To overcome insomnia , this is the first step



(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(阅读时间约2分钟。Approximate reading time 2 minutes) 

我对失眠的痛苦太了解了。我的睡眠问题从十几岁就开始了,上大学时变得更糟糕。记得那时有位朋友对我说:你现在主要是脑子里的事太多了,工作状况不确定,个人问题也没有解决, 等以后这些问题都解决了之后,你肯定会好起来的。几年过去了,我的⼯作很稳定,个⼈关系也很稳定,但我的睡眠质量仍旧极差:没有变得更好,反而变得更糟。

I know the pain of insomnia a little too well. I had been a bad sleeper early on, ever since teenage years. It got worse during college. I remember a friend telling me in college: you just  have a lot on your mind right now, job situation uncertain, dating troubles, you will be fine once  these concerns get resolved. Years later, my job was pretty stable, my personal relationship was pretty stable. I was still hopelessly bad sleeper. It did not get better, it got worse.

常年睡眠不足会对身体造成很大伤害。神经科学教授马修·沃克(Matthew Walker)撰写了《为什么我们要睡觉》⼀书,他说:睡眠是大自然为⻓生不老所做的最大尝试。如果你没有每天定时接收睡眠所提供的完整⾃我修复的滋养,你的健康⼀定会受损。我的身体开始出现那些老年人才会有的各种症状:精力不足,健忘,免疫力低下。

Years of bad sleep can really take a toll on your body. Matthew Walker, a neuroscience professor who wrote the book “Why We Sleep”, said that “sleep is mother nature’s best effort at immortality”. When you don’t go through the complete self repair and healing mechanism  offered by sleep on a regular basis, your health suffers. I started having all sorts of unpleasant symptoms that are usually associated with getting old: low energy, forgetfulness, weak immunity. 

为了能睡个好觉,我尝试了各种⽅法。酸枣仁,针灸,⽳位按摩⼿表,中药,⻄药,营养品, 几乎什么都做了。我甚⾄尝试过安眠药(以后再也不会碰它了)。但都没什么⼤的帮助, 我的睡眠质量时好时坏。我继续我的挣扎。 

Out of the desperation to get a good night sleep, I’ve tried all sorts of remedies. Jujube seed,  acupuncture, special message watches, Chinese herbs, pharmaceutial pills, supplements, you name it. I even tried sleeping pills,  which I would never touch again. It helped marginally. My sleep quality went through ebbs and flows.  I dragged on. 


Then things started to change. Today I sleep through the night almost every single night, and  have plenty of energy throughout the day. I no longer depend on naps to get through. 


The transformation did not happen until I began to work on this one thing that I did not know have such a dramatic impact on my sleep: 


My mind. 


Chinese have always understood the relationship between mind and body and how they could influence each other. The western world has just been catching up, thus the new trinity of  “mind, body and spirit”. 


I’ve suffered from bad sleep for so long, I’ve succumbed to the belief that “that is just the way I  am”.  It even became part of my self identity. That is exactly what I had to change. 


What I have realized through my own journey, through my research, and through helping others getting better sleep is, first and foremost, what needs to be changed, before addressing anything else that may contribute to bad sleep,  is to change your  relationship with sleep. 


When you have suffered from insomnia for a while and it starts to weigh on your life, it  is almost a guarantee that you already developed a bad relationship with sleep. 


Sleep, the most natural thing that happens to a human body, starts to become this thing that worries you and give you anxiety. 


I remember the days when the mere thought of sleep made me anxious. I remember the  nights when I lay in bed awake, trying desperately to fall asleep. I remember waking up at 3 AM  and staring at the clock with dread, knowing I only have 3 hours before I have to get up. Little  did I know, I had been in a bad relationship with sleep for too long.


Yes, insomnia has many other psychological and physiological factors. But for anyone who suffers from chronic sleep problems, the number one advice I’d give is: reframe how you think about sleep. Start here. 


Do you have to make a conscious effort to breathe in and breathe out to maintain appropriate  oxygen level in your body? No, you don’t. Your body does this on its own, without you trying. Sleep should be the same thing. It just happens, because your body needs it for survival. 


Are you a bad breather? No, nobody is. Neither are you a bad sleeper. Nobody is. Let this sink in: you are not a bad sleeper. You are an excellent sleeper by nature.  Sleep is your birth right. You were born with this ability.  Your body knows exactly how to line everything up and  turn on self-healing during the night. When you can’t sleep well, that is because you have developed certain thought patterns and habits that make your lose your confidence in your ability to sleep. 


But the ability is always there. You can never lose it. You just lost contact with it for a while,  and now you need to reclaim it. 


Think back to the time before you started having sleep problems, when sleep came naturally.  You slept like a baby, didn’t you? It is in you, it is always in you. It is always there. That is the way you can be, even now, when you have so much anxiety over sleep. 


So starting from today, I want you to tell yourself every single day, first thing in the morning and  last thing before you drift off to sleep: I am a great sleeper!  Say it to yourself 5 times, 10  times, 100 times. 


This is not going to turn you around completely right away, but it is a good starting point. No matter what happens with your sleep, be at ease with it. The more stress you give yourself  about sleep, the more difficult it is for you to sleep. Even if you only slept for 5 hours, even if  you woke up twice, tell yourself it is all ok. Your body has its own ways and rhythm to heal.  Having just a little bit progress gives you a little confidence back. Confidence builds on confidence. It takes time. Be patient. 


Also, try not to nap during the day if you can, even if you feel tired. Changing a habit is not easy. You’d feel worse before you feel better. Nap can give you a short boost of energy, but could impact your sleep negatively at night. 


If you wake up during the night, do not look at the clock. It does not help with your anything  but giving you stress. 


Start today to repair your relationship with sleep. Forget the false belief that you are just different and you are not a good sleeper. That is absolutely the wrong belief.  Claim it back by first realizing you can and you will sleep like a  baby again.