(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses. Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals. We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)
(阅读时间约2分钟。Approximate reading time 2 minutes)
If you follow every nutritionist and every expert in the world, you are basically left with nothing to eat. There are so many opposing views on what to eat and not to eat, it could leave your head spinning sometimes. How do you know what to do and what advice to follow?
在众多声⾳中,我最为信任的⼈之⼀是瓦尔特·隆戈(Valter Longo)。
Among so many voices out there, one of those I trust is that of Valter Longo.
⾸先,他有着出色的履历。 Valter Longo拥有生物化学博士学位,在博士后的培训中师从长寿领域的先驱Caleb Finch,专攻神经生物学。⽬前,他是南加州大学老年医学和生物科学教授以及该校的⻓寿研究所所⻓。他还担任意⼤利癌症研究基⾦会IFOM的长寿与癌症计划的主任。由于他对衰老,长寿和禁⻝的研究,在2018年被《时代》杂志评为50位医疗保健业最具影响力的⼈物之⼀。
First, he’s got an impressive resume. Dr. Valter Longo has a PH.D in biochemistry. He received his post-doc training in neurobiology with longevity pioneer, Caleb Finch. Currently, he is professor of Gerontology and Biological Sciences and director of the Longevity Institute at University of Southern California. He also serves as the director of the Longevity and Cancer Program at the IFOM, the Italian Foundation for cancer research. He was named by Time in 2018 as one of the 50 most influential people in healthcare for his research on aging, longevity and fasting.
Of course he’s not the only one that has big titles and lots of experiences. I’ve watched his talks and read his book and found him quite conservative in his approach to research and recommendations.
I especially liked the five pillars he uses for his research on longevity and nutrition. For him to consider any dietary protocol, it has to meet the following 5 criteria:
1. The science of juventology: Is it consistent with what the science says about cells function, aging and regeneration?
2. 流行病学:是不是已经在某些⼈群中有⼤规模的研究可以证实?
2. Epidemiology: are there any large scale studies within certain populations that confirm the findings?
3. 临床研究:在临床上是否可以看到相同的结论?
3. Clinical studies: Do we see the same results in clinical settings?
4. 百岁老人研究:是不是有任何长寿的人口这样做?
4. Study of centenarians. Did any of the long-lived populations in this world follow this?
5. 对于复杂系统的研究。通过将⼈体与另⼀个极为复杂的系统(例如汽⻋)进行比较,这样⻓期保持系统最佳功能的做法在理论上是不是可以说得过去?
5. Study of complex systems. By comparing human body to another extremely complex system such as a car, can it maintain the optimal function of the system long term?
In his book “The Longevity Diet”, Longo wrote in detail what he thinks is the best way to eat to live long and healthy. Here I am citing a much shorter version on his website (valterlongo.com):
• 多吃纯素食,再加上⼀点⻥,每周最多吃两到三顿⻥。选择欧⽶伽3,欧米伽6,和维⽣素B12含量⾼的⻥,甲壳类和软体动物,(比如三文⻥,凤尾⻥,沙丁⻥,鳕⻥,鲷⻥,鳟⻥,蛤,虾)。注意这些⻥的质量,选择汞含量低的。
• Eat mostly vegan, plus a little fish, limiting meals with fish to a maximum of two or three per week. Choose fish, crustaceans, and mollusks with a high omega-3, omega-6, and vitamin B12 content (salmon, anchovies, sardines, cod, sea bream, trout, clams, shrimp. ) Pay attention to the quality of the fish, choosing those with low levels of mercury.
• 如果你不到65岁,保持较低的蛋⽩质摄⼊量(每磅体重0.31⾄0.36克; 约每⽄体重0.34⾄0.4克)。⼀个体重130磅 (约118⽄)的⼈每天需要40到47克蛋⽩质,⽽重量200到220磅 (约181⽄到200⽄)的⼈每天需要60到70克蛋⽩质。65岁以上的⼈,应略微增加蛋⽩质的摄⼊量,但也应增加⻥,蛋,⽩⾁以及从⼭⽺和绵⽺上衍⽣的蛋⽩的摄⼊,以防止肌肉退化。⾖类,⽐如鹰嘴⾖,豌豆和其他⾖类应该是蛋⽩质的主要来源。
• If you are below the age of 65, keep protein intake low (0.31 to 0.36 grams per pound of body weight). That comes to 40 to 47 grams of proteins per day for a person weighing 130 pounds, and 60 to 70 grams of protein per day for someone weighing 200 to 220 pounds. Over age 65, you should slightly increase protein intake but also increase consumption of fish, eggs, white meat, and products derived from goats and sheep to preserve muscle mass. Consume beans, chickpeas, green peas, and other legumes as your main source of protein.
• 尽量减少饱和脂肪,无论是动物来源还是植物来源(肉,奶酪),以及糖的摄⼊,多吃优质脂肪和复杂碳水化合物。食⽤⼤量的橄榄油(每天3汤匙)和坚果(每天1盎司),吃全⾕类和⼤量蔬菜(⻄红柿,⻄兰花,胡萝⼘,⾖类等)。
• Minimize saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources (meat, cheese) and sugar, and maximize good fats and complex carbs. Eat whole grains and high quantities of vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, legumes, etc.) with generous amounts of olive oil (3 tablespoons per day) and nuts (1 ounce per day).
• 多吃维生素和矿物质含量高的食物,可以每三天补充⼀些多种维生素。
• Follow a diet with high vitamin and mineral content, supplemented with a multivitamin buffer every three days.
• ⻝材的选择可以参考本书,多⽤那些你的祖先吃的东⻄。
• Select ingredients among those discussed in this book that your ancestors would have eaten.
• 根据你的体重,年龄和腹围来决定每天要吃两顿还是三顿饭。如果你已经超重或容易发胖,可以选择每天吃两顿饭:早餐加上午餐或晚餐,再加上两份低糖(少于5克)的零⻝,每份零⻝的卡路里含量都少于100卡路⾥。如果你的体重已经正常,或者你很容易减肥,或者超过65岁且体重正常,那么每天可以吃三顿饭和⼀份低糖(少于3⾄5克)的零⻝,卡路⾥低于100。
• Based on your weight, age, and abdominal circumference, decide whether to have two or three meals per day. If you are overweight or tend to gain weight easily, consume two meals a day: breakfast and either lunch or dinner, plus two low-sugar (less than 5 grams) snacks with fewer than 100 calories each. If you are already at a normal weight, or if you tend to lose weight easily or are over 65 and of normal weight, eat three meals a day and one low-sugar (less than 3 to 5 grams) snack with fewer than 100 calories.
• 将所有饮食限制在十二小时内;例如,从早上8点开始,到晚上8点结束。睡前三到四个⼩时内不要吃任何东⻄。
• Confine all eating to within a twelve-hour period; for example, start after 8 a.m. and end before 8 p.m. Don’t eat anything within three to four hours of bedtime.
The book “The Longevity Diet” is not only about what to eat, it is also about what NOT to eat: fasting. In fact, Dr. Longer is the creator of the famous Fasting Mimicking Diet: a diet that mimics the effect of doing a fast, i.e., you can still eat, while achieving similar results as that of a real fast. We’ll discuss it some time in the future.