The cause of all diseases

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What do these things have in common? A toothache, a swollen toe, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s?


One word: inflammation.


You may understand a toothache and a swollen toe may be signs of inflammation, but heart disease and Alzheimer’s?


To understand this, we need to differentiate acute inflammation and chronic inflammation.

每个中国⼈都知道什么是“上⽕”,或者是“体内热⽓和⽕⽓太⼤“。你喉咙痛,⽛痛,或者嘴巴溃疡的时候,会想到,这是我上⽕了。⻄⽅没有上⽕这个概念。但急性炎症和上⽕相当接近。就连炎症这个词都是相通的。英⽂的炎症⼀词来⾃”inflame”, 意思是点燃⽕焰。

Every Chinese knows the concept of “shang huo”, or “too much heat or fire in the body”. When you have a sore throat, a toothache, or mouth ulcers, you would think to yourself: oh, I just have too much heat. In western terms, this is close to what acute inflammation is. Even the words are similar. Inflammation comes from “inflame”, meaning to set fire.


Inflammation is actually your body’s defense mechanism to protect you from injuries or outside invaders such as unfriendly bacteria. This is your immune system working. The usual signs are swelling, redness, pain, and heat. A normal and beneficial inflammation usually lasts hours or days. Then it would subside, the battle is over, things go back to calm, and the healing starts.


This kind of rapid fire is not the problem. The problem is the low grade smoldering fire that does not go away: chronic inflammation. It is below perception, below pain level, and you don’t even know it is there.


In 2004, Time magazine ran a cover story titled “The secret killer: the surprising links between heart attacks, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other diseases", talking about how some of the most prevalent modern illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disorders (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc.) and asthma, can all trace back to this thing called “cellular inflammation”, another word for chronic inflammation.

以前,医⽣们相信⼼脏病的发作是由太多的胆固醇引起的,  太多的时候会堵塞⾎管,阻断⾎流,造成灾难性的后果。但这个理论只有⼀个漏洞:不同的研究会有不同的数字,但⼤约50%-70%患有⼼脏病的⼈的胆固醇⽔平完全正常!影像技术提⾼以后,医⽣们发现那些⼩的堵塞其实更危险,更容易突然破裂。现在医学界相信这些堵塞的破裂是炎症的反应。

Years ago, doctors used to think heart attacks are the result of high cholesterol build-up in the arteries. When they get too big, they choke off the flow of blood, then the disaster strikes. There is only one problem with that theory. Depending on where you look, about 50% to 70% of heart attacks patients actually have perfectly normal cholesterol level. After the imaging technology improved, doctors realized the most dangerous plaques are actually those small ones, which are more prone for rupture. Now it is believed that the bursting of the plaques is an inflammatory response.


New research is finding out that cell mutations and inflammation are mutually reinforcing. If there is chronic inflammation in the body, it helps normal cells develop into deadly tumors.


It is not just heart disease and cancer, more and more evidence has pointed to this chronic inflammation as the cause of almost all degenerative diseases. Left unattended, this chronic activation of the immune system slowly damages tissues and organs. By the time a serious disease is diagnosed, inflammation has wreaked havoc on your body for years or even decades. So all the diseases that are not connected in your perception: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, autoimmune diseases, and even mental disorders such as anxiety and depression are actually all manifestations of long term chronic inflammation.


So what makes the immune system perpetually activated and causes this slow burning fire?


There are genetic factors. But more importantly, it is mainly due to our lifestyles: what we eat, what we do and what we feel.



我们餐盘上的东⻄对我们体内的炎症程度影响巨⼤。威尔医⽣是美国⼀位⾮常著名的综合医学医⽣, 他这样说:

What we put on our plates hugely influence how much inflammation we have in the body. Dr. Weil, a famous integrative medicine doctor in the US, says this:


“Diet has a huge impact, so much so that I believe that most people in our part of the world go through life in a pro-inflammatory state as a result of what they eat. I’m convinced that the single most important thing you can do to counter chronic inflammation is to stop eating refined, processed and manufactured foods.”


Diet is a huge topic, and we are going to talk about it a lot, but for now, remember the following big principles:


Reduce animal products, reduce refined carbohydrates, reduce sugar intake, eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Stay away from processed foods. If something comes in a bag with nutritional values printed on it, the chances are they are very processed.




You think smoking only damages your lungs? Wrong! According to US National Institute of Health: “Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, including the heart, blood vessels, lungs, eyes, mouth, reproductive organs, bones, bladder, and digestive organs.”. It is a major contributor to heart diseases. It does this through inflaming the body chronically.


Sedentary lifestyle‍


Our body is meant to move, but modern lifestyle has drastically cut down the amount of time we move around. We drive or take transportations to work, then sit in front of a computer the whole day. We get home in the evening exhausted, plop ourselves on the couch, and use TV or social media to wind down. This lack of physical activity is closely associated with persistent systematic low grade inflammation. A study conducted on 285 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics found that higher sedentary time is associated with higher value of inflammatory markers.


Lack of restorative sleep‍


How often do you have restorative sleep and feel fresh and energetic in the morning? How much sleep debt have you accumulated through the years? Do you know even one night of poor sleep can activate the pro-inflammation process? A 2008 study found that one night of insufficient sleep resulted in higher levels of NF-kB, a protein complex that acts as a signal to stimulate inflammation throughout the body.




Just like inflammation, stress is a built-in human defense mechanism. Short-term stress can save our lives. It is the chronic, perpetual feeling of unease and pressure that kills us. The pathway it kills us is through activating inflammatory response in the brain and other parts of the body.


Disconnect from nature‍

我们住在⾼楼⾥,我们在摩天⼤楼⼯作,我们穿的⾐服是合成材料,我们每天摄入到体内⼤量的⼈造化学物质,我们⼤部分时间都在室内度过。这种与⾃然的脱节对我们的健康有什么深远的影响我们才刚刚开始理解。克林特·奥伯(Clint Ober)⼀⽣的⼤部分时间都在研究接地(⾁体与地⾯的接触)如何可以帮助减轻⼈体内的炎症,他这么说:

We live in high rise, we work in skyscrapers, we wear synthetics, we ingest tons of man-made chemicals, we spend most of our time indoors.  We just start to understand how this disconnect from nature has a profound impact on human health. Clint Ober spent a big part of his life studying how grounding (physically connected to earth) helps reduce inflammation in our bodies.  He said:


“You cant have inflammation when youre grounded. The animals in the wild dont have inflammation. Cancer doesnt exist in the wild. Animals who live indoors with their owners have the same cancer death rate as their owners.”

克⾥斯蒂安·诺斯鲁普(Christiane Northrup)是⼀名医⽣,也是荷尔蒙方面的专家。她也建议⽤接地来减少身体的炎症:

Christian Northrup is a MD and an expert on hormonal balance. She also recommended grounding as a way to reduce cellular inflammation:


“20 minutes standing barefoot on the ground or the beach or hugging a tree. That will ground you to the electromagnetic field of the Earth and it decreases cellular inflammation by 20%.  That alone.”


So try to get out in nature as much as possible and put your bare feet on the ground whenever you can.


In terms of supplementation, two supplements are very effective in reducing inflammation: omega 3 and polyphenols.  Polyphenols are a compound found in plants, which gives fruits and vegetables their colors.

如果慢性炎症你感觉不到,那怎么知道你有没有炎症呢?最常⽤的⼀个指标是CRP(C反应蛋⽩)。但常规的年检并不包括这个。下次你需要抽⾎的时候,可以要求做⼀个CRP测试。理想的⽔平是不超过1mg/L. 超过10则意味着体内存在严重的炎症或者感染。

If chronic inflammation is below perception, how do we know if we have inflammation when we feel just fine? One of mostly used marker is called CRP (C-Reactive Protein). But this is not included in a regular check-up. Next time you do a blood draw, ask for CRP. Ideally, the level should be less than 1 mg/L. A level above 10 indicates serious infection or inflammation.