You are not stuck with the brain you have

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(阅读时间⼤约为3分钟。Approximate reading time 3 minutes)


Are your intelligence and health largely determined by your genes? Are you going to inevitably lose your mental sharpness when you get older? Are you almost certain to get dementia if it runs in your family? Is it really impossible to reverse the damages you did to your brain with years of bad lifestyle and diet choices?


The answer to all of the above questions is an astounding NO


We used to believe the brains we were given upon birth are the brains we’ll have for the rest of our lives. Medical doctors were taught in school you have certain numbers of neurons in your brain and once you lose some, you can never get them back. Main stream medical belief was that Alzheimer’s cannot be treated or prevented. It’s up to your genes and your luck. We all thought that slowing down of the mental ability is just part of aging.

过去三⼗多年⾥现代科学对于我们⼤脑如何运作有了更深的了解。 有些新的发现完全推翻了我们的旧观念。事实上,你的⼤脑存在着巨大潜⼒,你完全可以让你的⼤脑更加强有力,这个能力你⼀生都具有,直到你离世的那天。你完全可以依靠后天努力而升级你大脑的版本。

Modern science has helped us gain much deeper understanding of how our brain really works in the last 3 decades. What it has revealed to us are sometimes quite contrary to the old beliefs we held. In fact, you are not stuck with the brain you have, you can make it much better, you can make it better up to the day you leave. It is up to you to be the best version of yourself.


To understand the immense potential your brain has, we need to understand three concepts that are related to the latest neuroscience discovery: epigenetics, neurogenesis, and neuroplasticity.



表观遗传学的英⽂epigenetics起源于希腊语,其中“epi”的意思是超越 Epigenetics⼀词表⾯的意思是超越遗传。我们看下美国国家基因组研究给予的定义:

The letters “epi” in the word “epigenetics”, which is of Greek origin, means “over and above”. First let’s see the definition given by the National Genome Research Institute:


“Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies heritable changes caused by the activation and deactivation of genes without any change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism.”


In more layman’s terms, it means Epigenetics studies how factors other than our DNA can change our gene expressions, turning them on or off. Here is an analogy that may help us understand: your genes may load the gun, but many other factors that you are in your control determine whether the trigger will be pulled or not.


Now the scientists start to tell us that our inherited genes don’t determine our fate nearly as much as we thought, instead, our lifestyle choices play an essential role in whether we’ll live a healthy and vibrant life. That principle applies to the genes that are related to our brain health as well.

和阿尔茨海默病最想关的基因叫做APOE4。有这种基因会增⾼你患上这种病的⻛险。但是,不是每⼀个有⼀个甚⾄两个这种基因的⼈会患上阿尔茨海默, 而很多患有这种病的人并没有这个基因。

The gene that is most directly linked to Alzheimer’s disease is APOE4. Having at least one APOE4 gene increases your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, not everyone who has one or even two APOE4 genes will get Alzheimer’s, and many people who got this disease do not have this gene at all.


In fact, more than 70% of genes that influence health and longevity are under epigenetic control.



神经发⽣是指脑部形成新神经元的过程。很⻓时间以来⼈们⼀直认为这只是婴儿在子宫内生长的时候才会发⽣的事情。成人的大脑可以产⽣新的神经元这⼀理论主流科学界⼀直拒绝认可。所以医学院学生关于大脑的教育⼀直基于的假设是,⼀旦胚胎发育完全,新的神经元就不可能再生了。直到90年代,当我们有了更为精密的仪器之后, 科学界才开始承认神经发生是确实存在的。

Neurogenesis is the process that new neurons are formed in the brain. It was long thought that formation of new neurons were only active when a baby grows in the womb. The concept of adult humans having the same ability was rejected by mainstream science for a long time. Students in medical school were educated on the assumption that humans cannot grow new neurons in the brain beyond embryonic development. It was not until 1990s when more advanced technologies were availabe did the science community finally accept neurogenesis as hard science.


Neurogenesis happens in two areas of the brain, one of which is hippocampus. Hippocampus is the pair of seahorse-shaped structures in our brain, playing a critical role in our memory. We used to think we have a definitive numbers of neurons and once we lose some we can never get them back. Now we know human hippocampus retains its ability to generate neurons throughout one’s life.




Neuorplasticity refers to brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself by making new neural connections, whether as a result of injury and sickness, or other types of external stimulation such as learning a new skill. This ability is available to all of us throughout our life times.


The old belief was that different areas of the brain are connected with different functions. Once that part of the brain is damaged, you forever lose your ability that is enabled by that part. Neuroplasticity overthrew that old belief. Turns out our brain has the potential to rewire and adapt. That is why some people will partially or completely regain their ability to talk and walk and other functions that were lost for some time right after the stroke, although those parts of the brain never recover. In those cases the brain learned to make new connections between neurons, finding alternative ways to achieve the same tasks.


The same applies when you are learning a new language, a new musical instrument or a new dance move. The neurons are firing up to form new connections. When you do it often and consistently, the connections are reinforced and become more permanent.


This relatively new human knowledge has profound implications on how we view health and aging. So much decline, especially that of the brain, was considered just part of normal aging. Now we know our brain is not nearly as fixed and hard-wired as we thought. Throughout our life times, we have plenty of opportunities and tools to enhance our mental performance, in quite big ways.


I know this to be all true without even understanding the science. After giving birth to my daughter, I was sustaining on 2 to 3 hours of sleep a day for a prolonged period of time. The damage to my overall health and brain was obvious. I got sick often and easily. Sometimes when I wanted to say something I could feel my brain working hard to put words together. Now, years later, I am the healthiest and sharpest I have ever been in my whole life. Somehow my body and brain have found ways to compensate for all those neurons and connections I lost.


We will delve deep into details on what you can do to improve your brain health and be the best version you can be. For now, here are some general principles:

• 健康饮食。大量减少糖和简单碳水化合物的摄⼊量(白面,白米,土豆)

• Have a healthy diet. Dramatically reduce your sugar and simple carbohydrates intake (white flour, white rice, white potato)

• 运动,运动,运动!

• Exercise, exercise, exercise!

• 创建⼀套解压方法

• Have a stress management system to reduce stress

• 经常给你的⼤脑做做操,学样新东⻄,或者时不时改变⼀下惯例

• Give your brain a work-out from time to time through new learning, routine changes ,etc.

• 尽量减少毒素的摄入量,包括空气,⻝物,个人护理品等。

• Try to avoid toxins as much as possible, including toxins from the air, food and personal care products

• 控制好血糖的稳定

• Maintain stable blood sugar

• 每天79个小时的高质量睡眠

• Get 7 to 9 hours of restorative sleep every day

• 适当补充营养素,尤其是高质量的DHA

• Supplements appropriately, especially with high quality DHA