Five common foods that could destroy your memory


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We all know that what we put in our mouth is directly related to our overall health. How about our memories? Shall we accept the fact that memory loss is just a part of aging? Turns out what we eat has a tremendous effect on how much you remember, or can’t remember. Here are the five types of foods that is part of lots people’s regular diet that would make your memory problems worse.

1. 白色碳水

1. White carbs‍

⽩⾯包,意粉,⽶饭和土豆都是高血糖⻝品,会引起葡萄糖和胰岛素水平的激增。对于糖尿病的风险是显而易见的。不那么显而易见的是它对我们的认知能力的伤害。越来越多的研究证明了胰岛素敏感性和认知功能之间的关系,以⾄于阿尔茨海默⽒病越来越多地被称为“ 3型糖尿病。我⼀直在监测我的血糖。就在昨晚,在吃了⼀些由面粉和大米制成的美味小吃后大约⼀个小时,我坐在那里,无比震惊地看到血糖仪读出了“ 12.8”(约230 mg / dl)的数值。这对我是⼀个很大的警告:不要再贪嘴了!但是,如果我没有扎破⼿指,挤出点血来测血糖的话,我完全不会意识到这个警告,因为我感觉上完全没有任何的不适。说到碳水化合物,中医有很不同的看法。中医认为小麦和大米是健康饮⻝的重要组成部分。即使这是正确的,可以作为饮⻝组成部分的小麦和大米和今天我们在超市买到的那些小麦和大米已经⼤不相同了:做得太精,而且草甘膦过重。

White bread, pasta, rice, and potato are all high glycemic foods that causes surges in glucose and insulin levels. The risk of diabetes is obvious. What is not so obvious is how detrimental it could be on our cognitive functions. The evidence of the link between insulin sensitivity and cognitive function is so strong that Alzheimer’s disease is more and more referred to as “Type 3 diabetes”. I constantly monitor my blood sugar. Just last night, I sat there in shock to see my blood sugar meter read out “12.8” (about 230 mg/dl) approximately one hour after I binged on some delicious snacks made of flour and rice. That served as a big warning. But if I haven’t pricked my finger to find out my blood sugar, I would be clueless, because I feel completely fine. When it comes to carbs, TCM has very different views. TCM considers wheat and rice to be a vital component of a healthy diet. Even if this is true, the wheat and rice that should be a part of the diet is quite different from what are sold in the grocery store. It is just too refined and too glyphosate laden.


2. Vegetable oil‍

我们应该经常吃什么样的油本身就是⼀个大的话题,我们以后再展开讲。很多⼈每天吃的油其实并不利于大脑健康。许多植物油(如葵花籽油,玉米油,菜籽油,大豆油等)最主要的问题是它们的omega-6脂肪酸含量过⾼,过量食用会对我们的认知功能造成伤害 。当然我们的身体是需要欧⽶伽6的,但问题是我们往往摄⼊过多。目前的共识是,欧⽶伽6和欧⽶伽3的最佳比例应为41左右。但是,大多数⼈的摄⼊比例远远超过这个数字,通常会达到201401的范围。⼀份对13项科学研究的总结发现,相对于欧⽶伽3而⾔,过⾼的欧⽶伽6会增加认知能⼒下降的风险。当然,现代植物油的另⼀个问题是它的化学加⼯过程,改天再说。

What oils we should consume on a regular basis in a big topic in itself. We plan to expand on this topic in the future. What a lot of people are eating on a daily basis is really not conducive to good brain health. Part of the problems associated with a lot of the vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil, corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil, etc, are their high content of omega-6 fatty acids, which are harmful to cognitive function when consumed in excess. Our body needs omega 6, but not in the amount that many people are now consuming, The consensus right now is that the optimal ratio should be around 4:1 for omega-6 and omega-3. However, the ratio for majority of people is way higher than this number, routinely reaching the range of 20:1 to 40:1. According to a review of 13 scientific studies, a high level of omega 6 relative to omega 3 is associated with high risk of cognitive decline. Of course, another problem with modern day vegetable oil is its heavily chemical process, which is a topic for another day.

3. 含糖的饮料

3. Sugary drinks‍


That would include soda, energy drinks, fruit juice or any other drinks that you sweeten with sugar. The harm is pretty obvious: high blood sugar and insulin resistant. And we know what that means for our brain. Studies have shown that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is about 65% higher for those with diabetes than for those without. If you want to have a robust brain and remember your children’s names in your ripe old age, maybe it’s time to put down that soda.


4. Artificial sweeteners‍

如果你⼿中的饮料里添加的不是糖而是⼀些甜味剂,你因此感到⼀丝庆幸的话,那么我得告诉你,你的那种庆幸是没有依据的。 2017年的⼀项研究发现,⻝⽤添加甜味剂的饮料会增加中风和痴呆症的风险。如果我没有其它选择的话,我宁愿加糖。如果你想给⻝物⼀些甜味,红糖,⻨芽糖和蜂蜜是三种较安全的选择。不幸的是,⼤多数市面上卖的这些东⻄都不是那么天然。即使是这些,也不要吃太多。

If you feel relieved because the drink in your hand is not sweetened by sugar, but by artificial sweeteners, I have to tell you that your relief is not justified. A study in 2017 found that consumption of artificially sweetened drinks increases the risk of stroke and dementia. I’d rather go with sugar if that’s the only choice I have. When it comes to adding sweetness to your food, 3 safer choices are brown sugar, maltose, and honey.  Unfortunately, most commercially available products are not that natural at all. Even those, consume in moderation.


5. Fried foods‍

我最近在⼀个非常热门的关于营养的微信号上看到了⼀篇如何加热比萨和炸薯条的⽂章。这让我有些⽓愤,有些难过。我并不是说偶尔吃⼀次比萨或者⼀些炸薯条会将你置于死地。但很显然, 那篇⽂章关心的是什么是热点,什么受欢迎,而不是什么才是正确的饮⻝理念。⼀个拥有如此庞⼤读者群的微信号,如果在教⼈们如何加热薯条,那其实就是在默认,经常食用这些东西是完全可以的。但事实并非如此。⼀项对45岁及以上年龄的18080⼈的研究发现,饮⻝中多吃油炸⻝品会降低记忆⼒和学习能⼒。油炸⻝品的问题多多:油本身,高温,和反复的使⽤。当然,我也喜欢油炸⻝品的味道,尤其是那些油和⾯的致命混合!但我们⾄少要明⽩其中的⻛险!

I recently saw a post on a very popular nutrition WeChat blog about how to heat pizza and French fries. It saddens and upsets me. I’m not saying a pizza and some French fries once in a while will kill you. But apparently that blog is more concerned with what’s popular than what is right. With such a huge readership, if you are teaching people how to heat up fries, you are implicitly telling them that it is completely all right to eat those foods regularly. But it is not. A study of 18080 people of 45 years old and above found that a diet high in fried foods is associated with lower scores in memory and learning. The problems with fried foods are multifold: the oil it is fried in, high temperature, and repeated using. I know, I love the taste of fried foods as well, especially the deadly combination of oil and dough! But at least be aware of the risk!


Protect your brain health, start with the mouth.