The case against fruits?


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(阅读时间约3分钟。Approximate reading time 3 minutes) 


Sugar is bad for you. That’s pretty much universal knowledge now. But how about sugar from fruits? Is it as bad? Or worse? Or not as bad?


The sugar from fruits is technically called “fructose”. Sugar, the common term we usually use for table sugar and cane sugar, is actually half glucose and half fructose. Fructose is the sweetest of all three, followed by sugar and then glucose.


Some people tout fructose as a safer type of sugar because it does not impact blood sugar levels nearly as much as other types of sugar. This is dangerously wrong.


Fructose is metabolized differently than glucose. While glucose is circulated in the blood stream and absorbed by cells to provide energy for the body, fructose is almost exclusively absorbed and processed by the liver.  Imagine you weigh 75 kg and just ate 40 grams of sugar. 20 of that is glucose, which is then processed and used to provide energy for your whole 75 kg body. The fructose, which is also 20 gram, will be processed almost solely by your liver, which is probably about 2 to 3 kg. So the extents of the impacts are quite different. Yes, fructose may not raise your blood sugar, but it increases insulin resistance through different metabolic pathways, and greatly increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.


In the past few decades, fructose in the form of High Fructose Corn Syrup has been widely used as a sweetener to all sorts of foods, because it is sweet and it is cheap. Now people are just waking up to the high price we have to pay for the food companies’ genius: obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, high level of uric acid, heart disease, cancer, etc.


More and more studies point out that it is the fructose in the sugar, not glucose, that has long been the culprit of many health problems.


One of these studies was published in Journal of Hepatology, where 94 young men were recruited for a seven-week period to evaluate the effects of fructose, sucrose and glucose. They were fed drinks every day with 80 grams of fructose, sucrose and glucose, or without any sugar.


The study found that in people who drank either fructose or sucrose added drinks, the formation of fat in the liver increase by about 2 fold compared to those people drinking water without sugar. Glucose consumption did not have the effect at all.


Before you cast fruits completely out of your life, let’s make some distinction between fructose and fruits.

你可能会注意到,到⽬前为⽌,我们⽤的词是果糖”: 指的是⼯业制造并添加到⻝品和饮料中的果糖。这些果糖与苹果中的果糖是⼀样的吗?

You may notice that only the word “fructose” is used so far in this article. We are talking about the fructose industrially made and added to food and drinks. Are the fructose in these studies the same as the fructose you get from an apple?


Chemically, YES, metabolically, NO.


We need to be careful not to buy into the “reductionist” way of thinking so common in the nutrition world. The supplements companies and pharmaceutical companies are extremely good at extracting one or two nutrients from something, put them in a capsule and expect them to have the same effect as the thing it is extracted from. However, the fact is, an orange and a vitamin C pill are treated and metabolized differently by your body. Pineapple has always helped me with my digestion when needed, but the enzyme that is extracted from it does not work for me at all.


The same holds true the other way around. Just because something is not good, it does not mean you need to give up everything that contains it.  Even veggies and beans have components that are called “anti-nutrients”, which block the absorption of certain nutrients in our bodies. Does that mean we have to stop eating them too?


I believe, when consumed in whole forms and not excessively, fruits, with their fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants provide a lot more benefits than harm.  Studies have born this out. A study named “Sugar, Uric Acid, and the Etiology of Diabetes and Obesity” stated that “We found, that whereas fructose from added sugars is associated with hypertension, fructose from natural fruits is not”.  Other studies have indicated that industrial fructose, not fruit fructose, is associated with liver dysfunction.


In an Harvard Health Letter published by Harvard Health Publishing and titled “Rethinking fructose in your diet”, it states that it is the added sugar, not the natural fructose in fruits that are problematic. It went further to say that “Fruits are not harmful and are even beneficial in almost any amount”.


In some studies where people were put on high fruit diet (20 servings a day”), they found no adverse effects on weight, blood pressure, triglycerides. One study even found an astounding 38-point drop in LDL cholesterol.


But to be cautious, I would limit my daily fruit intake to 5 servings.  2 to 3 is probably ideal.


Of course, if you have liver disease or diabetes, it’s better to be careful with your fruits consumption. TCM considers fruits as “cold” foods. People with weak and cold digestive system may want to exercise caution as well.


If you are regulary eating processed foods, drinking sweetened beverages, and a lot of snacks that come in a bag, you are probably consuming way too much industrial fructose, without realizing it. That is what you need to cut out of your diet, not apples and strawberries.