.


Type 5: Traumatic‍


When the brain is traumatized, amyloid is produced as a response. In many cases, amyloid tends to clear itself over time, such as the cases with many football players, but this type is more associated with the tangles made of tau protein.

因为我和⽗亲之间的相似, 我⼀直怀疑我会是⽼年痴呆症基因APOE4的携带者。因此当结果显示我确实携带该基因时,我并没有感到惊讶。但我没有想到的是,我最⼤的⻛险是患上1.5型阿尔茨海默⽒症:糖毒型,我的⾎糖和胰岛素都过⾼。我的⽣活⽅式还算健康,⽽且从来不喜欢甜⻝。这让我倍感震惊。值得⼀提的是,按照传统的医学标准,我的⾎糖和胰岛素仍处于正常范围内。但是就患痴呆症的⻛险⽽⾔,我已经接近红⾊区域了。

I have long suspected I’d have APOE4 gene, the Alzheimer’s gene, because of the striking similarities I have with dad. So I was not surprised when the test confirmed I indeed possess the gene. What I did not expect was that my highest risk was developing type 1.5 Alzheimer’s: Glycotoxic.  I have high glucose and high insulin. I have always maintained a pretty healthy lifestyle, and never liked sweets. So this took me by surprise. It’s worth noting that both my glucose and insulin were still in the “normal range” by traditional standard. But in terms of risk for developing dementia, I was already approaching the red zone.


Here are some of the advice given to me as a result of my conditions, which I believe could  be helpful for majority of people:

1. 从晚餐结束到早餐开始⾄少禁⻝1416个⼩时。

2. 睡前⾄少禁⻝3个⼩时。

3. 尽量减少简单碳⽔化合物(糖,甜⻝,⾯包(⽩⾊和棕色),⽩⽶饭,⽩⼟⾖(可以少量⻝⽤红薯和其他有⾊⼟⾖),软饮料,酒精,糖果,蛋糕,加⼯⻝品以及其他任何含简单碳⽔化合物的⻝物。

4. ⼤多数饮⻝应来⾃⾎糖指数低于35的⻝物。

5. ⾮淀粉类蔬菜应是饮⻝中最⼤的部分。

6. 避免喝果汁,吃整个⽔果或打碎的⽔果,但不要太甜。

7. 尽可能避免麸质和乳制品。

8. 多⻝⼊纤维,包括可溶和不可溶。

9. 多吃⾹菜和其他⼗字花科蔬菜来帮助排毒。

10. ⻝⽤健康脂肪,例如⽜油果,坚果,橄榄油,种⼦类等。

11. 避免加⼯⻝品。

12. 将⾁作为调味品,⽽不是主菜。

13. 确保有⾜够的维⽣素D

14. 每周⾄少锻炼56次,每次⾄少3060分钟。

15. 减轻压⼒。

16. 有充⾜的恢复性睡眠。

17. 多做脑⼒训练。

1. Fast for at least 14 to 16 hours between the end of dinner and beginning of breakfast

2. Fast at least 3 hours before going to bed.

3. Minimize simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweet treats, bread (white and brown), white rice, white potatoes (OK to eat sweet potatoes and other colored potatoes in small quantities), soft drinks, alcohol, candy, cakes, processed foods, and anything else with simple carbohydrates.

4. Most of the diet should come from foods that have a glycemic index under 35.

5. Non-starchy vegetables should be the biggest part of the diet.

6. Avoid fruit juices, eat whole fruits or smoothies, but not too sweet.

7. Avoid gluten and dairy to the extent possible.

8. Include a lot of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.

9. Reduce toxins by eating cilantro and other cruciferous vegetables.

10. Include good fats such as avocado, nuts, olive oil, seeds, etc.

11. Avoid processed foods.

12. Eat meat as a condiment, not a main course.

13. Make sure to have optimal vitamin D level.

14. Exercise 5 to 6 times a week for at least 30 to 60 minutes.

15. Reduce stress.

16. Have plenty of restorative sleep.

17. Do mental exercises.


What we now know for a fact is that your brain has already started to change decades, not years, but decades before the first symptom of dementia.  It is never too early to start paying attention and implementing healthy lifestyles.  After all, prevention is exponentially more effective than treatment.