This may kill cancer cells and why you don’ know about it


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses. Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals. We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

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One of the books I read during my cancer research was “Chris Beat Cancer”. 


At the age of 26, he was diagnosed stage IIIc colon cancer, which is the 2nd most advanced type of colon cancer. After having the tumor removed, he went against almost everybody’s advice and wishes, including those of his doctors and family and friends, and decided not to do chemo.


With nutrition, life style changes and natural remedies, Chris cured himself. Today, 17 years later, still cancer free, he is actively helping cancer patients around the world through coaching, blogs, interviews and speaking, focusing on nutrition, lifestyle changes and natural therapies.


Recently one of his interviews caught my eyes. It is with doctor Wamidh Talib, a professor of Cancer Biology at Applied Science Private University in Amman, Jordan. He authored several studies on natural anticancer compounds from medicinal plants and herbs.


While working for his Master’s degree, Dr. Talib dealt with many children with cancer. The experience deeply shook him, and he made up his mind to devote his life to alternative cancer treatment research. After obtaining a PHD in Natural Products and Cancer, he started working at Applied Science Private University and continued his cancer research.


One of the studies he performed was a combination of lemon and garlic extract on mice with breast cancer. Mice were injected with breast cancer cells, then they are allowed to grow for 14 days. Then the mice were divided into four groups: group 1 is control group, who were given only salt water; group 2 were given only garlic extract; group 3 were only given lemon extract; group 4 were given both lemon and garlic extracts. They were injected directly into the stomachs.


Here are the findings after 14 days:


Group 1 has an average of 566% tumor growth.

第⼆组和第三组:肿瘤平均缩⼩80%60% 60%的⼩⿏肿瘤完全消失。

Group 2 and group 3: the tumors shrunk on average by 80%. 60% of the mice were completely cancer free.

第四组:这个组⽤的是柠檬和蒜在⼀起的提取。肿瘤平均缩⼩91% 80%的⼩⿏肿瘤完全消失。

Group 4, which were given the combination of lemon and garlic extracts, saw their tumor shrunk on average by 91%, and 80% of the mice were completely cancer free!


Why did a simple combination have such a profound impact?


Garlic has a unique combination of phytochemicals and organosulphur compounds, the most well known being allicin (thiosulfonate), which makes it a very powerful anti-cancer spice. But most people eat it cooked, thus greatly reducing its effect. Citrus fruits such as lemons are rich in anti-cancer compounds like limonene, especially in the peels.


Dr. Talib and his family have been drinking this for 7 years. According to him, it does not only help with cancer treatment, but also cancer prevention, lipid profile, and cardiovascular health.


Here is how you can prepare it:‍

• 300克柠檬(⼀个中型柠檬⼤约为5060克)

• 300g lemon (a medium sized lemon is about 50 to 60g)

• 100克蒜(⼀个中型蒜瓣⼤约为57克)

• 100g garlic (a medium sized garlic clove is about 5 to 7g)

• 500毫升蒸馏⽔或者过滤⽔(16盎司,⼤约两⼤杯)

• 500 ml (16 oz) water, distilled or filtered

• 将蒜切成⼩块,放1015分钟,这样可以提⾼其效⼒.

• Cut the garlic into small pieces, let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes, this will enhance the potency.

• 将柠檬切成小块,不要去皮!

• Cut the lemon into small pieces, leave the peel on!

• 将柠檬,蒜和水放在搅拌机⾥搅拌,直到全部成液状。不要搅拌时间太长,以免将其做熟“.

• Blend lemon and garlic and water using a blender until it is liquid, but don’t blend it too long to avoid “cooking” it.

• ⽤过滤器或纱布将其过滤.

• Use a nut milk strainer or cheese cloth to strain it.


Things to bear in mind:‍

• 也可以用同样多的柠檬和蒜。上面用了31的比例是为了更容易喝下去.

• You can use equal weight of lemon and garlic, 3 to 1 ratio given in the instructions makes it more palatable.

• 柠檬要洗干净,尤其如果不是有机的.

• Wash the lemons really well, especially if it is not organic.

• 如果你可以喝下整个混合物,不需要⼀定过滤.

• If you can drink the mixture, you don’t even need to strain it.

• 剩下的可以放在瓶子里封闭起来放在冰箱里,可以保存⼀个星期.

• Seal it in a jar and put it in the fridge for storage. It can stay up to one week.

• 慢慢来。如果你觉着很难下咽,先从很少喝起,然后⼀点⼀点加量.

• Start small. Some people may not tolerate it very well, so gradually work up your dose.

• 最好可以每次喝100毫升,每天⼀次.

• Ideally you can drink 100ml each time, once a day.

• 并没有⼀个铁定的最高量,如果你可以喝下去的话,也可以多喝⼀些。

• There is really no proven maximum amount. If you can stomach it, you can drink more.

• 如果对你来说很难喝,也可以多加水进行稀释.

• If it’s hard for you to drink, feel free to dilute it with more water.

• 饭后喝!不要空腹的时候喝.

• Always drink it after a meal! Do not drink it on an empty stomach.


The mice in the studies saw dramatic results in just 14 days. But don’t expect the same. One mouse day is equivalent to about 40 human days. So 14 days is equal to about 1.5 years of our time.


Just in case you are wondering why this has not been tested on humans and by other companies if it is so effective, we really have to delve into the flaws of the whole medical system. 


I briefly talked about this in an earlier article “don’t worship you doctor, worship your body”. I don’t want to bash any profession. Good people are working tirelessly for good causes. But it’s not one or two people, or one or two companies. Everybody is deeply caught up in this gigantic machine that has a life of its own.


The primary driving force for a pharmaceutical company is always to make money and stay alive. In US, on average, it costs about 1 billion dollar to get a drug approved by FDA (Some studies put it even higher). No, that’s not a typo. It is a billion with a B. It’s an incredibly complicated and expensive process. So why would anyone want to spend money on anything that will not bring them huge potential profits? By default, anything unaltered from nature cannot be patented and cannot be made money of. How much money do you think lemon and garlic will make for them? I’ve seen examples of this over and over again.


In US and many other countries, for an oncologist, you run the risk of losing your license if you veer from the “surgery, chemo, radiation” standard protocols. Majority of the doctors of course choose the safe route. That’s why your oncologist does not know these remedies, nor are they interested in knowing.


This is why I am extremely grateful to people like Dr. Talib and Chris and others who believe in the efficacy of natural therapies and are wiling to go agains the tide.

当然,我并不是说⼈们不应该去做传统的治疗。什么样的治疗方案对自己是最合适的是⼀个非常个⼈的决定。对于有些人来说也许传统治疗是非常合适的。但不管你如何决定,我们强力推荐寻求不同的意⻅,了解更多的信息,  尝试不同的方法,增加完全康复的机率。

To be clear, we are not asking people not to do the standard care. It is a very personal decision as to what treatment plan one should follow.  For some people the traditional treament may be very appropriate.  But no matter what one decides to do, we strongly advise people seek out different options and information to maximize possibility of complete recovery.


I understand the emotional and financial toll cancer can have on a person and on the family. We’ll continue to share our research, and hope it will help as many people as possible.