Are you still counting calories?

(全⽂阅读时间约为2分钟。Approximate reading time 2 minutes)


What is the best way to lose weight?


Eat less and exercise more, right? I used to think so. I believe in it so much that I thought all those people who cannot lose weight just lack discipline to do the right thing. Now having a more sophisticated understanding how our body and nutrition work, I feel embarrassed for my arrogance.


If you are still painstakingly watch your calories intake in the hope of losing some weight, you should really stop and reexamine your assumptions.


Not overeating is important. Exercising is important. But in terms of maintaining a healthy weight, they are by far not the most important factors at all. 

我在很多地⽅都读过吃什么吃多少更为重要的理论,但格瑞 • 塔尔伯的书 “我们为什么会胖”给了我很好的科学解释。 

I have read much about how WHAT you eat matters much more than HOW MUCH you eat, Gary Taube’s book “Why We Get Fat” clarifified some scientifific explanations for me. 


One of the examples he gave was Fat Louisa Paradox: 

1846年,波尔⻢部落的⽣活很不错,吃得也很好。但到20世纪初的时候,因为太多的新⼈定居于此,夺取了很多资源,这个部落衰落了。很多时候他们不得不靠政府的补助过活, 吃的东⻄和吃的量都很以前大为不同。可是,他们却开始变得肥胖。

In 1846, Perma Tribe had abundance of food and lived good lives. But by early 1900s, they have fell in poverty as a result of too many settlers in their land, and had to survive on government subsidies. The amount of food and types of food they eat have changed. Yet, they have become obese collectively.

另外⼀个例⼦来⾃约翰 • 霍普⾦斯⼤学教授本杰明 • 卡波来若的观察:

Another example the author gave was the observation made by Benjamin Caballero, a professor at John Hopkins University:  


“A few years ago, I was visiting a primary care clinic in the slums of Sao Paulo [Brazil]. The waiting room was full of mothers with thin, stunted young children, exhibiting the typical signs of chronic undernutrition. Their appearance, sadly, would surprise few who visit poor urban areas in the developing world. What might come as a surprise is that many of the mothers holding those under-nourished infants were themselves overweight… The coexistence of underweight and overweight poses a challenge to public health programs, since the aims of programs to reduce undernutrition are obviously in conflflict with those for obesity prevention.”


These all seem counter-intuitive until you look at the biological underpinnings of our bodies. 


Let’s look at how fats work in our body in the most simplifified terms possible. Fat is burned as energy in the form of fatty acids. When fat needs to be stored, fatty acids get into the fat cell, bond with glycerol to form triglycerides. Triglycerides are too big to go through the cell membrane. If they need to get out of cell membrane, they break down into fatty acids again, which are small enough to get through the cell membrane. So there is this continuous cycle between fatty acids and triglycerides.


So it’s not hard to understand that when more fatty acids move into fat cells and are stored as triglycerides, the fat cells are fatter and make you fatter; when more triglycerides get broken down and move out of the fat cells, the fat cells get leaner and make you leaner. 


Then the question is, what moves fatty acids into fat cells? And what stops the triglycerides from breaking down and backing out of fat cells?


One of the most important factors is the hormone insulin. Most people only associate insulin with diabetic conditions, but insulin has more functions than burning glucose. Insulin is the principal regulator of fat metabolism. It facilitates the storage of fat and inhibits the break-down of triglycerides.  

著名的诺⻉尔奖获得者罗莎琳·雅洛(Rosalyn Yalow)和所罗⻔·伯森(Solomon Berson)早在1965年就这样描述脂肪细胞释放脂肪酸:“仅需要胰岛素缺乏的负⾯刺激。” 也就是说,如果胰岛素降低,脂肪酸就可以从脂肪细胞⾥释放出来。

The renowned Nobel Prize winner Rosalyn Yalow and Solomon Berson stated this in 1965 about fatty acids releasing from fat cells: “REQUIRES ONLY THE NEGATIVE STIMULUS OF INSULIN DEFICIENCY".  In other words, if insulin drops, fatty acids can be released from fat cells.


So if you have chronically high level of insulin, fats accumulates and you gain weight. If the insulin drops, fat can get back out of the fat cells and the fat depots shrink, and you lose weight. 


What makes insulin level high? 


Secretion of insulin is primarily in response to the carbohydrates in the diet.


Now it is understandable why cutting carbohydrates is a much more effective way to lose weight than simply eating less. Yes, I am talking about bread, noodles, pasta, rice, cereal, all sweets, and even potatoes, etc. 


I understand this could be quite a tall order, especially for people who have traditionally grown up on a carb rich diet. But I challenge you to try to dramatically reduce carbohydrates in your diet for two weeks without any other lifestyle changes, and see how this works out for you.


Of course what could make your love handle grow bigger is not just what’s on your plate.  There are multiple factors.  One other factor is stress. 


Our body has only two fuel sources: glucose and fat. When the body is in stress mode, it will turn to the fast burning fuel: glucose. When you are in chronic stress, you are always burning glucose and never fat, which causes more fat to accumulate. 

睡眠不好也会让你难以减肥,原因之⼀, 睡眠不⾜让两个控制饥饿感的荷尔蒙失衡:⽣⻓素和瘦素。⽣⻓素刺激你的胃⼝,⽽瘦素控制你的胃⼝。缺乏睡眠让你的⽣⻓素增⾼,瘦素降低,你就会总想吃东⻄,迟迟不觉得饱。 

Sleep can cause you gain weight in several ways, one of which is to mess with the hunger hormones: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates your appetite and leptin decreases it. Sleep deprivation spikes up ghrelin and surpasses leptin level, which makes you want to eat more and makes it diffiicult to feel full and stop eating.


Like so many things related to our health, maintaining a healthy weight is concerted dance instead of a linear connection.