What is keto and why I decided to try


(Disclaimer: The content of all articles in this WeChat public account “Life in Balance” is to share information only.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses.  Information here is not a substitute for advice from doctors or other health professionals.  We do not make any implicit or explicit promise that anything described here will cure any illnesses.)

(Approximate reading time 2 minutes。阅读时间大约两分钟)


I have gone keto for about a week.


Keto has taken the nutritional world by storm in the past few years, at least in the US. Wherever you turn, there is keto information and recipes and courses. I am never willing to or good at following trends, so why did I jump on the bandwagon this time?


First, what is actually keto?


To put it simply, keto, which is a short name for ketogenic diet, is the type of eating that emphasizes intake of fats (at least 70% of total calories) and limit the intake of carbohydrates (5 to 10%).


This sounds very anti-tradition, so why is it so popular?


To understand keto, we need to understand ketones. Our body primarily runs on glucose for energy, at least for most people.  But fat is actually another energy source. When there is not enough glucose to provide for energy, the body will start breaking down fats. Ketones are the byproduct of this process. When the body uses ketones instead of glucose as the primary fuel source, this metabolic state is called “ketosis”.


For people with diabetes, this actually could be dangerous. If a diabetic goes into this state as a result of not enough insulin, urgent measures need to be taken. But for a healthy person with self induced ketosis, then it is a totally different story.


By far the biggest reason people try keto is to lose weight. Of course there are other benefits research has shown it can provide, but weight management is the biggest motivator for a lot of people. You could argue whether there may be long term health risks or not, but the effectiveness of keto diet for weight loss is proven, especially for people who have a very hard time losing weight and who are always hungry.


The science behind it is also quite straightforward given what we now know about hormones: keto limits carbohydrates intake to a very low level, to about 5 to 10% of the total calories. This drives down the glucose level, and drives insulin sensitivity. Insulin, as the guard that prevents fat from being released from the fat cells to provide energy, drops. (Refer to our article “Are you still counting calories?”) This paves the way for stored fat to be released and burned as fuel.


Keto also emphasizes a very high intake of fat, at least 70%. Fat is much more satiating than carbohydrates, and also does not cause the yo-yo-like glucose level that is associated with eating carbs. As a result, you get hungry much less often, and could even end up eating less in both amount and number of times.

我读了许多有关通过生酮饮食而成功减肥的案例,包括我所关注的⼀些非常顶尖的专家。我的生活⾥其实也有⼀个活生生的案例。去年,我老公因为总是差几公斤而达不到他的理想体重目标而决定尝试低碳饮食。(低碳和生酮并不完全⼀样,但有着相似的原理)。结果,奇迹发生了, 他总也甩不掉的那几公斤终于被甩掉了。

In addition to loads of cases I read about keto-induced weight loss, including some of the very bright experts I follow, I also have a live case right by my side. Last year, frustrated with being unable to lose the last few pounds, my husband decided to try low-carb for some time. (Low-carb is not exactly keto, but has similar principles). It worked like magic. He finally lost the few pounds he had carried around for years.

我原来从来没有关注过生酮饮⻝,因为我从来不相信任何特定的饮⻝规则,减肥也不是我的目标,直到有⼀天,戴尔• 布勒森(Dale Bredesen),美国著名的神经病学专家,在给我开具的脑健康规划里建议我达到轻度的酮症状态,以保护我的大脑健康并预防阿尔茨海默氏病。

I never paid any attention to keto, as I don’t believe in dietary fads, and weight loss is not a goal of mine, and I never tried to follow any specifific diet, until, the well known and well respected neurologist Dale Bredsen, whose protocol I follow, suggested I should put myself in a mild ketosis to protect my brain health and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.


What? Keto and brain? I never put these two things together.


Turns out they are very much related. In fact, before keto became popular, it was a dietary treatment for people with epilepsy. When everything else fails, the doctors will try this diet, and it often works in either reducing or completely eliminating the seizures. This is well documented and recognized by main stream medicine, and got me curious. The deeper I dig in my research, the more I realize just how many brain health experts are behind the same principle that keto advocates: low carbs, lots of good fats.


As for keto itself, I am not completely convinced about its long term safety in spite of its short term weight loss effectiveness. There are too many unknowns. However, as I read more and more about its various benefits, especially in terms of brain health, I do want to give it short-term try: two weeks.


Back to my husband who gloriously reached his weight goal last year. With all the travel, stress and adding more and more carbs back to his diet, he is once again in pursuit of losing a few pounds. So being on this diet together to support him is another motivation for me.


And, lastly, I do want to know how it FEELS. With all the enthusiasm around it, I want to see for myself. I have actually been in a consistent mild ketosis for quite some time after I cut out wheat and start intermittent fasting. But I am curious to see what a deeper ketosis feels like.


I will report back when my experiment is over.