This diet may help with Alzheimer’s disease

该文章的英文来自, 作者是大卫·珀尔默特(David Perlmutter) ,美国的⼀位知名脑神经科医生。

The English version of the following article was published by, written by Dr. David Perlmuttera well-known American neurologist.


Over the past several years a mechanistic concept has arisen that seeks to explain the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. This has been called the bioenergetic theory. Basically, it describes a situation in which the highly energy demanding cells of the brain are somehow compromised in their ability to use fuel. Make no mistake about it, brain cells require an incredible amount of energy to perform their function. In the resting state, the brain, which typically represents only 2 to 5% of total body weight, consumes up to 25% of calories burned.


The brain’s primary fuel is glucose. And one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive failure of the brain’s ability to use this source of fuel, basically a situation in which brain cells are not able to utilize glucose for energy. In fact, specialized PET scanning of the brain can visualize signature areas of the brain that are less functional in terms of glucose utilization that correlate with Alzheimer’s disease.


Recently, technology has evolved to allow researchers the ability to visualize, using PET scans, how the brain is able to utilize another fuel, ketone bodies. Ketones are a unique type of fat that the body manufactures when we are severely deprived of calories or we are on a diet that is high in fat and highly restricted as it relates to carbohydrates, and specifically refined carbohydrates like sugar.

因为大脑在不能有效利用葡萄糖时能够利⽤酮体作为替代燃料,⼈们认为生酮饮食可能对患有阿尔茨海默氏病的⼈有所帮助。这是我的好友Matthew Phillips医⽣提出的假说。他设计了⼀项随机的交叉式的研究试验,来确定12周的改良⽣酮饮⻝是否对阿尔茨海默氏病会有⼀些影响:比如认知,生活能力,生活质量等。这项研究是在⼀所阿尔茨海默氏病医院诊所进行的。

In that the brain is able to utilize ketones as an alternative fuel when it is having difficulties utilizing glucose, one might think that a ketogenic diet would perhaps prove helpful in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. And this was the question asked by my good friend Dr. Matthew Phillips as he designed a randomized, crossover trial to determine whether a 12-week modified ketogenic diet would have any effect on various parameters that are typically measured in Alzheimer’s disease like cognition, daily function, or quality of life. In fact, this study was done in a hospital clinic for Alzheimer’s disease patients.


The study involved 26 patients, of whom 21 completed the ketogenic diet. During the 12-week trial blood was evaluated for beta-hydroxybutyrate, an important ketone, especially as it relates to the brain.


The study revealed that in the ketogenic group, blood glucose levels remained lower than thenon-ketogenic group, as you might assume. Further, measurement of blood ketone (beta-hydroxybutyrate) showed that ketones were higher in the intervention group, again, as we would assume.


Compared with the standard diet, patients on the ketogenic diet showed a small trend towards improved cognition. The analysis of this trend indicated it was non-signifificant, but keep in mind, Alzheimer’s disease generally declines with time in terms of cognition. Importantly, a significant change was seen on the scale measuring activities of daily living. This was described as being a meaningful benefit that “rarely occurs with medication.” Generally, Alzheimer’s patients decline as it relates to activities of daily living and self-care.


Finally, compared to the usual diet, patients had a fairly dramatic improvement in measurements of quality of life. This was determined to be a “substantial benefit”, especially in the context of the fact that there are no medications that have any effect on quality of life outcome.


Dr. Phillips concluded:


“Compared with a usual diet supplemented with low-fat healthy-eating guidelines, patients on the ketogenic diet improved in daily function and quality of life, two factors of great importance to people living with dementia. Changes in cardiovascular risk factors were mostly favourable and adverse effects were mild. Ketogenic diets may hold promise as viable and effective treatment strategies in AD, but larger and longer studies are needed before this can be stated with confidence.”


We have previously reported results from Dr. Phillips on the significant effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are now characterized as representing bioenergetic issues, meaning that brain cells are having difficulty utilizing their primary source of fuel, glucose. Providing an alternative fuel source as he has done using ketones is proving significantly effective in these challenging conditions.


Moving forward, a ketogenic diet is something to be considered for individuals with these conditions, but should only be instituted under the direction of a healthcare provider who has experience with this dietary intervention.


Our comments:

我个⼈并不推崇长期遵循严格的生酮饮⻝,因为缺乏⻓期的结论性的数据,尤其是对于女性而言,因为它对⼥性荷尔蒙会有⼀些潜在的影响。但是,这并不意味着我们不能采⽤某些⽣酮饮⻝的⼀些原则,比如增加健康的脂肪,减少碳水化合物,尤其是精制碳水化合物。戴尔·布雷德森(Dale Bredesen)是美国在阿尔茨海默⽒病的研究方面最权威的神经病学家之⼀,他建议⽤“ketoflex”的饮⻝来帮助预防阿尔茨海默氏病。他建议尝试达到一个在0.5 mmol/L4  mmol/L之间的轻度酮体水平 。如果科学研究在以后给我们更多的证据表明这种饮⻝可以帮助治疗阿尔茨海默氏病,我想我们所有⼈都应该给予它更多的关注。

I personally do not advocate long term strict keto diet, duo to lack of long term data, especially for women, because of its potential hormonal impact. However, that does not mean we cannot adopt some of the keto principles, such as more healthy fats and less carbs, especially refined carbs. One of the most authoritative neurologists on Alzheimer’s disease, Dale Bredesen, recommends a “ketoflex” diet to help prevent Alzheimer’s. He recommends a light keto state between 0.5 mmol/L and 4 mmol/L. If science reveals further evidence that this type of diet can help treat Alzheimer’s disease, I think all of us should pay more attention.