Change your morning, change your life


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(Approximate reading time 2 minutes。阅读时间大约两分钟)


How do you start your morning? Do you get out of bed grudgingly because you are still sleepy? Do you reach for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning just to wake yourself up? Do you chow something down on the way to work? Do you often feel stressed out by the morning rush before you even get to work?


Do you believe your life could be completely different if you  just change the way you start your day?


Morning is actually the most important part of your day, because it sets the tone and direction for the rest of your day. If you start out your day rushed and stressed, it is very likely you continue on that trajectory. If you are centered and calm at the beginning of your day, the chance that you will have a great and productive day is much higher. The one commonality among almost all super achievers: they all have their morning routines.


Morning has always been a sacred time for me. I love its freshness, its sense of beginning. I especially love getting an early start before the world wakes up. Recently I have started a new morning routine that has further boosted the power of my morning and the quality of the rest of my day.

这个习练是我从哈尔埃罗德(Hal Elrod) 的书 ”奇迹早晨” 里偷来的。

I stole this practice from the book “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod.


Hal Elrod has quite some unusual life experiences. At the age of 20, his car got hit by a drunk driver, which left him with 11 broken bones. His heart stopped for 6 minutes. After being in a coma for 6 days, he woke up to be told that he may never walk again. With the help of his sheer determination and unstoppable optimism, he walked out of the hospital in less than two months, and went on to become a famous author and speaker.


But his miracle morning did not come from that experience. During the financial crisis in 2008, Elrod went through some personal hardship. He lost his house, 50k in debt, and became depressed. In the process of trying to revamp his life, he set out to find the best personal development tools used by success people. He found six of them that seemed to have made big differences for a lot of people.


The six tools are nothing new in themselves and have been widely written. But Elrod decided to do them all, first thing in the morning. This practice so energized and inspired him, pulling him out of depression and sent him to more successes.


He put his experiences in the book “The Miracle Morning”, which sold for more than 2.5 million copies and is translated into 37 languages, and is changing lives around the world. 

但故事并没有在这里结束。 2016年,埃罗德被诊断出患有⼀种罕见的⽩⾎病,存活率仅为10%⾄30%。凭借着⾃⼰多年练就的毅力和对自己坚韧不拔的信念,他再次⾛出了困境:击退了癌症。

But that is not the end of the story. In 2016, Elrod was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia with a survival rate of 10 to 30%. Using the determination and faith in himself that he has cultivated from years of his morning ritual, he once again beat the odds: now his cancer is in remission.


So what are the six methods that has helped him and millions of people around the world to create the right mindset for the day, and has changed the lives of so many people?

你只需要记住这样⼀个英⽂词: SAVERS

You just need to remember one word: SAVERS

S: Silence. 沉默。花⼀点时间和自己独处。可以是冥想,祈祷,深呼吸。这会帮助你清除杂念,理清思路,心境平和。

S: Silence. Spend some time with yourself in silence. This can be mediation, prayer, deep breathing. This will help clear your mind and keep you centered.  

A: Affirmation, 自我肯定。想⼀些可以帮助你实现目标的正面的肯定的话,不断地对自己重复。这些目标可以是情感方面的,经济方面的,健康方面的,哪方面的都可以。它可以是短期的,也可以是长期的。 比如,你可以告诉自己我健康无比,充满活力我的销售业绩将在三个月内公司第⼀

A: Affirmation. Make positive statements that will help you reach your goals and repeat them to yourself. These goals could be emotional, financial, health related, anything. It could be short term or long term. For example, you can tell yourself “I am healthy and vibrant”or “ I will be No. 1 sales person in three months.”

VVisualizaiton, 想象。在脑子里构思⼀下如果你实现了目标会是什么样子。越为生动越好。想象你会住的房子,想象你脱离病痛完全健康的样子。

V: Visualization. Imagine in pictures what it would be like if you have achieved your goals. Make it vivid. Imagine the house you want to live in. See yourself free from disease, healthy and happy.

E: Exercise. 运动。花⼀些时间做运动。

E: Exercise. Engage in some physical movements.

R: Reading. 阅读。

R: Reading. Spend some time reading.

S: Scribing. 写点东西。

S: Scribing. Do some writing.


I have been doing this for a couple of months now, and I am loving it. I was already doing some of the things some of the time, but to do it all at the same time gives the routine more structure, gives me more discipline, and makes my day that much better.


I completely understand it may be more difficult for some people than others to implement this. Here are some tips that may help:

  • 你不需要严格按照上面的这个顺序来。找到适合你自己的方法。

  • You don’t need to do them in the exactly same order. Customize it. Do what feels right for you.

  • 你也不需要在早上把这些全部做完,虽然在早上做效果会更好。

  • You don’t need to do them all first thing in the morning, although it would be the most beneficial to do it in the morning.

  • 时间的长短完全看你。我有时候花⼀个多⼩时的时间:20分钟冥想,5分钟肯定,5分钟想象,20分钟阅读,20分钟运动,10分钟日记。但有时候我可以6分钟全部搞定:1分钟深呼吸,1分钟肯定,1分钟想象,50个开合跳,读⼀页书,写下⼀件最让我心怀感激的事情。

  • The time you spend on each activity is completely up to you. It sometimes takes me over an hour to do it all: 20 minutes meditation, 5 minutes affirmation, 5 minutes visualization, 20 minutes walking, 20 minutes reading, and 10 minutes writing. But sometimes it takes me 6 minutes: one minute deep breathing, one minute affirmation, one minute visualization, 50 jumping jacks, reading one page, and writing down one thing I’m mostly grateful for.

  • 你也不需要每天做全部六个。如果时间实在是来不及,挑那些对你来说最合适的几个来做。

  • You don’t even need to do them all every single day. Do what feels the most urgent and beneficial to you if you are truly short on time.

  • 如果你⼀天没做,两天,五天没做,没有关系,重新开始。

  • It is ok if  you miss one day, two days, five days,  just come back on track.

  • 比平时起得早点当然是最好!如果这打算这么做的话,可以将你的起床时间⼀点⼀点往前提。不用⼀下起早⼀个小时,可以尝试先起早15分钟,几天后再提前15分钟。

  • Getting up earlier than your usual time does help! If that’s what you plan to do, try to move the time incrementally. Instead of trying to get up one hour earlier, try 15 minutes for a few days, then add another 15 minutes.


There is also a movie documentary with the same name. It showed how people were inspired by this message and how Elrod overcame his cancer.



Give it a try. Make some change to how you start your day. You may just transform your life.