The health risk you did not foresee
你想不到的健康隐患 The health risk you did not foresee


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(文章阅读时间大约1分钟。视频时间约22分钟。Approximate reading time 1 minute. Video time  approximately 22 minutes)


We’ve written a blog about the root cause of all diseases: chronic inflammation. But where does chronic inflammation come from? What is the root cause of that?

我最近看了⼀个伴有动画和插图的视频,节选于这个世界上我最敬重的⼈之⼀扎克·布什医生(Zach Bush)的⼀个访谈。我特别想和大家分享。其实,对于过去几十年来全球慢性病的爆发,慢性炎症仍然算是⼀个比较下游的表象,还有更为深层次的原因。这个视频会让你脑洞大开。

I recently watched a video with great animation and illustration that is taken from a talk given by one of the persons I admire most on this planet: Dr. Zach Bush. I cannot help wanting to share it. Inflammation is still a downstream result relative to the more upstream root causes of the explosion of chronic diseases in the past decades around the world.  Be prepared to have your mind blown.

我在以前的博客中曾多次引用过扎克·布什(Zach Bush)。他是美国有过三重专业认证的医生:内分泌,内科和临终关怀护理。他曾经致力于传统医学的研究⼯作,后来从研究化疗药物转向解决现代人类健康危机的真正根源:将人类健康与环境健康和地球健康联系起来,开始研究再生农业以及⼟壤健康。他成⽴了⼀个名为农民足迹的非营利组织,来帮助农⺠从化学农耕转为再生农耕。

I’ve quoted Zach Bush multiple times in my previous blogs. He is a triple board certified medical doctor in the US: endocrinology, internal medicine and hospice care. Having been steeped in traditional medicine, he pivoted from researching chemotherapy drugs to tackling the real root cause of modern health crisis by turning to farming, soil health and connecting the dots between human health and the health of the environment and the planet. He founded a non-profit group called “Farmer’s Footprint” to help farmer switch from chemical farming to regenerative farming practices.


I’ve spent hours and hours putting together this video, downloading, transcribing, translating and subtitling, so more people can hear and understand the message. The information and statistics are based on what is happening in the US, but you can easily extrapolate it to understand what is happening in China and in the rest of the world. I would really appreciate it if you can help spread this by sharing with friends and families. You may feel slightly depressed and overwhelmed by what is presented here, and think to yourself: that is not good, but what can I do as an individual anyway? All solutions start with the recognition of the problem. If we are clueless about what got us here, then how can we ever get us out of this? By sharing this video, you are already part of the solution, the solution that can only be brought on by all of us together.


For those that don’t mind watching in English, here is the link:
