Who needs store-bought salad dressing?

(全⽂阅读时间⼤约1分钟。Approximate reading time 1 minute

⾊拉对我来说⼀度是属于那种应该吃,但不怎么想吃的⻝物范畴。我知道⽣的蔬菜本身含有多种消化酶,⼀旦加热这些酶就⼤⼤流失了。知道归知道, 能够享受它则是另外⼀回事了。吃⾊拉的时候总感觉⾃⼰是⼀只巨⼤的兔⼦。但后来时间⻓了,开始爱上⾊拉。现在更是每天⼀盘。⾊拉酱对于这个改变来说功不可没。

Salad used to be one of those “I should, but I don’t really want to eat” kinds of foods. I know raw foods have lots of digestive enzymes that get lost during cooking, but enjoying it is something else. I always feel like a giant rabbit when chowing down uncooked plants. Yet over the years I have learned to love it. Now I have a big salad every single day. What has helped a lot are the salad dressings.

我原来⼀直是从超市买⾊拉酱,从来没想过其它还有什么可能。当我开始研究饮⻝和营养,并且对吃的格外谨慎之后,⾊拉酱成了我⾃⼰在家倒腾的东⻄之⼀,  因为我意识到超市买来的⾊拉酱⼤多充满了糖,防腐剂,⼈⼯⾹料和其它化学成分。

I was buying salad dressing from stores, and never thought there were any other options. After I started trying to eat more consciously and clean, salad dressings became on of the things that I experimented with at home, as most of the store bought dressings are full of sugar, preservative, artifificial flavors and chemicals.


Then I realized how easy and how much better it is to make your own. All you need is a blender, some fresh ingredients that you usually keep in your kitchen anyway. Throw it in, and you are done. It is quick, fresh, cheaper, and most importantly, you know exactly what you are putting in your mouth! 


Today I want to share one of my favorite dressing recipes: nutty and tangy dressing!


Ingredients you need: ‍

• 两⼤勺杏仁酱 (我其实更喜欢那种很多坚果和种⼦混在⼀起的坚固酱,但家⾥暂时缺货,今天只有杏仁酱。你也可以⽤其他的来代替,⽐如花⽣酱,芝麻酱,或者就直接⽤坚果或种⼦,最好是烘或炒过的)

• Two tablespoon almond butter (I actually prefer those butters with multiple nuts and seeds, but I run out those and only have almond butter today. You can also substitute with other nut or seed butter, such as peanut butter, tahini paste, sesame paste, or even just whole nuts and seeds. Roasted ones would be preferable)

• ⼀⼤勺芥末酱(不是吃寿司的那种芥末,是⻩⾊的那种)

• One tablespoon mustard

• ⼀⼤勺⽣抽

• One tablespoon soy sauce (or Tamari sauce)

• ⼀⼤勺醋(苹果醋,⾹醋,⽶醋,酒醋都可以)

• One tablespoon vinegar (any kind, apple cider, balsamic, rice, wine etc.)

• ⼀粒或⼏粒蒜瓣切块(蒜的多少看你有多喜欢。我⽐较狂爱蒜,所以你在图⽚中看到我放很多)

• One or several garlic cloves chopped (this really depends on how much you like garlic. I insanely love garlic, that’s why you see a lot of it in the picture)

• 一⼩块姜切块

• One small piece of ginger chopped

• 两⼤勺特级初榨橄榄油(⼀定要⽤橄榄油哦!)

• Two tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

• 两⼤勺凉⽔

• Two tablespoon water




If you want to add a little bit of sweetness, drop in several raisins, or a couple of dates.


Put everything in a blender, voila!


This is enough for two to three servings for me. If you want to keep it longer, just double the ingredients. Next time you take it out of the refrigerator, it may have become sticky. No worry, just add some water or oil, mix it up.


Cooking is more of an art than science for me. Don’t be afraid to experiment and substitute! I love nut butter, but am not so crazy about vinegar, so I usually have a lot of nuts but just small amount of vinegar. You may like it the other way around!

OK, 好好享受吧!

Bonne appetite!