The path to healing starts from within

(阅读时间⼤约3分钟。Approximate reading time 3 minutes)

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I write this blog with full awareness that I am giving advice without having gone through the same devastating experience myself. But having helped two loved ones deal with cancer, and after tons of research, I have come to the realization of some powerful lessons that I believe could benefit many people.

克⾥斯·沃克(Chris Wark)通过营养和另类疗法治愈了⾃⼰的三期结肠癌,医⽣扎克·布什(Zach Bush)放弃了传统的癌症研究,致⼒于研究现代⼈类疾病的根源,他们都这么说:

Chris Wark, who healed himself from stage III colon cancer through nutrition and alternative treatments, and Zach Bush, a brilliant doctor who turned away from traditional cancer research to underhand the root causes of modern human diseases, both said this:


Cancer is not the problem, it is merely the symptom.‍


Our body has built-in mechanism to deal with cancer. Every person, every day, has cancer cells in their body, but most of the time, those cells were eliminated. The reason a renegade cell develops into a tumor over the span of several years is because the immune system was overwhelmed and failed to do its job. The factors that led to the weakened immune system are the real problems.


Contrary to what many people believe, cancer is not a genetic disease for the most part. The most quoted statistics is that about 5 to 10% cancer cases are related to genes. Some researchers believe it is actually less than 5%.


Then there is epigenetics, the newly developing science that studies how genes can be turned on or off. Having cancer-causing genes in no way means we will definitely get cancer. We have much leeway than we previously understood.


That leaves more than 90% of the factors in our control. I am by no means saying it is somebody’s own fault to have cancer. Rather, let’s look at from a different angle: if something within your control contributed to the development of cancer, then you have the power to change it, to reverse it, to recover.


We do not fully understand cancer, including 100% prevention and treatment. However, what we do understand is sufficient to make a difference. Our lifestyle makes up most of those 90%: what we put in our mouth, what we put in our mind, whether we move our body, how much we are exposed to the omnipresent environmental toxins, how much stress we are under, what emotions we experience, etc.


Lifestyle is something we can choose and control. Before we talk that in details, I’d like to emphasize on one change that should come before everything else: your mindset.


See it as an opportunity

我知道这不是那么容易做到,但这样的⼼态对康复极为有利。也许让⼈难以置信,但那些从癌症或者其它重症恢复的⼈都对⾃⼰的经历满怀感激,因为正是这样的经历完全改变了他们的⼈⽣, 也改变了他们。

As hard as this sounds, this is an attitude that will be extremely helpful for healing. If you ask anyone who has recovered from cancer or any other serious illness, you would be surprised the overwhelming feeling they have is gratitude. They are grateful for the experience because it transformed their lives and changed them inside out.


Cancer is a tap on your shoulder to tell you something in your life is not working, you are off balance somewhere. Find out where the imbalances are, and work yourself into balance.  Using Dr. Bush’s words: see yourself empowered by cancer, not attacked by cancer.


Shin Terayama was diagnosed with advanced kidney cancer in his late forties. After going through surgery, chemo and radiation, he was sent home. It was believe he had less than three months to live. He accepted the reality, and felt grateful for each day that he is still alive. He started going to his apartment building roof every morning before sunrise to take in fresh air and practice deep breathing. Realizing he has ignored his body for too long, he also started mentally sending love to his cancer. He found by sending love to instead of resisting the cancer, the pain would be dramatically reduced. After practicing this and other alternative healing methods, Terayama began to get better little by little. Today he is 84 and working to help cancer patients around the world to heal holistically.


Overcome fear‍


When facing cancer diagnosis, the most dominant emotion is fear. This is such a natural and understandable response. Acknowledge it, but don’t be consumed by it. The best way to recover from cancer is to activate your self-healing mechanism. Negative emotions such as fear shut it down.


You probably also want to find out the statistics of your type of cancer such as 5 year survival rate. This could be very misleading. Remember: you are not a statistics! Don’t pay attention. Those numbers are from cases where people most likely only followed conventional treatments and did little else. The fact that you are reading this shows you believe in your own healing power. You are not one of them, you have much better odds.


Instead, try to research people who have recovered from your type of cancer.  No matter how serious it is, as long as there is just one person that has recovered, you have a lot of hope! I have read cases after cases where people recover from the even most abysmal situations.


Here are some resources:


Chris Wark interviewed hundreds of cancer patients who has recovered from cancer. Put in the type of cancer in the search box, and you can see a list of interviews he made with people with that specific type of cancer.


Radical Remission Project has a list of people around the world who has shared their recovery stories. Put in a type of cancer in the search box, you can also specify location, gender, etc. to narrow down the search results.


Institute of Noetic Sciences published the book “Spontaneous Remission” in 1993, documenting cases where patients recover from serious diseases and cancer without or with ineffective medical treatments. All the chapters of the book are available for download at the following link:


Take control‍


When consumed with fear and worry, the only thing you can think of is to quickly find the best doctor and do exactly what he or she prescribes, get the treatment so the tumor can start to shrink.  That was exactly what I felt and did when helping with the loved one.  But there is a better way.

不要把所有的决定权交给⼀个医⽣。你的治疗需要你的参与, 你应该来掌控你的治疗⽅案。

Instead of giving all decision making to one doctor, take control of your treatment.


First, PAUSE. Don’t panic and rush into treatments. That’s probably what you are tempted to do and what the doctors want you to do. Remember, doctors are only going to prescribe the standard care options: chemo, radiation and surgery, because that’s what they are educated in and that’s the only thing they know. They are not going to give you the right nutrition advice, neither are they going to urge you to make lifestyle changes, which in my opinion are much important than any medicine.


I’m not a fan of conventional cancer treatments, but I do recognize the need to have them for some people in some situations. It is fine if you decide to do them, but don’t stop there, thinking that is all you can do. Do your own research, surf the web, read books, talk to people。Put together your options, and make a plan. Having a plan will give you the sense of power and control, which is an extremely important part of the healing journey.


Be willing to make radical changes‍


It takes years and years for a tumor to develop, it won’t go away quickly or easily. It requires drastic changes from your part, and you must be willing to make those changes to turn on your self-healing mechanism. By changes, I don’t just mean stop eating this or start eating that, or start exercising more. Those are all necessary, but the harder and more important changes are those that have to do with your mental state. They could be ending a toxic relationship, they could be dramatically reducing your work load, they could be learning to accept yourself, they could be forgiving others, they could be forgiving yourself, or they could be letting go of negative emotions such as insecurity, resentment, anger, regret, jealousy, etc. Offload your burden, let go.

克⾥斯·沃克在《克⾥斯击败癌症》⼀书中谈到宽恕是他癌症康复历程的⼀个重要组成部分。他甚⾄列出了⼀个宽恕名单”: 原谅伤害过他的⼈,请求那些他伤害过的人原谅他。

In his book “Chris Beat Cancer” Chris Wark talked about how forgiveness is a big part of his cancer healing journey. He actually made a “forgiveness list”, and worked on forgiving people who had hurt him, and asked for forgiveness to people whom he had hurt.


No matter what it is, no matter how hard it is, you need to have the determination to make changes, especially the mental ones. Because if you are still full of negative emotions and stress, it will outweigh all the treatments, diets and supplements you are doing.


Let go of negative emotions and stress, you will be well on your way to recovery.




For the majority of our readers who probably don’t have a strong religious belief, this may seem like an unrealistic request. Pray anyway. You don’t need to be religious to ask the universe for help. Pray to God, Buddha, the universe, the higher power, or whatever you believe in or feel comfortable with. Ask for help, ask what you need to do to heal. Don’t do it just once, don’t do it just one day. Do it every day, do it many times, some answers may eventually bubble up.


Bottom Line‍


Never, never, never lose hope. Believe in your body’s power to heal. Find out what parts of your life are off balance. Make changes.