Stop eating this, see your health improve

(全⽂阅读时间⼤约2分钟。Approximate reading time 2 minutes

如果你还没有被各种关于营养的建议彻底搞晕, 那说明你读得还不够。那些专家们似乎都有着完美⽆缺的学院背景和让⼈⽣畏的名衔和资历,他们⼿握荟萃分析和双盲研究,告诉你该吃什么,不该吃什么。可是他们的建议有可能很不⼀样,甚⾄会是截然相反。

When it comes to nutrition, if you are not utterly confused, you haven’t really read anything yet. All the experts, armed with impeccable eduction, impressive titles and acronyms, and their meta-analysis and double blind studies, are telling you what to eat and what to avoid. Yet they could have very different, sometimes even polar opposite views.


Coffee is one of the best things for you, it has a lot of antioxidants and could help prevent heart diseases. However, the other person says, it could tire out your adrenal glands and have long term negative health effect.


You should not really eat too many eggs. It’s animal protein, and not that good for your cholesterol. No, no, eggs are one of the most nutritious food there is, especially the yolk!


Butter is very high in saturated fat, it’s better to stay away. Absolutely not! All that fat is good for you!


Even fruits are controversial.


Don’t get me started on meat.


The most fierce battle being fought right now is around grains. Are grains healthy? Should we go low or high on grains? Do we even need grains at all?

但似乎只有⼀个东⻄没有引起任何争议。在我读过的所有的书,⽂章和研究中, 我从来没有看到任何异议。从来没有。

Among all these debates, seems there is one thing that has remained above the fray. Of all the studies and books and articles I have read, I have not come cross any different views on this one food. None, zero, nada.


When it comes to refined grains, everyone agrees: it is bad. Just stay away.


Even for people who think grains are an integral part of a healthy diet, the types of grains they believe we should eat are whole grains. Never, never refined grains.


What are refined grains?


A grain is considered whole if it has all three parts intact:


The bran is the outer layer and has important antioxidants, B vitamins and fiber.


The germ is the embryo of the grain, which gives the seed potential to grow into a full plant.


The endosperm is the energy reserve of the grain and provides the food supply for the seed to grow. It contains starchy carbohydrates and very small amounts of other nutrients.


Anything that does not have all three are considered refined. The most common refined grains are white wheat flour and white rice. Through the milling process, bran and germ are removed. With only the endosperm is left, the flour and rice are starchy, have a finer texture and longer shelf life.


So what’s exactly wrong with white flour and white rice that we have been eating for as long as most of us can remember?


The biggest factor is its ability to spike your sugar level once it is consumed.


If I tell you eating a slice of white bread is no different from eating a tablespoon of honey, or two teaspoons of table sugar in terms of its effect on your blood sugar, that doesn’t sound quite plausible, does it?


The extent to which your blood sugar is raised is usually measured by GI: Glycemic Index. The higher the value, the faster it raises your glucose level. Pure glucose has a GI value of 100.

以这个为参照,⾯包的指数为75, ⽩糖的指数为65, 蜂蜜的指数为61.

With that reference in mind, white bread has an index value of around 75, while the value for table sugar is around 65, and honey is around 61.


You may scratch your head, but bread does not taste nearly as sweet as sugar and honey!! They may not be the same for your taste buds, but your body cannot tell the difference and they react to them the same way.

我们都知道糖吃多了不好。精制⾕物也是⼀样。除了那些⼈⼈都知道的后果:肥胖,糖尿病,它还会增加你患上⼼脏病,脑痴呆和某些癌症的⻛险。⻢克 • 海曼, 美国⼀名著名医⽣,美国功能医学研究院的临床事物董事⻓,这么说:

We all know the consequences of eating too much sugar. Regular consumption of refined grains has exactly the same effect. Aside from the obvious risk of diabetes and obesity, it also increases your risk of heart disease, dementia and certain cancers. According to Mark Hyman, a MD and Board President of Clinical Affairs at Institute of Functional Medicine:


“This rapid rise in blood sugar brought on by consuming starchy carbs and all forms of sugar is essentially the metabolic mechanism single-handedly responsible for today’s global epidemics of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity (and it contributes to dementia and cancer as well).”


If that is not enough for you, refined grains have also very little nutritional value. Do you know that most of the states in US mandate enrichment to white flour. I don’t remember who said this, but really drove it home: “The cereal you are eating is probably as nutritious as the cardboard it comes with”. The same goes for the delicious pasta, the pizza, the bread, the noodles and all the other foods made from refined grains. When you stuff yourself or your children with these foods, you crowd out other more nutritious foods that you body desperately needs. Overtime, your health suffers.


Then there is the gluten issue, then there is glyphosate. We don’t have enough space to explore all these in one blog.  They will be discussed in the future.


Is it time to put down your beloved wonder bread, that slice of delicious cake, that bowl of pasta, that plate of fried rice?




I am not saying this is easy. Cutting off something that has been a staple all your life is not going to be easy. I grew up on noodles, bread and white rice. When I first removed all refined grains, it was challenging both physically and mentally. But I know I had to do it. Science evidence is just too overwhelming and conclusive not to make the change. My health has improved so much ever since I have never looked back.

你也许会问, 如果⽩⾯和⽩⽶不能吃,那全⾕物可以吗?这些东⻄好像⽐较健康?全⾕物当然⽐精制⾕物要健康,但现实要复杂很多。市⾯上的那些所谓全⾕物产品基本上都不是真正意义上的全⾕物。我们会在以后讲讲全⾕物。

You may also be wondering, if white flour and rice are off-limit, at least we can eat whole grains, which are supposed to be a lot healthier? It is a step in the right direction, but it is much complicated than that. Most commercially available “whole-grain” products are not whole grains in the true sense. We’ll get into whole grains some time in the future.


For now, this is the bottom line:


If you want to reduce your risk of the major chronic diseases that plague the world today, including heart disease, diabetes, dementia and cancer, stop eating things made from pure white flour, white rice and other refined grains. If it is too hard to stop, start cutting it down,or switch to whole grains, real whole grains, but go easy even on these.