Diabetes is largely curable and reversible


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(阅读时间约3分钟。Approximate reading time 3 minutes) 

现代医学有时可以救命,但是我对其使⽤合成专利药物来治疗和掩盖症状⽽不是解决根本问题的⽅法⼀直极其不满。 现代医学的治疗⽅法不但没有好的成效,⽽且会造成很严重的健康后果。这在许多现代慢性疾病的治疗中尤其明显。糖尿病就是经典例证之⼀。 

Modern medicine can save lives, but I have long had grievances with its approach of using synthetic and patented drugs to treat and disguise symptoms rather than addressing the  underlying root causes. The ineffectiveness and even devastation these approaches can cause are apparent in its treatment of many modern chronic diseases, diabetes being one of  them. 

根据美国疾病防控中心的数据显示,约有⼗分之⼀的美国⼈患有糖尿病,三分之⼀的人患有糖尿病前期症。如果你觉着这很糟糕,那我们再看看中国的数字。据20204⽉发表在BMJ 上⼀份报告显示,国内有超过10%的成年⼈患有糖尿病,占12.8%。 更令⼈吃惊的是,国内约有⼀半的成年⼈患有糖尿病前期症。 其实这只是被诊断出来的,并不包括那些⾛在⼤街上,对自己患上糖尿病的风险⼀无所知的⼈。与欧洲裔的⼈相比,国内患有2型糖尿病的⼈年龄相对较小, 而且BMI(体重指数)较低。 

According to the figures reported by CDC, about 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes, and 1 in 3 have prediabetes. If you  think this is bad, it is worse in China. More than 10% of adults in China are living with diabetes, 12.8% according to one report. What is more startling is about half of adults in China  have prediabetes. And that is only diagnosed cases, not including those people walking around clueless about their risk of developing diabetes. Compared with European descents, Chinese with type 2 diabetes are diagnosed at a relatively young age and lower BMI.  

传统医生,在国内被称作“西的人,会告诉你糖尿病是⼀种进行性疾病,也就是说,它会慢慢地更加严重。 药物的作用是尽可能减慢这种恶化。 ⼀旦你患上糖尿病,除了用药物尝试着控制之外,其它没有什么办法。

Most conventional doctors, what are called “western doctors” in China, would tell you diabetes is a progressive disease, meaning, it will progress. What medicines do is to slow down that  progression as much as possible. There is really not much you can do once you have it except to try to control it with drugs. 



让我们从糖尿病最基础的东西说起。由于2型糖尿病占糖尿病病例的90%以上,所以我们重点说说2型糖尿病。 众所周知,糖尿病患者需要不断监控血糖水平。 所有的现代药物做的也是同样的事情:稳定病人的血糖。 这是经典的管理症状而没有解决根本问题的例证。很多⼈会将⾎糖和糖尿病这两个概念混淆,甚⾄将这两个东西等同起来。但是血糖不稳定不等同于糖尿病。 它仅仅是糖尿病的结果,征兆,症状。有多项研究表明,成功控制血糖和糖尿病相关并发症发⽣的可能性关系不大。 这其实不应该让⼈感到奇怪,因为管理血糖并不能解决糖尿病的根本问题!

Let’s start with diabetes 101. We’ll focus on type 2 diabetes since it constitutes more than  90% of diabetic cases. We all know diabetic patients need to carefully manage their blood sugar level. All pharmaceutical drugs try to do the same thing: stabilize glucose. This is  the classical example of treating symptoms instead of addressing the root problem. Most of us  get confused about glucose and diabetes by equating these two things. But glucose is not diabetes. It is merely the result, the sign, the symptom of diabetes. There have been several  studies that demonstrate the successful management of blood sugar does not have much positive impact on the possibility of developing diabetes related complications. This is not  surprising, because managing blood sugar does not address the root cause of diabetes! 


What is the root cause then? 


Insulin resistance. 

胰岛素的主要⼯作是将血糖输送到细胞里,这样你就可以利⽤这个能量并且存储能量。 如果你有胰岛素耐性,胰岛素将⽆法有效发挥它的作⽤,所以很多血糖会留在你的血液⾥,无法进入到细胞。 

The primary job of insulin is to shuffle glucose into your cells, so you can have energy and store  energy. If you have insulin resistance, insulin cannot do its job effectively, so you end up having high levels of glucose in your bloodstream. 


What causes insulin resistance?

高水平的胰岛素。像其他任何东西⼀样,当你接触太多的时候,你对它的敏感性就会降低。 如果你总是在释放很多胰岛素,你的身体就会变得对它不那么敏感了,结果是,你的身体需要释放越来越多的的胰岛素来加以弥补。 这就是恶性循环的开始。 

High level of insulin. Just like anything else, when you have too much exposure, you get less sensitive to it. When you regularly release too much insulin, your body gets less sensitive, as a  result, your body releases even more to compensate. That’s how the vicious cycle starts.


But what causes high level of insulin to start with?

饮食和生活方式。 是的,糖尿病主要是⼀种饮⻝和⽣活⽅式的疾病。 如果你不改变那些导致糖尿病的饮⻝和⽣活⽅式,吃再多的药也不会让你完全避免多年后的并发症。 事实是,这些药实际上会增加引起这些并发症的可能。 

Dietary and lifestyle factors. Yes, diabetes is mostly a dietary and lifestyle disease. If you don’t change the dietary and lifestyle factors that give you diabetes in the first place, no amount of pills will save you from the complications some years down the road. What’s worse,  the pills can actually cause those complications.


For a lot of diabetic patients, this is a very likely scenario: 

⼀种药 —> 两种药 —> 好几种药 —> 低剂量的胰岛素 —> 越来越高剂量的胰岛素 —> 并发症 

One pill —> two pills —> several pills —> low dose of insulin —> higher and higher dose of  insulin —> complications 

服⽤药物来治疗糖尿病就像服⽤退烧药来治疗感染,使⽤胰岛素注射治疗糖尿病就如同⽤酒精来治疗酗酒。 你会获得即刻的短暂的释放,但你却要为此付出更⻓期和更严重的后果。

Taking medication to treat diabetes is like taking a Tylenol to treat infection. Using insulin injection to manage diabetes is like giving alcohol to an alcoholic to treat alcoholism. You get instant and short lived relief, you pay for that with long term and more severe health  consequences. 


The key to curing and reversing type 2 diabetes is to gradually lower insulin levels.  

我读过⽆数⽤天然疗法根治糖尿病的案例,最终可以完全摆脱所有的药物。 和营养界的很多其它事情⼀样,到底什么可以吃,什么不可以吃,还是存有争议的。但是,对于那些想要逆转或预防糖尿病的⼈来说,这些大的原则是每个人都需要了解的:

I have read cases after cases after cases of people reversing their diabetes naturally, and eventually get off all their medications. The exact diets could be different, and like everything in the nutrition world, there are always debates as to what is the most effective. But there are  principles that are critical for anyone who wants to reverse or prevent diabetes:

• 间歇性禁食。这是目前为止降低胰岛素的最简单(我没有说最容易),最省时,最经济的⽅式:不吃东西!不断进食会刺激⼈体不断释放胰岛素。我们都知道这样做的坏处。 如果将进⻝限制在⼀天中的某个特定时间范围内,你会教你的身体有效利⽤肝脏中储存的能量,利⽤细胞中的脂肪中储存的能量。(是的,间歇性禁⻝对减肥也⾮常有效。) 这篇⽂章不是写间歇性禁⻝的,但是我真⼼希望所有的,每⼀个想根治糖尿病的⼈好好研究⼀下间歇性禁⻝,找到适合自己的⽅法。你的生活很有可能会因此⽽改变。

• Intermittent fasting. This is by far the simplest (not easiest), least time consuming and most economical way of reducing insulin level: by not eating! Constant eating stimulates the body to constantly release insulin. We all know what that leads to. By restricting your eating to a  certain time window of the day, you are teaching your body to utilize the energy stored in your liver, and the fat in your cells. Yes, intermittent fasting is also extremely effective at weight loss.  This blog is not about fasting, but I encourage anyone who wants to reverse diabetes to seriously learn about intermittent fasting and find the most appropriate way for  themselves.  It may very well change your life.

• 减少碳水化合物的摄⼊,尤其是精制的碳⽔化合物,因为它们会迅速提高胰岛素⽔平。 对于任何⼀个觉着这很困难的⼈,我能感到你的痛苦。我超喜欢⾯包,煎饼和淀粉类的蔬菜。 尝试着吃完整的而不是加⼯的碳⽔,例如糙米,南瓜,⾖类。 尽量将它们与富含纤维的⻝物⼀起⻝⽤。 并且不要吃得太多。你的盘⼦上占地最多的应该是蔬菜。 将碳⽔化合物更多地看作配菜。⼀碗白面条加两块⻘菜和两块⾁不是⼀个健康的选择! 还有⼀点要记住的是,不同的⼈对不同的碳⽔化合物有不同的胰岛素反应。 对于某些⼈来说,吃红薯会导致胰岛素猛增,但土豆却不会。 对于某些⼈来说,可能恰恰相反。学会做自己的福尔摩斯。 

• Reduce carbohydrate intake, especially refined carbohydrates, because they raise insulin  level very quickly. For anybody who finds this difficult, I’m with you. I love bread, pancakes,  and starchy veggies. Try to eat them in its whole forms, like brown rice, pumpkin, beans. Try  to eat them together with foods with a lot of fibre. And try not too eat too much. Your plate should be mostly veggie. Think of carbs more as a side dish. A bowl of white noodles with two pieces of veggie and two cubes of meat is not a healthy meal!!  Something else to bear  in mind is that different people have different insulin reaction to different carbs. For some people, eating sweet potatos will cause insulin to shoot up, but not potato. For some, it may  just be the opposite. Be your own detective. 

 • 蛋白质摄⼊量适中。蛋白质过多通常不是⼀个好主意。 从降低胰岛素的⻆度来看,不吃太多蛋⽩质也是明智的。蛋⽩质也能显著增加胰岛素的分泌,(但不会提升血糖),虽然比起碳⽔化合物要少。 动物蛋白比植物蛋⽩会更容易刺激胰岛素的分泌。 

• Moderate protein intake. Too much protein is generally not a great idea. From the  perspective of lowering insulin, it is also wise not to eat too much protein. Although less than  carbs, protein also raises insulin significantly, but it does not raise glucose level. Animal  proteins tend to stimulate more insulin than plant proteins. 

• 不要惧怕脂肪! 当你少吃碳⽔时,你可能担心你会饿。 让脂肪来帮你! 它可以提供更长的饱腹感,并且不会提升血糖或胰岛素! 当然,去吃那些天然和健康的脂肪,例如坚果,种⼦,⽜油果,⽜油果油,草食肉,橄榄,橄榄油,鱼,蛋等。 我说过很多次,我本⼈不太喜欢奶制品。但是,如果你要吃⽜奶,酸奶,⻩油,奶酪的话,吃那些全脂的! 

• Don’t be afraid of fat! When you eat less carbs, you might freak out about being hungry. Fat  comes to rescue! It provide longer satiety, and it raises neither glucose or insulin!  Of course,  have natural and healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, avocado oil, grass fed meat,olives, olive oil,  fatty fish,, eggs, etc. I’ve said this many times, I’m not a fan of dairy  products. But if you do eat milk, yoghurt, cheese or butter, please go for the full fat ones! 

• 记住,夜宵是邪恶的! 上床前两到三个⼩时内不要再吃东⻄了。 睡眠期间我们不需要很多能量。 如果你在睡觉前吃东⻄,那你的身体必须要处理掉这些⻝物和葡萄糖。 所以身体需要分泌胰岛素将多余的葡萄糖转移到细胞中,以脂肪的形式存储。 是的,晚上进⻝不仅仅对你的睡眠⽆益,还会让你体重增加,并增加你患上糖尿病的⻛险。 如果你会说但是我睡前总是很饿, 那你很可能需要重新规划你晚餐吃的东⻄。 试着增加更多健康的脂肪和蛋⽩质。

• Night snacks are evil! Try to have your last bite two to three hours before going to bed. You don’t need a lot of energy during sleep. If you are eating shortly before bed, your body has to  deal with all that food and glucose. Insulin is spiked to move the extra glucose to your cells  to store as fat. Yes, night eating not only messes up your sleep, it also makes you gain weight and makes your more susceptible to diabetes. If you are the one saying “but I’m  always hungry before bed”, most likely you need to examine what you eat at dinner. Try to  include more healthy fats and proteins for dinner.

• 多吃富含胰岛素保护性的⻝物,例如高纤维的⻝物,醋(那些酸性的发酵⻝物), 芦荟,苦瓜,和⼀些⾹料,例如⾁桂,姜⻩,姜,⼤蒜等。

• Load up on insulin protective foods, such as foods high in fibre, vinegar (think of fermented food high in acid), and some spices, such as cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, garlic, etc.  

糖尿病最让⼈担心的是那些可怕的并发症,其中最常见的是⼼脏病,肾脏衰竭,失明和四肢的神经损伤。但事情并不需要是这样的。 我希望越来越多的⼈能够从对药物的精神依赖中醒过来,给⽣活⽅式和饮食⼀个机会。

What is the most terrifying about diabetes is its devastating complications, among which the  most common are heart attacks, kidney failures, blindness and nerve damages in the limbs.  But this does not need to happen. I hope more and more people will wake up from their  mental dependency on pharmaceutical drugs and give lifestyle intervention a chance.